This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4601


what laughing at knockers?!...Bushwack'd I was amused by the petrarchan conceit in the sentence structure with the epistolary use of the word - thus highlighting the dystopian horatian satire of your intent

that is all, Knockers indeed!

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4602


Really? Well if I was to say ...

"Fi's knockers!" I bet you're smirking!

You're fooling no-one Slovan! Anyone else fancy a titter when i mention the word "knockers"?

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4603

Pat Pending

Somehow, 'knockers' in isolation doesn't work for me: but 'Fi's knockers' brings me out like a Cheshire Cat.

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4604


Amazingly my "Fi Glover's knockers" post has just appeared on "The Station"!!

Bendle must be snoozing?

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4605


I know it's a bit late in the day to admit this..but I only listen to radio 4..who the hell is Fi?

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4606


Same here ... Not a clue mate!

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4607

Pat Pending

Never heard of her: it's R3 for me, 24/7.

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4608


Christ!!!!!! is that the time!!...I'm missing the Archers!

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4609


Cor! what another ripping episode taht was now I've got my sequentially arranged custard creams and coco ready for the R4 play:

Out Of The Pirate's Playhouse: By Shelagh Delaney. Five 11-year-olds celebrate the start of school holidays by going to their favourite activity centre, only to be told that theyre too old. Then News.

The Joy! I the only one that has forbidded thoughts of Jenni Murrey while I'm in the bath?

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4610



Message from Noddyrators

Post 4611

Ali Dubya

Fi's knockers are small in number. That said, she stills needs support and a helping hand from those of us who like her.

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4612

Ali Dubya

"Hi Guy,

Fi's knockers may have a point or two about her suitability for the morning phone-in but she is still bedding in. She does need time but she remains one of the network's brightest presenters."

Will I get away with this?

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4613


can't find the Fi thread?

AF is officially DEAD, 1 minutes silence please

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4614


Fi's knockers are on "The Station" ...

Pirate Invasion of "...and finally" then?

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4615

Pat Pending

Bleedin hell Brad: haven't seen the name Shelagh Delaney for ages. Morrissey's favourite did you know?

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4616


Pat - course I knew smiley - whistle

Bushy - if you want to see how pityful AF has become just check it out

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4617

Pat Pending

I see someone's challenged Lisa on R2.........................

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4618


the fools! the fools! ha ha ha !

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4619


"" Deader than ... err ... some'at that is dead innit???

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4620


Looks like Bushwhack'd and Lisa are heading for a showdown?

smiley - whistle

Careful now, don't want any R2'ers hurt in the melee!

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