This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd


Post 4461

Pat Pending

Post it Bushy: you have an eaged audience!


Post 4462


Done! Quick get a reply in ... Before I get deleted!


Post 4463

Pat Pending

It disappeared in front of my very eyes when I hit the reply button! He's quick out of the blocks young Bendle, isn't he?!


Post 4464


Bloody hell!! Now that WAS rapid ...

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4465


A small prize if you spot where I "edited" it ... smiley - whistle

Dear Bar Steward,

Thank you for posting a message to BBC message board.

We very much appreciate your interest in the message board, but are
entirely glad to have to tell you that your message has had to be removed.

This is because it contains material deemed unfair to Simon Bendle (HOST) for inclusion on BBCi's messageboards. Please remove any inappropriate content and repost the message, which we'll reassess in light of your changes.

Again, thank you for your time and interest. We hope we will never hear from hear from you again you big tw*t!

Bog Off,

BBC Message Board Moderators.

Your original message:

From: Dr Strangehats
Newsgroups: bbc.forums.fivelive.fivelive
Subject: re: [no title]
Date: 5 Mar 2003 11:55:26

Father, forgive me for I have sinned! It has been 6 weeks since my last

Father, it's the same problem again I am afraid. I am having lewd
a woman called Dolly Dimple at work! Everytime she "wafts" by in the
corridor I begin thinking the most outrageous thoughts. When people
she is less than perfect I become angry and upset then, I tend to lash

I know I have devoted myself to our lord, Campbell, but he just treats
like dogs. He kicked me in the Servants Quarters last week! Painful?
bet! Have you ever been kicked in Servants Quarters?

Whilst I know I can never give Dolly Dimple another back or rub her ego
can at least dream can't I?

- S. Bender, (LOST).


Message from Noddyrators

Post 4466

Pat Pending

At the bottom of James Winter's 'Fi Glover' thread on TS, someone has asked who should host the 9-12 slot. Who's going to nominate Bendle, or Fr Ches?

Commander: saw your post to ij re immigration borders. Will join you when he's replied.

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4467


I'll do it!

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4468

Ali Dubya

Blimey, have I missed some fun...!

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4469

Pat Pending

Excellent, excellent!

And well done Holly McBryde, Conrad Gris, and Fr Ches in Helen Foster's 'Lent' thread on AF: particularly liked the Fr's contribution.

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4470


I'm in Pre-Mod! Anyone else?

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4471

Pat Pending


Message from Noddyrators

Post 4472


I see Brad has panicked and revealed himself to be MOPP and Conrad Gris? Bit like me when i did it with Bushwhack'd(3) and Dr Strangehats ... smiley - titsmiley - tit

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4473

Ali Dubya

Have you blighters managed to get us all pre-modded?


Message from Noddyrators

Post 4474

Pat Pending

Where's this happening Bushy?

AW: it wasn't us. We weren't even there; if we were there, it was someone else what done it; and if it was us, it was an accident; and even then you can't prove anything.

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4475


Over FLN Pat! LOL! "No Entry" Curses, I shall get you for that Pen!!

It's the whole board I think isn't it?

Blighters? Are you addressing us Sir?

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4476

Ali Dubya

It's a momentous day: Fr Ches, Doc Strangehats, Pat Pen and Anthony all occupying TS. Normally it's the haunt of sad obsessives like me talking about CAROLINE!!!!'s tits.

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4477

Ali Dubya

I find it odd that I am taking Anthony to task (on FLN) despite broadly agreeing with his point on uni admissions. It seems that often I agree with him on something but disagree with the way he says it.

For someone purporting to be a 'liberal' he has so many chips on his shoulder...

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4478


Libby Skykes has the folowing motto: devorto bardus donec letus

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4479

Ali Dubya


Have I missed a whole load of PNAC posts? I can't find them...

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4480


Alistair, I have to agree with your comments re. anthony! I too agree with most of his views but he gets a bit fed up when we all start playing "silly beggars" and is very reluctant to join in!

Brad is PNAC'ing all over the place, take your pick mate!

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