This is the Message Centre for Scarlet Woman

This or That ?

Post 241


Mango chutney, I reckon. I've never tried a Lime Pickle, MyC - I thought it was something sailors caught in Liverpool after long sea voyages.smiley - biggrin

Garlic, or Ginger.


smiley - stout

This or That ?

Post 242

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Ideally, both - 00V but if I have to choose - garlic I guess.

Dark Soy or Light Soy?

smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 243


Good Morning Your Carminity - er, afternoon, actually.

It's raining up in Pictland & we went back to bed with the papers and ...smiley - loveblush but to answer your question, dark for adding directly to food in the wok, light as a base for chili oils, multi-spice oil & so on.

Herself says to tell you hi & yes, she did meet me with hose in hand.smiley - smiley

Beef or Pork?

smiley - stout

This or That ?

Post 244

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

ticky one that 00V.

I have just enjoyed the most fab fillet of beef this evening (local and free of all nasties) but I do like bacon (smoked streaky only) and pork fillet is very good. I have just had a thread pulled on QQ board because I mentioned port fillet and shellfish - lots of people suffered the same rough treatment and it seems it was the shellfish ref that got to the Mods - Yahweh knows why. I started a bit of a protest on MC (prompted by Dulcinea and Martin Flack's posts)ie every post must mention fish of a sort - I wonder how long it will take before it all gets pulled? It's clean as a whistle - I was on the verge of putting something a tad risque on with regard to Octopussy -one of your own films 00V - when the board closed and refused to take it. C'est la vie. And may have saved my bacon....

OK - Beef - but only if it's really good quality.

Octopus or Squid? (I hope I havn't done that one before).

smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 245


Good morning, Oh Scarlet One - glad you enjoyed your beef. We were at a Faculty do earlier - 'M's people, you know, like Pam's people, only older & academic!! I had the steak, to my great regret - it looked as if it had been cooked by a Frenchman, but tasted dire. Herself, with a greater experience of their food, settled for rainbow trout, which was, delicious.

What in Heavens name have they got against fish? If I could find my gast, I'm sure it would be flabbered beyond repair!

I like squid - got some excellent recipes, sauces & so on. smiley - sigh I remember when you could get them just for the taking away, but now everybody wants them.

Apple crumble with blueberries and maple syrup, or baked Alaska with fresh cream? smiley - devil

'M' sends love.

smiley - stout

This or That ?

Post 246


Hello northoftheborder folk

Please, please, please change the subject! smiley - biggrin

I've had a swollen abscessed mouth for nearly a week now and I've been off solids and living on soups and scrambled eggs so all this talk of seafood and steaks - surf and turf, if you will - is killing me smiley - tongueout

Though I must say that apple crumble with blueberries and maple syrup sounds wooooonderfulsmiley - rainbow

Quickly changing the subject.....

Cornwall...north coast or south coast?

This or That ?

Post 247


South Coast for me - 'tis all the nearer to that French Brandy!! smiley - sigh
Still, these days it'll be all 'Booze Cruises' and no Smugglers.

Sorry to hear about your tooth, old boy. As if the pain, etc isn't enough, the [expletive deleted] anti-biotics restrict one's intake of the other necessity of life - wine, I mean.

I've been out in the warm sun (when out of the wind), setting our spuds and doing other odds and sods under the watchful & puzzled eye of Cabal and the affectionate & lazy eye of 'M'.

So, on a slightly different tack :

Bernard Cornwell or Patricia Cornwell?


This or That ?

Post 248

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Bernard Cornwall

This may be unfair as I am too squeamish to read the other. But I loved his arther/merlin trilogy (can't for the life of me remember what it was called)and Stonehenge.

Lindsay Davies or David Wishart?

smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 249


Ave, Carmenissima!

On the whole, I'm a Falcophile. Herself, on the other hand, likes Corvinus. We trade our books, though & I'd be a liar if I said I didn't like David Wishart. so while I raise a glass to Corvo, smiley - redwine, I pass the pitcher to Marcus Didius Falco & Lindsey Davis!

Ian Rankine, or David Morrel?

This or That ?

Post 250

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

00V - I have read mostl, if not all, of Mr. Rankin - and have never heard of Mr. Morrel - do I have a treat in store?

So, I have to go for Rankin

Balloons or Kites?

smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 251

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

00V - I have read most, if not all, of Mr. Rankin - and have never heard of Mr. Morrel - do I have a treat in store?

So, I have to go for Rankin

Balloons or Kites?

smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 252


Balloons for me, Chelsea! Hot air or party, I don't mind. We're going to have a bit of a party on Sunday, now that OOV has recovered, so look north to Pictland!

BTW, OOV says Morrel is good.

Kites are fun, tho.

Red wine, or white?

This or That ?

Post 253

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

both - but white really! I think we've done that one before.

Chow Mein or Chop Suey!

smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 254


Chow Mein, Singapore Chow Mein. Although i prefer fried rice to noodles.

Pool or Darts?

This or That ?

Post 255


It's pool for me myc. I've always been useless at both but I can't hurt anyone at the pool table! (And have you ever tried playing darts from a wheelchair??smiley - biggrin)

The Royal Crescent or Electric Avenue?

This or That ?

Post 256

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

What about Let'sbe Avenue??? smiley - biggrin

pink or purple?

smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 257



no, peet, i haven't tried darts from down here. i have tried pool, once. i found the table to be at just the wrong height - too high to hold the cue 'underarm' (if you get my meaning) and too low to play 'overarm' (cloth-rip-grip).

a film one: Series 7(The Contenders) or Battle Royale?

This or That ?

Post 258


Ummh. Hard one that. Battle Royale, I think.

Tandoori Chicken or Pork Vindaloo?

We've been away - nice to be back!

smiley - stout

This or That ?

Post 259


Tandoor style chicken,
's finger lickin' good!

Lagavulin (sp?) or Glenmorrangie?

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