This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4621


Damn!! I missed that post from Shellay Wellay further down on R2 where she states that she "...has had the decorators in!"! Oh I could have had hours of fun with that one?

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4622

Pat Pending

baggsy referee. See you there.

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4623


Ding, ding!

Lisa has come out fighting with a "plastic castle" and "blub blub" but Bushwhack'd retaliates with the old "rhinceros jibe" ... It's gonna be rough!

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4624


Oops! Is that Pat Pen laying on the floor over there? Who belted him by mistake then? Come on, own up!

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4625

Pat Pending

It's all right, I'm up again: bit disorientated though, and seem to have lkost my MB inhibitions. Look out Jennie Girl.

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4626


Go on PAT!! Get in there my son ...

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4627


I'm on the ropes..and the mods have stepped in

Bushy got too agree with Lisa though - you do have a remarkably detailed knowledge of Male inflatable dolls

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4628


right the stilettos are coming off now!

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4629


right who's going to help clean up the mess after we just trashed the coffee lounge?

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4630


James got a reply from King Twot himself over on AF

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4631

Pat Pending

"intellectually challenged"? Damn cheek.

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4632


that's why he's the king

shall we call that scrap with Lisa a draw then smiley - whistle

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4633

Ali Dubya

I cannot believe IJ's post on AF. Extraordinary.

I've missed the fun again. I've been w***ing and working all day

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4634


Good Friday Everyone! Chipper?

I could not sleep last night for some strange reason and was up listening to "President" Thicko 'til 2 then reading until after 3! smiley - yawn Forgive me if I nod off occasionally.

Cloudy, easterly breeze. Chance of squally showers later. Cool, 6 Celcius. Outlook, good chance of rain later and over weekend. Staying cool.

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4635

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Mornin' all.

I see "doug" and ij are having an interlektuarl love-in on "af...", is this a sick joke or what? The biggest thickoes around in a mutual back-pat on the subject of their own cleverness! Duh!

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4636


Mornin' V Max!

Are you on duty all day today? You missed a right bun-fight yesterday over in the R2 coffee shop! That bloody Jennie Girl and Lisa McCormack made utter nuisances of themselves!

I am beginning to think that ian johnston MUST be one of us ... He's just too funny to be true! Who is it? My money is on Pat Pen actually...

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4637

Pat Pending


You can take that idea, and shove it right up your @rse: sideways.

Ronnie Chopper is one of doug's operators isn't he? And Jim Slipp is Mel Simpson, for sure.

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4638


Methinks thou doth protest too much Sira!

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4639

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


Yep, back home after a nightmare trip down the M1 yesterday.

Johnston is just a wind-up, isn't he? What a twot.

I've lost track of who's who now anyway, all I know is I only post as me! The rest of the time I could be arguing/agreeing with any one of you in disguise and wouldn't know it.

Anyway, wind-up time...

Message from Noddyrators

Post 4640


I am NOT V Max, honest everyone ... smiley - whistle

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