This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Oops! Nearly forgot ...

Post 4301

Ali Dubya

Ye gods, does AH have an idea of his own or does he rely on the Guardian for all his information?

Sarnia auction!

Post 4302


Morning all,

I couldn't get onto 5L boards either, and couldn't log in (even though I hadn't logged out). Rebooted and it seems ok.

Shameless Bushy - moi? I am SHOCKED at the tissue remark, substitute the word 'tissue' for 'fine lawn cotton handkerchief' immediately.

Pat, bit odd down your way isn't it? Why do people play cricket in a pub?

V Max - will see you tomorrow as arranged then...

Morning Ali!

smiley - smiley

Oops! Nearly forgot ...

Post 4303


Ali, AH gets all his information from the Gruaniad, that's why I enjoy teasing him (and give him his due, he takes it well). What's he saying now then?

Sarnia auction!

Post 4304

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


Mayonnaise and rampant rabbit on standby. smiley - tongueout

(Don't let CG know, though!).


I've called johnston on his "thinker" post. Please all feel free to pile in, it's an open goal. smiley - biggrin

Sarnia auction!

Post 4305


Is Conrad Gris a Brad persona? Have a look at his replies to Betty's Embarrasing Moments thread on AF before they're removed!

Sarnia auction!

Post 4306

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


Yep, looks like Brad! Marvellous.

Sarnia auction!

Post 4307

Ali Dubya

My Council Tax message hasn't appeared. Bizarre.

Sarnia auction!

Post 4308


Morning all

Can I just say - if it hasn't been already - IJ is a word ending in "-nker" that isn't "thinker" smiley - biggrin

My weekend? I've just taken delivery of the DVDs of the remastered version of 2001 and the new edition of the wonderful "Metropolis". Those and a bottle of Rioja and a Thai takeaway are my idea of the perfect weekend - Oh, and there's the Worthington Cup on Sunday between a couple of obscure little teams. I might watch that.

Sarnia auction!

Post 4309

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

The mods have just decimated our bit of fun on "Beer Wenches". Bah!

Sarnia auction!

Post 4310

Ali Dubya

Somone posted a msg talking about Fi being sandwiched between the two Derbyshire girls last night and I (sadly) made a remark about spit roasts which didn't last too long...

I wonder how Alex D got her job? Shall we ask this question on TS and annoy the hosts?

I am Sarnia's toyboy - hands off!

Post 4311

Ali Dubya

re: The Church! Heaven & Hell. ian johnston - 3217th post - 27 Feb 2003 18:22

pete...nice to have a fellow thinker on the boards! [reply] [Alert A Moderator]

Found it!

I am Sarnia's toyboy - hands off!

Post 4312

Pat Pending

They've wiped the embarrassing moments thread: luckily, I copied it in case anyone missed it.

To set the scene, betty had published a story about 'farting' and asked what were our most embarrassing moments.
Conrad's replies were (read as if using 'Latest Messages')

re: Most embarrassing moments... Conrad Gris - 113th post - 28 Feb 2003 10:45
I also caught my penis is the trouser zip..the embarassing part was it was the pants of the Doorman at the Connaught Hotel [reply] [Alert A Moderator]

re: Most embarrassing moments... Conrad Gris - 112th post - 28 Feb 2003 10:43
I was also caught having sex at my aunt Floe's funeral
necrophilia is a terrible affliction [reply] [Alert A Moderator]

re: Most embarrassing moments... Conrad Gris - 111th post - 28 Feb 2003 10:40
Betty women do not "fart" they:
a. break wind

or b. have 'windy pops'

my most embarrassing moment was being caught masterbating to the Kays catalogue...the embarassing part was it was the garden tools section [reply] [Alert A Moderator]

I am Sarnia's toyboy - hands off!

Post 4313


Luckily I caught it before it was "disappeared". Of course, it was far too funny to be allowed to stay. smiley - biggrin

I am Sarnia's toyboy - hands off!

Post 4314


ROFL! Yep, that's Brad alright ...

He's also driving 'Camille' at the moment across TS isn't he? Wonder where he is going with the "Derbyshire" thread?

Sarnia auction!

Post 4315


Oops! Sorry Alistair! Only just spotted your it is you with the Derbyshire thing is it?

Sarnia auction!

Post 4316


Why did I just write the word "your" instead of "that"?

Hatstand? Possibly ...

Sarnia auction!

Post 4317


Bit tennuous Alistair, but I have managed to get "spit roasts" back onto the agenda for you!

Sarnia auction!

Post 4318

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Anyone enjoying the Laserjet/Mandy Lifeboats anti-immigrant love-in on FLN? smiley - titsmiley - tit !

Sarnia auction!

Post 4319

Ali Dubya


Sorry, I've been w***ing and, guess what? Yep PC crashed as I tried to scan my work and I didn't save it. I'm trying to put together a sports supplement for my local rag and it's taking me ages cos I'm a lazy sod.

Sarnia auction!

Post 4320

Ali Dubya

Where, Bushy?

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