This is the Message Centre for Scarlet Woman

This or That ?

Post 81


We'll cancel that one then (I'll go for Le Carre)

Speed cameras or sleeping policemen?

smiley - cheers


This or That ?

Post 82

kri stickle mass

speed cameras - i am happy to obey the law in built up areas smiley - biggrin

hi peter you bonzo boy !!

nostalgia or sentimentality

krissmiley - rose

This or That ?

Post 83

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

both make me smiley - wah - most things do - so I think I'll go for Nostalgia!

heat or cold ?

smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 84

kri stickle mass

heat, heat, heat, heat heat, warm, hot heat !!

signed a sun & sauna lover smiley - love

smiley - tongueout hi scarlet my dear, i sure do give a damn smiley - biggrin

wet walnuts or california walnuts

krissmiley - rose

This or That ?

Post 85

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

What's a wet walnut?

If it's a pickled one - I smiley - love 'em - I hate the normal sort!

salt water or fresh - for swiming purposes I mean

smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 86

kri stickle mass

salt because it is very clean, it can be hugely exciting and scary or the same stretch can be peaceful like a lagoon with plenty serenity to be experienced below the surface (i am back in the caribbean here) it is so blue, and it goes with such a wonderfully powerful sun and the colours of the flowers are vibrant and exorbitant. underneath the surface is a kalaidescope of colours and life forms. it is a cleansing healing mother body, you can lay on top of it relax completely and let the ocean move you up and down under the sky on a great huge water bed.

grilled or fried fish (on the beach caribbean style - ie. oregano and lots of garlic rubbed into the skin)

gosh, how i do love being there smiley - love

krissmiley - rose

This or That ?

Post 87

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!


I have only been there once (Grenada)- lovely - but a little too hot for me - my idea of perfection is a really good Dorset summer - or a southern med spring/autumn. I love the sun - but not too tropical!

Olives - Green or black?

smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 88


errrr - green. That was close smiley - tongueout Black slightly too bitter.

Olives are best in a tapas bar. Tapas bars are best in Spain. Best part of Spain is Barcelona. Why am I heresmiley - doh

Buffy or Angel?

smiley - cheers


This or That ?

Post 89

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Green was the correct answer Peeto - a kiss for you smiley - kiss

But now, what have we here? Buffy or Angel? 'Tis not possible!
They are both tres bon!

Are we all agreed that we want it all in the Buffy/Angel department?
Good! smiley - biggrin

Humph or Samantha?

smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 90

Researcher 209440

BTW Peeto, any answer along the lines of Humph-ing Samantha is not acceptable!!! smiley - smooch

smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 91

Number Six

Evenin all smiley - biggrin

Back after period of computer mutiny smiley - steam


Whiskers on kittens OR bright furry mittens ???

smiley - cheers

This or That ?

Post 92

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Bright furry mittens - I am not at all kitteny!

Actually I can't concentrate on this at all! We are listening to a TV program about sex and what people do and don't do and I just want to either go and do it - or better still - laugh my head off!

TV or Radio?

smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 93


TV - it's radio with pictures innit?

Crescents or avenues?

smiley - cheers


This or That ?

Post 94

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Hello Peeto,

Avenues - you can see where you're going more clearly - and I like trees!

New or Improved?

(sorry - have overslept and brain not in gear yet!)

smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 95


I never trust any product that has IMPROVED emblazened across the front of the box. Either they are saying, you were a fool to buy the old version because it was cr*p, or they're saying, look we've made it better, now will you buy it? smiley - biggrin

Austria or Hungary?

smiley - cheers

This or That ?

Post 96


Hungary - wine-wise, woman-wise, song-wise! Who could ask for anything more? Lakes, spas - summer nights in Budapest cafes ...makes me feel young again!

Brahms or Liszt?

This or That ?

Post 97


Liszt - every time.

I seem to have a blind spot for Brahms. No good tunes...

smiley - cheers

This or That ?

Post 98


I wondered why no one was replying - I forgot to leave a this or that, didn't I? smiley - online2long

Betamax or 8 track?

smiley - cheers


This or That ?

Post 99

kri stickle mass

hi peter, got your note over on is this...
will pop over and see if i can join in sometime during the day.

thanks for the nice words you said. i didnt feel ganged up on, i was upset cos people i like were having a go at one another. i seem to have this trait of deflecting things onto me and then try and settle things down a little. it sort of works. i raised 3 boys, mostly single handed. it must have helped smiley - biggrin

ok i say

8 track cos of the tunes i had on mine smiley - peacedovesmiley - peacesignsmiley - magic

alvin lee or jimi hendrix

This or That ?

Post 100


Hi kris!

Hendrix, of course! Can there ever be another?
I saw Ten Years After live a few times but I was just too young to see Hendrix. The thing that put me off Alvin Lee was those awful faces he pulled during a solo smiley - online2long! Still, he could play a mean guitar.

Ray Winstone or Tim Roth?

smiley - cheers

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