This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Sarnia auction!

Post 4361

Ali Dubya

Which defeat? Similarly, I don't discuss England v Argentina ('98) or Wales v England (Six Nations, 1999).

I cannot quite work out what IJ is trying to prove. His theme seems to be 'at which point do you deem a defendant to be guilty?' and he is making other spurious points about the legal process which seem to be so blindingly obvious that a reply is pointless. And yet he continues.

Sarnia auction!

Post 4362

Ali Dubya

Yes! Thanks for the advice. I'll strap it and keep the thing out of harm's way...

Sarnia auction!

Post 4363

Pat Pending

Morning all: chipper?

Sarnia auction!

Post 4364


Morning Pat

Chippish (hangover) smiley - ill

Good weekend?

Overcast in Reading, no idea of the temperature - I haven't been out the door yet.

Sarnia auction!

Post 4365

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Mornin' all.

Overcast, quite cold.

Ali, how's the finger?

Sarnia auction!

Post 4366

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


BTW - I was always stupid enough to play football as a goalkeeper. My personal best was breaking 4 bones in my right hand in 1 go, including the scaphoid. 13 weeks in plaster/wrist-brace ensued!

Sarnia auction!

Post 4367

Ali Dubya

Morning boys and gels,

Had it x-rayed this morning. It's painful and I've had it strapped...

I have a history of this: two years ago I broke a thumb taking a catch in cricket (not dropping it, Pat); last year I broke the same thumb playing rugby; and I have kept up my record this year. I've broken or dislocated quite a few fingers over the years; I must have weedy hands or something...

How are we all?

Sarnia auction!

Post 4368

Ali Dubya

I am surprised keepers don't suffer more hand injuries...

How did you manage that???

Sarnia auction!

Post 4369

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


Playing in the Brokers' cup competition (I used to work for a re-insurance broker some years back). A defender played a crappy short back-pass, the opposing striker and I both went for it, I slid in and got my right hand to the ball just as he kicked it as hard as he could. The ball went over the bar, but I broke a finger, my scaphoid and had a double fracture of the wrist! Ouch!

Sarnia auction!

Post 4370

Ali Dubya

Fantastic! Sport, eh?

I once received a kick in the head and lost about half-an-hour of my life. I wasn't unconscious but I wander around talking gibberish and behaving a la hatstand.

Sarnia auction!

Post 4371

Ali Dubya

The boards are all over the place. Post seems to vanish or are hidden, and the times are all mixed up. I wrote a fairly sober piece about house price inflation and its buried away somewhere. Odd.

Sarnia, are you there? Did you get my email last night? If not, then someone else on Sarnia might have done!

Sarnia auction!

Post 4372


Afternoon Comrades!

Chipper? Good weekend everyone?

Flippin' w**k interfering with me MB'ing but I'll be looking in on you all! Any news? I see the johnston is back! Might just log on and post a message like "ian johnston is complete tw*t! Discuss."


Sarnia auction!

Post 4373

Pat Pending

boards are completely random, aren't they? The 'Latest Messages' button gives only a few of the posts which have been made, so it's pretty difficult to work out what's going on. Annoying because I want to complain about the lack of coverage of the Zim v Pak match which will decide England's fate.

Sarnia auction!

Post 4374



Why have they deleted this? Camille asked if Alex and Victoria Derbyshire were related ... Grand total of 18 deletions for Bushwhack'd(3) since I last checked that e-myther account! I am well over the 200 mark now! Is this a record and do I win £5?

They must be related Camille, as they both look exactly like 'Margot
Ledbetter' of 'The Good Life' notoriety? One can imagine Victoria on
the phone to Mrs Dooms-Patterson this very minute, threatening to withdraw the 'Fairy Cake Fondant' if she cannot sing the lead in the Music Society's production of 'Sound Of Music'!

"Well thank you very much Noddyrators!"


Sarnia auction!

Post 4375

Pat Pending


See the 'Euro salad' thread on FLN.

Weather forecast?

Sarnia auction!

Post 4376

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


Full marks on your contribution to the "euro-salad" thread!

smiley - biggrin

Sarnia auction!

Post 4377

Pat Pending

Ta V Max: bit annoyed that ij gave it a 'LOL' in return though!

Sarnia auction!

Post 4378

Ali Dubya

Hi Bushy,

I hope you are well and dandy.

There's something odd going on over on the TS station. I have had numerous posts pulled off for daring to criticise Derbs senior. I used to post 'Soap News' messages in which Margot's glorious TV work featured prominently and they were pulled. I have given up on them now.

I think they are on full alert to anything relating to the fact that she ran off with Sandell, and the hosts spit back if you criticise her Margotness. Beware!

Sarnia auction!

Post 4379

Ali Dubya

Do the opposite, Bushy! We should overload the boards with fulsome praise for him and see his reaction!

Sarnia auction!

Post 4380


Re: nitwit johnston: What about asking him totally stupid questions about his post that he can just agree with?

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