This is the Message Centre for Scarlet Woman

This or That ?

Post 1

Number Six

Hello Chelsea Girl, Your Scarlettedness. smiley - smiley

PK here. smiley - monster BOO !!!

Just thought I'd drop by and say hello. Quiet Friday in with smiley - porkpie + smiley - redwinesmiley - redwinesmiley - redwine

Do you fancy a quick game of This OR That ?

I say something like... hm. lemme see...

Olives OR Gooseberries ? Then you tell me which one you'd prefer, and fire a This OR That back to me. smiley - ok ?

Heres one to start you off - Top Cat OR Dangermouse ?

P.S. fell free to ignore me if you think this is stoopid smiley - biggrin

be seeing you smiley - winkeye

This or That ?

Post 2

Scarlet Woman

Hey PK - good to see you here!

This game sounds a bit like one I started (to not such good effect or affect - you will learn in due course that I am a diabolical speller) on MC-H: 'Would you rather...' Hot or get me drift.

So onwards... This or That? ummmm TOP CAT for sure... I think!

Pollock or Rothko....I can be serious you see!

smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 3

Number Six

O Blimey ! I fell asleep ! smiley - flustered

Too many smiley - porkpies.

Isn't this place big ? I feel so insigificant........

Errmm, anyways, hmmm..... that is a GOOD one. Pollock OR Rothko ?


Trampolines OR elevators ?

Be seeing you smiley - winkeye

This or That ?

Post 4

Scarlet Woman

Now PK No.6,

That is a real poser! I am very claustrophobic - so elevators are to be avoided mostly - but also take a C cup - so ..... tricky one......

I think I'll go for a gentle TRAMPOLINE!

Rothko was a good call.

Mountains or Sea?

smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 5

Number Six

C-cup eh ? smiley - flustered Trampoline definitely a good call then.

As I have a fear of heights, I'd have to go with SEA, as long as it is not too wet.


Bunions OR ringworm ?

This or That ?

Post 6


Onions of course, every time! smiley - tongueout, bunions, I mean, I suppose..

Hows about - Beatles or Stones?

[What a day! Awake all last night with massive tooth ache (it gave me a chance to catch up on some reading...), went to emergency dentist this afternoon, infection under molar, penicilin and pain killers for a week - no alcohol! smiley - steam - early night to try and get some sleep smiley - yawn

Back tomorrow. Night, night!

smiley - cheers


This or That ?

Post 7

Scarlet Woman

Hope you feel better soon Peter - wondered why I had not had a Saturday e-mail from you - no alchol - you and OOV both!

I'll have one for each of you!

Beatles or Stones is even more tricky than bouncing c-cups or absolute terror in a small plunging box!

I'm gritting me teeth (oops sorry was that painful peeto!)and I'm going to type it very quickly.......


but apologies to the fab 4.....

smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 8

Scarlet Woman

Sorry - forgot to suggest a this or that....

popcorn or hotdog

smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 9

Number Six

Hi Peter

Sorry to hear about your saw toof smiley - sadface. Best thing to do is get to bed, with a nice hot smiley - nurse

Popcorn or hotdog eh ?

Hotdog. When I try to eat smiley - popcorn it often ends up in my nostrils.

As Peter is indisposed, I'll do the next one.

Angel Delight OR Bing Crosby ???

This or That ?

Post 10

kri stickle mass

hi peter, pk, scarlet woman,

bing crosby....

anne widdecombe or roy hattersley

sorry to hear about the toothache smiley - cuddle peter
hope you are better soon smiley - love

smiley - surfersmiley - wizard kris

This or That ?

Post 11

Scarlet Woman

Hello Kristine, No.6, Peeto - (how's the tooth - I am full of sympathy and full of the cold that you and the rest of the board had a few weeks back!)

i guess it has to be Roy - but the widdicombe has a determined spirit...

Marmite or Anchovy Paste....

smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 12

kri stickle mass

hi sw,

marmite, lovely i can tell you how never to have a cold again. smiley - magic

melanie griffith or laura dern smiley - rose

smiley - surfersmiley - wizard kris

This or That ?

Post 13


Thank you all for your good wishes smiley - blush . I feel such a baby making all this fuss over a toothache but after two days without sleep it tends to take over a bit!

Hmmmm Melanie Griffith or Laura Dern? smiley - tongueout

Not easy. Scientific approach - Melanie Griffith, plus marks; Working Girl, Something Wild, Cecil B Demented, being daughter of Tippi Hedren. Minus marks; Stuart Little 2, Milk Money, Bonfire of the Vanities (and several others)

Laura Dern, plus; Rambling Rose, October Sky, Jurassic Park, being the daughter of Bruce Dern. Minus; Wild At Heart, Dr T and the Women.

Answer: Laura Dern, by a good distance (in my humble opinion)

Bit of film trivia: Who connects both ladies? David Lynch - they've both been in his films.

My turn...

Radio Times or newspaper's TV page?

smiley - cheers


This or That ?

Post 14


Radio Times ... much more informative in every way. Contentful contentment for the caring consumer.

BTW sorry to hear of tooth trouble - hope it's abating. Sorrier still that the dreaded ABs have deprived you of appropriate consolation. I'm afraid I've managed to leave your e-mail addy UK-side in my latest move, so drop me a line, if you have time. I may be here for a while.

Now, let me see ...since the propinquity of so many Sons of the Prophet have deprived me of even virtual malt, and at least as thirsty as you...

claret or Chianti?

This or That ?

Post 15

Scarlet Woman

uummmm..... OOV - you are shacked up with a load of beardies are you!

Was my guess of Azerbijan anywhere close?

I am a pleb when it comes to wine (for allah's sake I like chardonnay!) but I will go with personal taste rather than knowledge of wine -


Sylvia Plath or Ted Hughes?

smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 16

Number Six

Good afternoon, and a very Happy Sunday to all smiley - biggrin

Has to be Plath.

Spider monkeys OR Ant & Dec ?

This or That ?

Post 17


Spiders monkeys

Why? More articulate, more entertaining, better bass guitarists (so they tell me)

John Humphrys or James Naughtie?

This or That ?

Post 18

Number Six

Hi Peter. Hope the toof is a bit better. Bummer about the no drink thing.

Have never heard of James Naughtie, but I like his name. Will leave this one to someone else, I think.

Could you do me a favour, Peter ? I started a thread on "Food" yesterday, about "cutting the cheese", i.e. farting. Unfortunately, although I've had a few replies, no-one seems to have caught on to the double entendre. Instead of being hailed as a Master of Comedy, it looks as though I am going to be labelled a pompous old git.

smiley - sadface

Could you pop over there, and add some of your wisdom ? There's a smiley - ale in it for you. Oops, sorry......... I mean a smiley - milk

smiley - biggrin

This or That ?

Post 19

kri stickle mass

no contest pk

james naughtie,

got to be with a name like that.

emotional satisfaction or 5 million quid

smiley - surfersmiley - wizard kris

This or That ?

Post 20

kri stickle mass

i clicked the button too quick

and then i been sitting here trying to work out what i wanted to say. smiley - huh

i am now at the point of thinking..... this is a true choice.

and a deep comparison. (well that is what is happening to me right now) smiley - biggrinsmiley - eureka

smiley - surfersmiley - wizard kris
smiley - rose

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