This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4561


Cold cups of tea? Is that sign? Oh B*llocks!

You know I thought I got some funny looks when bared my breast and rolled me left trouser leg up in the Board Meeting the other day!

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4562


no takers for the Top of the Pops - Pop the Question Board then? its gettin' mighty lonely there, all on my lonesome, let me tell you, yes mame

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4563


Bushy I think you mean The Women's Institute'

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4564



Message from Noddyrators

Post 4565


It is a bit quite isn't it over there Brad! Get on with your w**k you slacker!!

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4566


don't give me the old '?'

you said "You know I thought I got some funny looks when bared my breast and rolled me left trouser leg up in the Board Meeting the other day!"

and I said

"I think your refering to the Women's Instute"

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4567


you'll never guess who I saw over on TS

The Richens boy! you remeber, Mrs Richens eldest, worked down the chemist, stuffy bloke, Tim was his name

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4568


smiley - whistle

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4569


I remember Tim Richens! Real po-faced git wasn't he although linke anthiny hart I agreed with most of views ...

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4570


sod this, I'm off to the Radio 2 coffee lounge to spill someones drink

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4571


BUshy check out Pop the Question - I got a few genuine replies

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4572



Message from Noddyrators

Post 4573


You haven't got many replies at Brad! Why are you giving me a "bum steer"? I'm a very busy Bushy you know ... smiley - whistle

Spilled anyone's drink yet?

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4574


who is LIsa Mc Cormack smiley - whistle

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4575


You twot!! I didn't realise that vile b*tch was you!! LOL!

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4576

Pat Pending

I'm proud to say I did make that connection: can't prove it though.

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4577


I believe you Pat!

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4578


Hey Brad, ol' Pen sent me an e-myther saying that LM was pooter!

smiley - whistle

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4579


and Holly Mc Bryde - sorry VMax I had an argument about not letting parents have kids until they reached a certain income bracket

I believe I won it too, had myself convinced in the end smiley - whistle

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4580

Ali Dubya

Just remind me who pooter is...

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