How to Contact UFOs:
Created | Updated Jan 29, 2005
The squat black rod I use is a 5 mw. green laser pointer outfitted with a range extender. I call this handheld device a "Laser Beacon".
When visual contact is established with the light of an alien space craft, the laser beacon is employed as a visual signal...a return call, a "conversation" if you will.
The laser is not shined directly at the ariel anomaly, but rather ahead of it or off into space.
Green is a brilliant color in the spectrum.Green being the internationaly recognized "Go Ahead" color, and the correct frequency, I believe, conducive for inviting any contact with extraterrestrials. The first step in establishing a viable and ongoing two way communication link.
Rather than radio transmissions, my opinion is that laser beams instead,will emerge as the true arena for first contact with Intelligent civilizations beyond Planet Earth.