This is the Message Centre for RingoZingo
Your word definitions are really cool and...
a girl called Ben Started conversation Mar 4, 2003
Your word definitions are really cool and... you had put them into AWW for consideration. People seemed to like them, but found the format difficult - one definition per entry made the entries really short.
It seemed to me that they would get a better reception if they were combined into a single entry, and this is what I have done. I am sorry to take the liberty - but I did not want them to disappear into the Flea Market without trace. This way the original entries may go to the Flea Market, but the definitions stay in the AWW for consideration for the Underguide.
The new AWW thread is here: F74130?thread=254001 The new entry is here: A986934.
When you get back, come on over and see how your entry is doing.
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Your word definitions are really cool and...
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