Magnetic Pole Anomaly "Polo"

1 Conversation

<disco>In the spring of 1985, I was traveling to a remote location in the mountainous jungles of the Dominican Republic.We were 3 hours outside of Barahona in the Southwest tip of the island.My father had a position with the U.S. Agency for International Development, I
was his sidekick along for the education.We were en route to a field-site for a radio education project that teaches children in remote areas by broadcasting school lessons over the radio waves.The terrain was a rocky dirt road.Amaury our chauffeur was driving the wite Jeep they issued us and there was a guide with us.The guide explained to my father in Spanish that we had come to a location called,"Polo" a strange place where a mysterious force pulls your car up a hill with the motor off while in neutral.We shut the engine of the white Jeep off and put it in neutral,Amaury was steering as we slowly climbed up the hill.We were astonished.Later my Father explained that the government had sent teams of parapsychologists and other scientists to investigate the phenomena who conducted experiments with magnetometers and electromagnetic field detectors unable to ascertain the true origin of the mysterious force. Their tests did reveal that this site was not an actual magnetic pole and that no magnetic field of any kind was the apparent cause of the anomaly and ruled out any optical illusion leaving "Polo" a true goelogical phenomenon.<earth>

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