This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4521

Pat Pending

Try the 'Text chat' thread started by Pete Seaton before you leave.

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4522


LOL Pat and BUshy

I'm Cornelius btw

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4523

Pat Pending

really? thanks for clearing that up!

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4524


Sorry chaps! I had to leave the office I am laughing so much!

"wagga wagga wagga" ROFL!

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4525


Bushy ROFL - "Alright, alright man! no negative vibe merchants in here ok? My psychic defences are crumbling man!

Bark tea anyone?"

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4526


funny how we all started the thread normally and ended up as hippys as it went on- rofl

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4527

Pat Pending

I've just read the rubric at the top of that board: it's not even a discussion forum: you're supposed to leave a question for the experts ant the TOTP team to answer!

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4528


Pat r you the dutch girl?

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4529

Pat Pending

Me?smiley - whistle

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4530


Yeah man who is the Dutch Girl? Is it AW? Seen her before when I was Dagmar Hilter!

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4531

Ali Dubya

Sorry. I accidentally added a post to the Pickety Witch thread. I thought it was a serious question.

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4532

Pat Pending

Gotta go and pick me new wheels up. Later dudes.

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4533


yeah seey aman, gotta split too, chill cats, later

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4534

Pat Pending

But before I do, just time to congratulate AW on 'They start their UK tour in Dusseldorf': so dry, I didn't even notice it the first time.

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4535


Later dudes!


Message from Noddyrators

Post 4536

Ali Dubya

Not me, btw.

Do Pickety Witch exist? I wonder if the hosts knows what 'STW' means?

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4537

Pat Pending

i don't know whether the hosts know, but I don't (unless it's a dyslexic acronym for South West Trains).

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4538


hi brad smiley - love - so glad you hailed me, have missed you lots (really and truly) smiley - cool

hi pat and pete and alidubs, bushy, v-max and the commander, big hugs to my homie on the boards sarnia smiley - hugsmiley - biggrin

i have been really busy and industrious - i am very proud of me and patting myself on the head right now. i have missed reading your stuff though. i like you lot so much.

i still have to carry on being good and not spending time on here in order to make some extra money for my holidays this year etc. i am going to be spending a week on cat island in the bahamas (where i was shipwrecked). i was thrilled to discover that it is hardly changed and i know the people there will remember me. the island is very steeped in the obeah and it is one of the most magic places i have ever been.

big hug and cuddle from me all round. i hope life is a continual buzz for you all these days. i hope you are missing me too. smiley - love

kris smiley - magic

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4539

Ali Dubya

It's bit rude, Pat. It involves soap.

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4540

Ali Dubya

Hi Kris,

Have you read of my latest tale of woe concerning my finger? Thankfully, little pinkie is making a good recovery...

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