This is the Message Centre for Scarlet Woman

This or That ?

Post 141


posted by Seannachie vice 'M'

The Taff of course!! A good Celtic river & himself would agree ...
Anyway we have to support our fellow Celt MyC ... don't we?

One for Peter ...

Rioja or Chianti????


This or That ?

Post 142


Thanks 'M' smiley - smiley I seem to be getting something of a reputation for my love of the fermented grape smiley - redwine!
It has to be Rioja. I've visited the region many times (ferry from Portsmouth to Bilboa with the car and then mooch around up in the Sierras) Our local bodega has put their wine up to nearly £12 a case now! (It works out at 98p per bottle) smiley - biggrin It's a disgrace!!

Pitched or flat roofs

smiley - cheers


This or That ?

Post 143

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Depends what you want 'em for doesn't it?

Flat ones are always trouble in the end


Bacon or Eggs?

smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 144


Bacon and eggs please - and some fried bread, mushrooms, sausages and baked beans. smiley - tongueout And then some cereal, and some toast and marmalade, and a nice big hot pot of coffee. Nice.

Shrek or Monsters Inc

smiley - cheers


This or That ?

Post 145

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Shrek - shrieks I! - He's Gorgeous!

smiley - fairy

glue or sellotape?

This or That ?

Post 146


Well, sellotape in america is scotch tape which is good, but durex in australia, which is bad - so, what the heck - glue it issmiley - smiley

As I'm watching Attenborough, I suppose we should try

Zebra or Lion?

smiley - cheers


This or That ?

Post 147


'M' sends.

Zebra for me - it's not much fun being a lion unless you're male! Us poor females get to do all the work while the old boy just lazes around, lets out the odd roar and then drives us away from our kill.

And Peter, you're not alone in your love of the grape. OOV & I like it, too, tho' 'tis true he's a malt man, whether in Guinness or in whisky. He'll be suffering now, because at this time of year, we make mulled wine to his own recipe which is superb - we have our own mulling irons, too, made by himself.

I'm watching Great battles just now, so ..

Roundheads or Cavaliers?

This or That ?

Post 148


I've never driven a Roundhead, so it'd have to be Cavalier.

and as I'm scoffing my take-away, Indian or Chinese?

This or That ?

Post 149

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Ohh YESS - this was a truely CG poser!

Yes, I know Duw Duw has answered already - BUT - it is really a girlie question isnt it?

We're the ones who generally benefit from ..... well, I was married to a roundhead and thought 'twas best - but in my debauched divorcee years I have found that it matters not a jot!

Therefore, it would be most unfair to all men for me to declare for one or the other!

OOPs! Have I lowered the tone?

I have no idea about Indians or Chinese (actually that is not strictly true - oh my mother will be turning...)

I confess I like a Chinese to takeaway (my other half is half Indian - so I get the best of both - what a cheat I am!)

smiley - fairy

Caviar or fois gras?

This or That ?

Post 150


fois gras. tried caviar once, didn't like it. but, keeping with the egg theme,

fried or scrambled?

This or That ?

Post 151


fried!!! and the sooner the better.

I'm getting tired of scrambled eggs - OOV's the cook and I miss his big fry-ups.smiley - blush

And continuing the breakfast thinggie ... hash browns or potato bread?


This or That ?

Post 152

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

mmmm.. Both?

smiley - fairy

dank and grey morning in Dorset....go back to bed with the papers or tidy the house...

I thought you all needed a real challenge for Sunday morning!

This or That ?

Post 153


No contest!! Go back to bed with the papers & radio 4 - that's what I did earlier. The house was still there when I got up, tho' and I was weakened from listening to ISIHAC. smiley - sigh

MMMh .... right now, or tomorrow?


This or That ?

Post 154


the day after tomorrow apparently!!

winona ryder or oj simpson?

smiley - cheers

This or That ?

Post 155


Ummm ... Akira - you can certainly pick them ...

Shop-lifting & spouse abuse,if not murder ... what a choice!!

Well ... if choice is mandatory & I suspect it is, well, Winona, I suppose .. lesser of two evils, or do I mean the more attractive of two evils? And what would dear old Sigmund say about that, I wonder? Not to mention OOV!

So, Freud, or Jung?

smiley - bubbly


This or That ?

Post 156


Oh, Freud, definitely. Oedepus over id every time (as they say....)

Queensland or New South Wales?

smiley - cheers


This or That ?

Post 157


Queensland, I think.

OOV has some Aussie friends who swear by Bundaberg rum - we still have a bottle somewhere, has a bear on it, I think. Me, I can't stand the stuff!! Shiraz is much more to my taste.

So ... lets see ... on the assumption that compund choices are allowed, Stilton with Port or Camembert with St Emillion?


This or That ?

Post 158


Stilton & Port. Hands down. You can't beat a good stilton.

How about the kings of the blues; B.B. King or Albert King?

This or That ?

Post 159


I saw Albert King live once with Jack Bruce in his support band, so I'm inclined to go for him, but after weighing up all the evidence, I incline towards BB as the King

smiley - cheers


This or That ?

Post 160

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

I'd go with BB King too - but where is your 'this or that' Piere, mon amie...

rouge or violet, mon braves?

smiley - fairy

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