This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Sarnia auction!

Post 4401


just dug up my old link to the h2g2 site

hi y'all,

Bushy I've never got in a discussion with 'The Twot Johnston'

he feeds off it, If everyone followed the Pooter tactic and just blanked him he'd shrivel up eventually, he's like a bloated mosquito

Sarnia auction!

Post 4402


Waheyy! Brad me ol' mucker! You're back!

Couldn't agree re. johnston although I must confess I have on occasion just fired posts at him to p*ss him off! smiley - whistle

How are you anyway mate?

Sarnia auction!

Post 4403

Ali Dubya

Hi Brad,

He's great in that you can say something diametically opposed to his view, but he will mis-interpret what you say and think you're agreeing with him. This could be a deliberate ploy on his part or it could suggest he has fundamental problems understanding the English language.

I wonder which?

Where P3K these days?


Post 4404


Should read "couldn't agree more re. johnston" ...

He's a moronic little twot and no mistake! Mind you, have to give the little feller his due on this occasion as he did spot the logic floor in my post re. ballots!

Sarnia auction!

Post 4405


Alistair, Phillis logged on earlier and mentioned "PC" again ...

Same old, same old?


Post 4406

Ali Dubya

That's because he specialises in talking ballots.


Sarnia auction!

Post 4407

Ali Dubya

Aw, feck it. The boards are all over the place so I must be missing all the right-wing loons.


Post 4408


does anyone feel like they're p***ing in the wind with their anti war posts like I'm begining to?

in the end the pro-war posters just continue to follow the path of least resistance to the propaganda (insert tit icon here )


Post 4409


smiley - tit

Suggestion Box Corner

Post 4410


What about getting a bit more radical then?

Suggesting that only Blacks are allowed to run for President? Suggesting that only women can use money? Suggesting that Whites should be forced to do Community Service ever weekend? Suggesting that taxxes should be increased for White males only? Suggesting that everyone in the UK should convert to Islam? Suggesting that the St George Flag and National Anthem be banned?

smiley - whistle

That might get a few responses?

Suggestion Box Corner

Post 4411


Brad, there's a thread for you ... Should get even the most laid-back person hopping with rage? smiley - whistle


Post 4412


I remember reading Ronnie Chopper admitting he was Doug Deep a while back , one to update on the numptie list- did anyone see it? you probably knew this ages ago, right?..I'll get me cloak


Post 4413

Ali Dubya

No, I didn't. Well well well.


Post 4414


Are you being sarcastic Alistair?


Post 4415

Ali Dubya

...and it doesn't help when my post about PNAC (started by 'James Moore') was pulled.

Even if you ignore fundamental corruption of Bush's coterie and their 'agenda', some of the arguments for war have been so incoherent that one wonders if some of these posters sit at home all day polishing their AK47s and watching snuff movies.

Oops. Sorry. Just letting my imagination run wild...


Post 4416

Ali Dubya


I REALLY didn't know Chopper and Doug were one and the same...


Post 4417


nice one Bushy..on to it..not sure it will "stand' for long


Post 4418


No it will probably get deleted on the basis of the new "The Police and Government can do as they bloody well like you Commie Bar Stewards!" Law?

Sorry, Alistair, I thought you knew because we had a chat about it on here a while back I think?


Post 4419

Ali Dubya

Don't take my reply the wrong way, Bushy.


Post 4420


Reply how you like Alistair, it's joke thread anyway ... Mind you, on the other hand?

Quick, get something replied to my johston comment! smiley - whistle

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