RingoZingo Here
I am RingoZingo.However, I am not an authentic "ringozingo"(for the definition of this term see guide entry for:Ringozingo).I live in Massachusetts near the "Hub of the universe".I am a world traveling globe-trotter and have been on many adventures & misadventures in my terrestrial excursions.I currently write,produce,and star in my own local cable access comedy show.I am proud to now be an official researcher for the actual Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.Although I have been acting like one for years,I used to carry an electronic pocket databank in my satchel ala Ford Prefect and go about collecting miscellaneous street jargon, bits of argot, and colloquial vernacularisms that I overheard,(I encourage my fellow researchers to behave in this manner as that is the proverbial point here and it is oodles of fun moreover) some of these gems have survived the test of time and I will be adding the most clever or more asinine of them here, in their befitting forum.I ever so hope people will find them to be a gas and begin to incorporate them into their own vocabularies, thus ushering them into the propriety of mainstream decorum.
***********Ringo zingo Mingo Lingo Mongo Longo Rongo Zongo***********
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."