This is the Message Centre for Scarlet Woman

This or That ?

Post 161

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

I'd go with BB King too - but where is your 'this or that' Piere, mon amie...

rouge or violet, mon braves?

smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 162


Rouge pour moi, chérie – c’est à dire, du vin rouge!! smiley - redwine

I rather think OOV & Pierre would agree.

[BTW, he does write like a Pierre, tho’, CG, don’t you think? Suave, debonair … Pierre is … smooth & romantic.]

So, which is better … good looks, or that certain je ne sais quoi?

smiley - biggrin


This or That ?

Post 163


Madame M, bonjour et merci bien pour votre bon mots. smiley - winkeye

Mes amis, c'est Piere ici, et je just like to dit que ma francais est pretty poor, so I'll suavely slip back into anglais now.

I got so excited vis a vis the Albert vs BB discussion that I completely forgot to set a poseur - sorry, poser.

I hope I have a certain je ne sais quoi because I'm certainly lacking in the good looks dept. smiley - sadface

And so.....fairy or star (on the christmas tree, of course smiley - smiley )

smiley - cheers


This or That ?

Post 164


etoille, mes amis. [did i spell that right?]

Beziers ou Marseille?

This or That ?

Post 165


...j'ai oublier; c'est moi, Le Champignon de l'Monde.

a bientot

This or That ?

Post 166


Bonjour M. Le Champignon, comment ca va?

Je suis tres.....I'm sorry, I can't do this any more. I'm watching a Bergman film with Swedish subtitles at the same time as I'm trying to play 'this or that' in french after drinking three quarters of a bottle of the claret I promised to share with OOV. My poor brain isn't up to it. So...Marsay it is.

And on...

Ingmar Bergman or Ingrid Bergman

smiley - cheers

This or That ?

Post 167

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

well, what a choice - and one I am not up to....

smiley - fairy

as for the smiley - star or smiley - fairy I am obviously biased!

I'm watching The Creeping Flesh right now ......

Peter Cushing or Christopher Lee?

smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 168


Christopher Lee, 'cos he's got three nipples. And he's double hard. Although, having said that, Cushing managed to blow up the planet Aldebaran. No, Christopher Lee. Definately.

Our sound system did the aftershow party for Madness' Cardiff gig on tuesday so, Specials or Madness?

This or That ?

Post 169

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!


smiley - hollysmiley - fairysmiley - holly

which of these reindeer do you think is Rudolf?

smiley - reindeersmiley - reindeer

smiley - santa ho ho ho!

This or That ?

Post 170


the one in the middle.

left or right?

This or That ?

Post 171

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Depends which way you're facing smiley - biggrin

smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 172

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!



smiley - holly Holly or Ivy? smiley - holly

This or That ?

Post 173


Holly - because the red berries remind me of you, my Scarletness smiley - smiley

sleet or slush?

smiley - cheers


This or That ?

Post 174


smiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - holly

Slush - it's the first sign that the winter horridity is drawing to a close!

It's raining here in Pictland, but we are cosy by the fire, so ...

smiley - cool

Mulled wine or hot toddy?

Where's your glass - we have both!!

smiley - biggrinOOV & 'M'smiley - biggrin

smiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - holly

This or That ?

Post 175


Me! Me! Mulled wine over here, please!

Christmas Eve or Christmas Day (for pressie opening, of course!)

smiley - hollysmiley - cheerssmiley - redwinesmiley - holly

This or That ?

Post 176


smiley - xmastreesmiley - hollysmiley - santasmiley - hollysmiley - xmastree

Christmas Day ... we think we're more likely to be sober ...ish.

I see Chun has 'posted' on my behalf elsewhere ... and omitted to mention that we have a 'Yak' of our own. She's trying to cheer up Yorgi least I think she is.

Nollaig Chridheill & other festive wishes.


smiley - xmastreesmiley - hollysmiley - santasmiley - hollysmiley - xmastree

This or That ?

Post 177

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

OOV - is your yak a lady? Mine is ...well...rather obviously NOT... but perhaps we could get them together and have little yaks for 2003?

You all sound as though you are having a grand time in Pictland

Cheers for the smiley - redwine hic...

smiley - fairy

smiley - hollysmiley - reindeersmiley - santasmiley - reindeersmiley - holly

This or That ?

Post 178


smiley - xmaspudorsmiley - flan?
Christmas Pudding or Mince Pies?

smiley - hollysmiley - dragonsmiley - holly
Nadolig Llawen

This or That ?

Post 179

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

smiley - holly Mince Pies smiley - holly

Turkey or goose?

Nice dragon Mycelium!

smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 180


I don't really care for either (last year we had wild boar), but on balance I'll go for turkey out of traditionsmiley - smiley

"Chicken Run" or "It's A Wonderful Life"

smiley - hollysmiley - cheerssmiley - holly

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