This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4481

Ali Dubya

What does that mean? (PS: I did Latin at A Level)

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4482


Ali I keep refering to PNAC as the pro war lobby haven't yet had a good enough comeback for it but mainly to piss them off

its now on page 2 will have to get James to repost it agian in the near future

all the boards are now in Pre Mod!

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4483


Probably nothing Alistair ... I looked at one of Brad's Google Latin sites and put in "Stay thick 'til Death"

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4484


have the boards been in and out of pre mod regularly the past weeks??

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4485


I notice they're not pulling our posts on AF so much...could be a sign they're seeing our point of view about it dying on its feet

I notice the Dr Gloves and Eddie have given up

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4486


Dr Strangegloves is w**king like mad at the moment spending this budget 'til April when he gets his new budget! Then he will back full time I suspect? Idle layabout! smiley - whistle

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4487


anybody feel like some mischief on an un pre-modded board smiley - piratesmiley - whistle

just like the ol’ days

feelin' a bit smiley - fullmoon myself

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4488

Pat Pending


Mind you, at the moment, I can't get on at all. I logged out to change id......I mean to go and do something else, and now it won't let me back in at all.

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4489


Yep I am up fer that!

Which of 'em isn't in Pre-Mod then?

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4490


Sorry I haven't been around today, lads. This BBC techie problem seems to have kept me away from the bosom of my cyberfamily all day.

Now I'm in I've just had a quick stroll through FLN and nobody seems to have picked up on the fact that today is the 50th anniversary of the death of Stalin.

Good subject to stir up the 5Live Nazis?

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4491


ok let me know when you get sorted...which board any ripe ones for picking?

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4492

Pat Pending

smiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - pirate

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4493

Pat Pending


Do you think Pamela Rae deserves the benefit of our wit and wisdom again? I do smiley - whistle

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4494

Pat Pending

I'm logged in again. Where shall we go?

Afternoon Peter.

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4495


Howdo Peter! Anyone see how nuts Phil KKK went when I mentioned the "comrades"?

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4496


If it is a technical problem ALL the boards will be fupped won't they Chaps?

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4497


Camela Rae? An ideal target I suspect!

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4498


Pamela who?

nice to see th etroops again Pat

Bushy - - meant to ask you, how the hell do you mamage to hold down your job!..everyone else here needs a break for the boards

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4499


sorry Pete..Hiya

and KRIS TOO (Phew!)

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4500



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