This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd


Post 4421


Ali could never work out Doug even when he was posting under 1 name it felt like 3 different people


Post 4422


sorry Ali post should read:

Ali , I could never work out Doug even when he was posting under 1 name it felt like 3 different people


Post 4423

Ali Dubya

Odd bloke. A Latin- and Spanish-speaking, Middlesboro-supporting BNP member, dentist and former soldier.


Post 4424

Ali Dubya

No, I couldn't work him out either...


Post 4425


Oh I see there's a bit of life in the MB afterall ...

I've got ian johnston here and if you don't stop this invasion by 6:00pm tonight I am going to release him on the general public over a 500 square mile area!


Post 4426


Hmmm... I like that! I'm going to post it I think?


Post 4427

Ali Dubya

Hmm, interesting thread.


Post 4428


smiley - whistle


Post 4429

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Hi y'all.

Flippin' w**k! Stuck in Notts again, and not had any access to boards today, due to "hot desk" problems. Ahhh, "Hot desking", something else to thank the Americans for!

Saw your chat re: The pro-war lobby. You'll probably never change their views, because they're the "Asylum Seekers ate my packed lunch" nutters, by and large. Best just to point and laugh.


Post 4430

Ali Dubya

Second attempt at posting a message about PNAC.


Post 4431

Ali Dubya

Hi VM,

How is the Big Blue today? It must be appraisal time, is it? I never managed more than a 3. I was obviously either (a) hopeless or (b) obnoxious.


Post 4432

Ali Dubya

If you want a prime example of a really crap debate look at 'Philippines blast' on FLN. Pointless and stupid, it neatly sums up the shortcomings of the Five Live boards.


Post 4433

Pat Pending

Morning all (especially Brad if you're looking in).

Chipper? Distinctly unchipper here: some bar steward nicked me bike from outside work yesterday, and I hurt my foot kicking the door in anger before having a rapid yorker hit the same foot at nets last night. Absolutely feckin' livid. ARGH.


Post 4434


Mornin' All!

Bad luck Pat! People do say that "worse things happen at sea" but I am not at all confident that ships have "Nets"? Nothing worse than being the victim of a crime upsurge followed by carpet bombing fast bowlers I always say!? Chin up and all that!

Mild but cloudy with intermittent drizzle. Breeze will move cloud eastwards throughout day bringing rain to most areas throughout the afternoon. 12 Celcius. Rain this evening could turn to colder but much brighter day tomorrow.


Post 4435

Pat Pending

Morning Bushy. Just been catching up with the boards, and I noticed your outrageous call on TS for Glover's sacking: you're lucky I was otherwise engaged yesterday pm!


Post 4436

Ali Dubya

Hi Pat and all,

Don't tell porkies. You just missed a juicy half-volley on leg stump and are now claiming it was a yorker.

Hope the toe is okay - will you lose the nail?


Post 4437


Mornin All .....especially PAT(replied to Bradford watch us get dinged)

NA is a complete prick with the Phil post, but what else can we expect


Post 4438

Ali Dubya

Fi is getting a bit of a kicking on TS.

Between us, I'm afraid to say I don't think her stewardship is proving to be a success though Monday's 'Ask the Expert' section was excellent radio. I won't say that on the boards because it's almost an admission of defeat...


Post 4439


I'll have to try the TS board

when I said 'mornin everyone' I was of course refering only to Kris (phew!)


Post 4440


Fi getting a kicking? Right, I'm on me way to defend her then! I always stick to the premise that if someone is "losing" at anything then I should be supporting them! smiley - whistle I first noticed this proclivity when analysing my horse race betting activities ... smiley - doh

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