This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Sarnia auction!

Post 4321

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Where's everybody? All gone for a long, liquid lunch 'cos it's friday?

Sarnia auction!

Post 4322


Alistair, have you noticed that AH has posted THREE times on the Beer Wenches thread one of which says "where have the Tips posts gone?"

He's a dark horse isn't he?!

Bit miffed that the boys' requests for beers have been allowed to remain, whilst my reply saying they'd be right up (ooerr) once I'd adjusted my bikini top has been wiped.

Maybe I'll repost saying I'll bring them over once I have encased myself into top to toe clothing...

Sarnia auction!

Post 4323

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

The Vice Squad have closed Chelsea's Quiet Night Inn and arrested an innocent Tom Little and the Yak. In lieu of her 2000th party - she's planning a breakout from the Chelsea Police Station. Help may be required.

Sarnia auction!

Post 4324

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Horror of horrors, I'm off to have a haircut for the first time in, errr, a very long time. However, as I can almost sit on my hair again I've decided to get this mess tidied up.


Sarnia auction!

Post 4325

Ali Dubya

Sarnia, I have been shut out from the net all afternoon. Most bizarre.

I have NEVER seen AH on TS is all the year(s) I have been posting messages. What's going on? What have you done to the poor man?

Sarnia auction!

Post 4326

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

I think it's a pretty poor show when a girl asks a chap to a milestone party (2000th no less) and all she wants is Kiss - not a diamond or some other piece of frippery - if any of you see ian j tell him that Chelsea is tearful at his seeming lack of care for one who has given a great deal of attention.

Sarnia auction!

Post 4327

Ali Dubya

I know your game - you want to seduce him!

Sarnia auction!

Post 4328

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Back with (slightly) less hair. Glad that's over for another 6 months or so!

Sarnia auction!

Post 4329

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Actually I was hoping that our passionate kiss would stun the local constabulary and allow us to get our mates out of jail - free - so to speak - but YES, of course I want to seduce him. Who wouldn't?

smiley - fairy

Sarnia auction!

Post 4330

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

You look lovely V Max - now how are we going to get IJ to give me a kiss?

Sarnia auction!

Post 4331

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

I've suggested an alternative. Naughty V Max, slap my wrist...

smiley - whistle

Sarnia auction!

Post 4332

Ali Dubya

You just want to steal his virginity.

Sarnia auction!

Post 4333

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

And about time too. I'm betting he's 60 + if he's a day. (That phrase looks all wrong, written down).

Sarnia auction!

Post 4334

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


Do you ever visit MC-H? If not, you're missing out on some mad stuff and some witty posters...

Sarnia auction!

Post 4335

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

I'm off now. Back next week. Have a good weekend.

Sarnia auction!

Post 4336

Ali Dubya

I don't, I'm afraid. Maybe I should?

Sarnia auction!

Post 4337

Ali Dubya


Good to see you dismantling IJ. Oh yes.

He shoots and, indeed, he scores...

Sarnia auction!

Post 4338

Pat Pending

Sometimes I give him the benefit of the doubt, and leave him alone: but when he strays onto my specialist subject, I realise how much he makes it all up and attempts to dicguise ignorance with bluster, and can't help myself. That stuff about uncorroborated evidence is just cobblers.

Sarnia auction!

Post 4339

Pat Pending

Sorry: I meant 'disguise', not 'dicguise' and 'confessions' not evidence.

Sarnia auction!

Post 4340

Ali Dubya

I've got a brilliant idea: shall I reply to you and agree with you but cite a fictitious precedent in the USA? I can then rub salt into his wounds - by confirming he is wrong - and sound as if I know what I'm talking about.

What do you think?

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