This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Monday morn ...

Post 7061

Ali Dubya

Eek! Too much 'w**k' today.

Monday morn ...

Post 7062

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Quiet here today, isn't it?

Monday morn ...

Post 7063

Ali Dubya


Monday morn ...

Post 7064

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

I wonder why? Is everybody suddenly busy?

Monday morn ...

Post 7065


Well,I don't know about anyone else but I'm watching an old Peter Sellers film at the momentsmiley - smiley

smiley - cheers

Monday morn ...

Post 7066

Ali Dubya

I've had a load of copy to write today. Tis done now...

Monday morn ...

Post 7067

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Reading a contract and on a conference-call to the states, so I must admit I've been a bit busy! Bah!

Monday morn ...

Post 7068

Ali Dubya

You're always doing bleedin' conference calls...the Blue seems to thrive on the damned things!

Monday morn ...

Post 7069

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


I've become an addict - I need at least 2 a week or I get withdrawal symptoms and resort to talking to the wife!

BTW - Legend by David Gemmell; It's about what happens when a living legend (Druss the Axeman) realises that he's just too old to live up to his billing, and goes to face his death. The main storey regards defending a fortified pass with 7 walls and a keep, against a (thinly disguised Mongol) hoard, with an inadequate force, limited supplies, treachery within, little hope of reinforcement and a lot of men in tights. I don't know why, but it works well for me. His other books don't, though.

Monday morn ...

Post 7070

Ali Dubya

Do you talk to her on different phones at different ends of the house to try and recreate the effect?

Monday morn ...

Post 7071

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


LoL! Funnily enough, we have 2 digital hands-free phones, which can act as walkie-talkies, so we have been known to do just that (when looking for lost keys, for example) - no shouting up and down the stairs like common folk for us!

Monday morn ...

Post 7072

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Later all (esp Pat)

Monday morn ...

Post 7073

Ali Dubya

Morning all,

Just a flying visit. I'm on a course for the rest of the week and I won't return until (maybe after) the weekend.

Looks like IJ's on a roll on AF. Sadly, I'll have to do without the message boards in that time.

See y'all later.

Monday morn ...

Post 7074

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Mornin' all,

Anyone about today?

Monday morn ...

Post 7075

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

I am .... just

Monday morn ...

Post 7076

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Hello CG, where have you been? We haven't seen you around much lately.

Tues morn ...

Post 7077


Mornin' All! (esp. Pat) Chipper?

Sorry I'm late but I'm wrestling with govt. types this week over e-commerce stuff ... They simply have "no idea" and our suppliers aren't much better either??? Why didn't they think that some companies use ampersands in their names when developing the XML output files??? Anyway, I'm ranting again so I'll stop!

Still have spare minutes inbetween compilations to bomb the numpties over on FLN! See you there ...

Todays weather is not a vegetable! Sunny, 13 Celcius, another cold evening and chance of a weather front reaching UK later in week bringing cooler weather and rain.

As Gary Kasparov said to Nigel Short, I'll be black!

Tues morn ...

Post 7078

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


If they can't cope with ampersands you might want to check they can do euro symbols ( € ). Could save you problems further down the line. I don't know, I bet your using cheap suppliers, not like us. We're "Reassuringly expensive", as it were!

Sweet of the day is the Strawberry bonbon.

Toilet-paper of the day is yellow Andrex.

Our featured mode of transport will be the unicycle, and the word of choice is "persnickerty".

Tues morn ...

Post 7079

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

That's "you're", not "your"...

Tues morn ...

Post 7080


IBM? "Reassuringly expensive" and "usually crap" I'd say ... I've never managed to get a decent geezer that knows his stuff, like your good self by the sounds of it V Max, from IBM yet! That's why I abhor IBM and anything IBM-ey but being a Unix Open Systems devotee from early on in my career I just have this natural aversion to 'Big Blue' anyway ... Anyway, I'm waffling again so just ignore me ...

Any decent projects for you at the moment?

Our suppliers are bloody expenive but yes, they're useless as well! I normally end up correcting most of their coding updates and I am becoming increasingly convinced they are just using me for beta testing and de-bugging the crafty sods!! Still, keeps me out of mischief I suppose?

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