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IJ's Rachel gaff

Post 7041


So i see it's PROD A MOD time Ali Baby--and all these people who say they dont do it.Tut,Tut Ali Baby

IJ's Rachel gaff

Post 7042

The Magster

Thanks for the reply Aistair. I know you are right but I find it very hard to ignore even though I know it was all done deliberately to inflame. Bah..humbug. Slowly, slowly catchee monkey as they say and catch I will. I am still working on another angle though and expect to see fruition early in the week. Back to the footie now. Mr Magster will be unbearable for the rest of the weekend if the man u win smiley - sadface

IJ's Rachel gaff

Post 7043

Ali Dubya

Revenge is a dish served cold...besides, no one really gives a toss anyway.

I have no idea what to do with myself this afternoon (no game today). I think I'll sunbathe.

IJ's Rachel gaff

Post 7044


Good idea, Ali I think I'll do the same (now that the sun has come out). Just got a call from a rather tired and emotional Mr. Sarnia. His club, Hertford won their final 31-16 (at Twickers).

IJ's Rachel gaff

Post 7045

Ali Dubya

Wahey! He'll be asleep by 4pm o'clock in the afternoon today.

PS: I shall write!

IJ's Rachel gaff

Post 7046

Ali Dubya

Bushy is going to be insufferable now. 6-1!

IJ's Rachel gaff

Post 7047

Ali Dubya


Is rowing a sport?

smiley - tongueout

IJ's Rachel gaff

Post 7048


Rowing is most definitely an excellent spectator sport. Especially when the couple concerned do it in IKEA.

IJ's Rachel gaff

Post 7049

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!


Of course it's a sport - it takes real skill to know how to handle a cox.

Seems like it's just you and me here Hazel - why don't you e-mail me?

IJ's Rachel gaff

Post 7050

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

I tried chaps! Hazel please get in touch with one of us!

Monday morn ...

Post 7051


Mornin' All! (esp. Bushwhack'd smiley - tit D'Oh!!!) Chipper?

Trepidation filled my thoughts on Friday evening as I travelled down to London! Yes, you guessed it, I was concerned about the beer for the weekend down int'smurk! Flat and warm, like the barmaids' chest, was going to be the order of the day and no doubt there'd be a hefty price tag attached to each? Crwoding into some dump near the ground gloom settled, with the flat and warm beer, as Man Ure benefitted from Mike Riley's red tinted refing specs and we contemplated another highly likely defeat! Imagine my surprise when out of nowhere Leeds Utd managed to put in a decent performance and slam Charlton, a tough nut to crack at home, 1-6!! Funniest chant was "What the f*** is going on?" from bemused Leeds fans, echoed straight back from Charlton, quickly followed by "Shall we score a goal for you?" and "And we're gonna win the league!" After that the beer tasted just fine ...

Today's vegetable is garden peas, todays's number is modulus seven on the integer value of a date, the remainder if = to 0 means the day is Sunday and so on up to 6 which is Saturday. (Ever wondered how computers know what day it is? No?! Thought not!) And now the weather, a cool start becoming mild with bright sunshine and a gentle breeze. 12 Celcius, remaining mild but becoming cold tonight. Mild spell should last well into tomorrow.

Half dozen anyone? Plenty to spare!

Monday morn ...

Post 7052

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Mornin' all,


What the hell was that about Bushy? Did they all just hate El Tel, or is Peter Reid the best motivator ever? I had that down as a home banker...

Monday morn ...

Post 7053

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

BTW - I'm really warming to the Iraqi "Minister of Information", a man who could stand in front of the cameras with his trousers on fire and declare "It's all quiet around here" if ever I saw one!

Monday morn ...

Post 7054


Morning boys and girls

Today's hangover treatment is plenty of water and Boots paracetamols. smiley - ill

I think the sun is out but I've still got all the curtains drawn..

Today's colour is very very dark whatever it is.

And nobody mention Reading versus Brighton. All I'll say is we wuz robbed. It should have been 3-1 not 1-2......blasted ref.

Monday morn ...

Post 7055

Ali Dubya

Yep, I thought you would be insufferable about Leeds, Bushy.

Morning. A brief summary:

Weather: bright and sunny thanks to a highly aroused warm front sliding westwards across the shapely thighs of Hampshire. Maximum 13 Celsius, slightly warmer than up north;

Weather girl: the peerless Michael Fish;

Vegetable: a decision on the day's featured vegetable will be made at midday when it is expected that baby sweetcorn will be confirmed as today's choice;

Breakfast cereal: a surprise. Sainsbury's own brand honey nut cornflakes with cranberries and almonds.

"It ain't what you do, it's the timeframe in which you do it; that's what gets positive year-end results, going forward."

Monday morn ...

Post 7056

Ali Dubya

I see AF reads like a conversation from 'Dumb and Dumber' (except for Anthony's amusing little injection, which I'm about to add to, though it's bound to be zapped).

Monday morn ...

Post 7057

Ali Dubya

How long before it's zapped, I wonder?

Monday morn ...

Post 7058

Ali Dubya

I meant 'interjection'. Sorry Pat.

Monday morn ...

Post 7059


Cobblers!! I'm in permanent pre-Mod!! Time for another login I suspect?

Monday morn ...

Post 7060

Pat Pending

This week, I shall mostly be.....not here unfortunately. So keep your noses clean guys and gals, and if there's any trouble while I'm gone, you'll all be in detention (I've asked Mr Willimas from Firm 3B to keep an eye on you, so don't think you can misbehave).

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