This is the Message Centre for Scarlet Woman

This or That ?

Post 41

Scarlet Woman

Hello Peeeto smiley - pirate,

I shall have to go for The New York Times - as I've never read the other!

either or?!

smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 42


either (always keep your options open!smiley - smiley)

spider plants or cacti?

smiley - cheers

This or That ?

Post 43

kri stickle mass

cacti for their infinite variety and continual source of wonderment

an alien commander of an invasionary force or saddam hussein ?

krissmiley - rose

This or That ?

Post 44

Number Six

Evenin all smiley - biggrin

I used to have a rat-tailed cactus. Strange little thing.

I'd go for Saddam everytime. Aliens can be unpredictable.

Jellyfish OR Smash ???

smiley - ufo

This or That ?

Post 45


Smash. Jellyfish taste awful smiley - tongueout

Klingons or Romulans?

smiley - cheers

This or That ?

Post 46

Scarlet Woman

Klingons - though neither appeals down a black hole in a dark nebula...

Baklava or Balaclava?

smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 47

Number Six

Eeeevenin CG smiley - biggrin

Has to be baklava, as balaclavas can get you shot smiley - wah

Spanish fly OR Matt Damon ???

P.S. just got tipped off to a great little seasonal game. Google for chunkideas, and hit the entry which mentions snowball. Turn sound up.

smiley - biggrin

This or That ?

Post 48

Scarlet Woman

Evening me dear!

Spanish Fly of course!!! (CG has a certain reputation to maintain you know!) and Matt Damon's attractions are lost on me ....

Tikka or Masala?

(I'm making a huge curry at the mo - which I hasten to add - is neither of the above! Goan!)

smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 49

kri stickle mass

morning everyone,

masala if that is the wet one.

a slow smooth one or round the walls (as you do) smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - wow

kris smiley - rose

This or That ?

Post 50

Scarlet Woman

Kris that's not fair!

Both have their merits......

I'll go for a slow smooth one

tattoo or piercing?

smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 51

kri stickle mass

hi scarlet honey,

if you really have to have one, then piercing as it is a dynamic sexual enhancement.

a pure brow, a smile full of mischief?

kris smiley - rose

This or That ?

Post 52

Scarlet Woman

I always like a bit of mischief!

Blonde or Brunette?

smiley - fairy

This or That ?

Post 53

kri stickle mass

i think i will leave the boys to answer that one scarlet, it is a more important factor in the scheme of things for them i am guessing. i personally like a pin up from each category. alan smith, marat safin, maurice green and iwan thomas. it happens naturally and without planning. smiley - biggrin

how about one for us girls on the side

brad pitt or joey tribiani (sp) (a purely-for-sexual purposes) choice smiley - devil

krissmiley - rose

This or That ?

Post 54

Number Six

Hmmm... blonde or brunette..the eternal dilemma. Usually I end up with a bit of both smiley - sadface

Delia Smith OR Nigella Lawson ???

This or That ?

Post 55

kri stickle mass

pk, that was very subtle and very funny smiley - tickle

nigella, how could you even think up the other !!! yuk

bathing a tramp or changing an old person's nappy

i dont know what is wrong with me tonight smiley - sorry

krissmiley - rose

This or That ?

Post 56


Picture the scene. smiley - smiley

It's Saturday morning. I get up, take a shower and get the coffee and toast ready. Sitting in a comfy chair, I switch on my computer and log on to h2g2 to see who has been there since yesterday evening.

I just fill my mouth with toast and marmalade when I come across your posting, Kris.

smiley - ill

Please be more careful next time. smiley - biggrin

After getting all the little bits of toast out of the keyboard and the coffee off the screen, I'm opting for the tramp. smiley - tongueout

Graham Norton or Henry Cooper?

smiley - cheers


This or That ?

Post 57

kri stickle mass


glad to be of help sir !! smiley - biggrin

coo peter when you get into films you really flipping get into them dont you (saw your post on lotrdvd marathon). wow. when i study things i do it intensively too, it brings such huge mindgrowth.

graham norton cos laughing is so good for us.

a day out at the zoo or a day in with fave children (that is an interesting connection popped out there smiley - biggrin )

kris smiley - rose

This or That ?

Post 58

Scarlet Woman


I have to echo Peter's dismay at the YUK factor in your previous this or that! I have just sat down with me lunch and clicked on h2g2 and .... well, I think I'll give it a miss!

On the other thing - Brad Pitt in Kalifornia! I am known for a slightly bizarre taste in men!

AND - why should us ladies not care about the blonde versus brunette debate!?! I for one, rarely look twice at a fair haired man - they MUST be dark and bearded and generally hairy! - what is all that about I wonder!

I'd like a day at the zoo WITH fave children! But the mother in me obliges me to say a day with fave children - just so long as it's not a long day!

Neil Young or James Taylor?

This or That ?

Post 59

kri stickle mass

ok well look sorry everybody but life would be boring if you only ever got what you think you want smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

anyway back to something wonderful

two door black top

dennis wilson and james taylor and gto (cant remember his name - saw the film back in 1978)

so because of that film i would go for - james taylor.

well now scarlet honey, i cant say about the preferences bit. except my two husbands were freckled and red haired (one subtle, one incredible red) the other two great loves of my life were dark haired but not incredibly hairy. i just like men period. they can be so wonderful and/or beautiful too.

chocolate or hard sweets

kris smiley - rose

This or That ?

Post 60

Scarlet Woman

Two Husbands! - You greedy girl!!

I have only had one - and he was dark and v good looking - but NO Beard - it was bound to end in tears!

So now I limit myself to one with much hair and beard - I find if I don't set some boundaries I am like a glutton in a deli!

...or, a child in a sweet shop - which brings me to your very tricky question! Of course there are certain times when a girl just has to have chocolate - but a sherbet lemon or a Glacier Fruit or a Murray Mint can be a fine thing.....

What to do....???


smiley - fairy

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