This is the Message Centre for Scarlet Woman

This or That ?

Post 121

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band.

Christmas shopping or lying in bed with Radio 4?

You can see the way my day is shaping up, can't you!

smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 122

Number Six

God I hate getting up when the wind is blowing this impertinently ! I always find it hard getting up in the morning smiley - winkeye

Anyways..... smiley - flustered

Have to go with R4 option.

A snog from a hog OR a spat with a rat ???

smiley - biggrin

This or That ?

Post 123


A snog from a...wah? Your are starting to worry me, #6! smiley - biggrin

Have to be the hog - hate rats, even spat roasted

Terry Wogan or Ken Bruce?

smiley - cheers


This or That ?

Post 124

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

It would have to be Terry Wogan - did you hear him being wonderfully inept on Radio 4 this afternoon!

Goo or Alabaster?

smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 125


goo - much prettier

FoxTV or HBO?

smiley - tongueout sorry, I mean smiley - cheers


This or That ?

Post 126

Number Six

Evenin Peeto, CG ! smiley - biggrin

Sorry to have wound you up on QQ Peeto smiley - sadface You were not the target smiley - winkeye

Fox, because HBO sounds too much like BO smiley - yuk

This or That ?

Post 127

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Evening No.6 - you have neglected to give us a this or that!

Good day?

smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 128


But HBO is "Home Box Office". They do The Sopranos and 6 Feet Under. Then again The Simpsons are on Fox. Makes it difficult that way, doesn't it? smiley - tongueout

And don't keep apologising, Peekay smiley - smiley When I realised you was just kidding, I laffed my socks off! Me so gullybull! smiley - biggrin

Verve or Polydor?

smiley - cheers

peter (still laughing)

This or That ?

Post 129

Number Six

Long day, CG. Visiting genuine maiden aunt. Not too many around these days smiley - winkeye

I think I'd go for Polydor - wasn't that Jimi Hendrix label ? Can't think of any Verve people at all.

One more before bedtimes smiley - sleepy

The Sweeney OR The Professionals ???

Night night all smiley - cheers

This or That ?

Post 130

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

No.6. Tough one - I liked both - The Sweeney is probably the better of the two....

Maiden Aunt or Bachelor Uncle?

Sorry PK - I have just not been on the ball today!

Bon Soir smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 131


Bachelor Uncle!

I'm missing OOV!! smiley - wah

Oidche Mhath!


This or That ?

Post 132

Number Six

Evenin all smiley - cheers

Batchelor uncle CG !!!

The Sweeeney was great wasn't it ? "Spin 'is wheels George !"

Hula Hoops OR Space Hoppers ???

smiley - winkeye

This or That ?

Post 133


Hello M.

You forgot to set another question, my dear. Shall I do one for you?

Rugby Union or Rugby League?

smiley - cheers


This or That ?

Post 134

Number Six

Yikes, scary bifurcation there. Nearly spilt me tea !

How are you today Mr Peeto ? smiley - biggrin

This or That ?

Post 135


Oops, just back from R4 and R5Live boards for a last sweep before The West Wing starts.

Yes #6 amazing bife after sooo many hours of no postings smiley - tongueout

Yup, I fine, thanks smiley - smiley How's your good self? Have you had a good day? smiley - biggrin

smiley - cheers


PS Sorry, what was the question?

This or That ?

Post 136

Number Six

Great minds think alike eh ? smiley - winkeye

V quiet day. Much of which spent in bed ! How is the pirating going ? I left a message for Bushy offering my services again. Need something to perk ol PK up !

Erm... question. OK. Rugby Union. Just can't get the point of rugby league at all. Pick up ball, run at opposition, get tackled. Repeat six times. Kick ball to other side. etcetera. smiley - huh

Space hoppers OR hula hoops ??? Think that was it. Crap question. Will change to .......

Do you ever read Ian Banks ?

Terry Pratchett OR Ian Banks ???

smiley - cheers

This or That ?

Post 137

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

I have read The Wasp Factory - brilliant!

But would choose Terry Pratchett for laughs - and some serious stuff too.

[BTW - I'd always go for Space Hoppers!]

ummmm.....goats or yaks?

smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 138

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Oh I forgot to say to M where is OOV?

You only just got him back! You didn't loose him down the shops did you?

Don't smiley - wah M,.... smiley - rainbow?

smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 139


He got back today CG - about 12:30. Literally dropped in - he's getting too old for this! He's snoozing on the sofa, but he suggested a this or that ...

Sleep of the just ... or sleep of the just after?


This or That ?

Post 140


Sleep of the just because......

The Thames or The Taff?

smiley - cheers

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