This is the Message Centre for With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

kows Poland adventure

Post 81


loup: Typical womensmiley - run

smiley - zen

kows Poland adventure

Post 82

Loup Dargent

oh look at the time... i'm gonna do some work on the LDers page me thinks... hehe... smiley - run

kows Poland adventure

Post 83


What happened to the smiley - devil?

Probably, lurking somewheresmiley - flustered

smiley - biggrin

smiley - zen

kows Poland adventure

Post 84

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

Mein Kommandant;

I apologise for the grevious perculiarisation of your benign sojourn to Poland and at no time did I infer that you may have planned to stage a mock border incident at a radio station utilising condemned prisoners dressed in Wehrmacht uniforms and riddled with Polish submachine gun bullets.

Except for just then.

I also condone your annexation of the Sudetenland and the Austrian Anschluss as merely a method by which to alleviate the unacceptable lack of adequate panzer parking space.

Peace in our time!

A piece of Holland perhaps? Or maybe a thin slice of Denmark?

smiley - shark

kows Poland adventure

Post 85

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

My dear Loup.

I come to you with grave tidings regarding Herr Kow's alleged European adventure.

Although our esteemed colleague speaks in terms of a Polish 'holiday', I have intercepted numerous conversational anomolies that add up to a more dire and sinister Great World Plan.

For instance, Herr Kow speaks extremely highly of 'Mein Kampfsite', a galling prospect as you can well imagine. Having chosen this particular little area of lebensraum, expect a large fleet of strangely turreted and armoured caravans to unexpectedly take up residence in Kutno and Lodz without the proper ground rent.

Heil Hitcher.

smiley - shark

kows Poland adventure

Post 86

Loup Dargent

herr von kow the new guide of eastern europe... hehe.. not a bad title me thinks...

kows Poland adventure

Post 87

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

My dear Mad King as you can see I took up your suggestion and sought the Knights of h2g2 and gained the above title.
Have fun
smiley - rainbow

kows Poland adventure

Post 88


smiley - starloup i was not smiley - zzz after all that is ur speciality smiley - biggrin

smiley - starkow if u r referrin 2 me wi the smiley - devil no im not lurkin n ive told u its urself thats the smiley - devilsmiley - biggrin

smiley - starpaladin good news 2nite was,nt the last 4 my course its got a extension till next week. then my tutor is on hols but when she gets back shes hopin 2 carry on 4 another 6 weeks smiley - boingsmiley - boingsmiley - biggrin

romanismiley - angel

kows Poland adventure

Post 89


Herr Ruprecht,

Having recently intercepted an uncoded message to a certain French resistance member, I can only assure you that the caravans you mention were just carrying old Marks, so you can see security is an issue, and the reason they were spotted in Lodz is because they took a left out of Munich town-centre instead of a right(damn new lights).

Now that little misconception has been cleared up, ther was one other thing, upon studying some recent communiques I came across an interesting topic, about a certain German figure and a castle, wondering how this certain person could acquire such property and title, I came across a little known fact regarding the pick 'n' mix in Woolworths.

I can also promise that this sort of thing is frowned upon in the glorius Reich, usal sentences are often 12 hour shifts in an NHS hospital, without any days off.

Herr von Kow

kows Poland adventure

Post 90


Re:romanismiley - devil
Here's a

Does it fitsmiley - run

smiley - zen

kows Poland adventure

Post 91

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

Dearest Paladin.

The title is indeed befitting a Paladin of your stature.

However, if certain rumblings are proved correct over the next four weeks you may need to retitle yourself as the Yoome2 Knight, Defender of a Five Pound Service Charge For Something That Was Free Last Month.

And if that seems like a mouthful, then you ought to see what the chathosts are receiving at present.

smiley - shark

kows Poland adventure

Post 92

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

My dear Mad King,
No matter what they call the new ld I shall remain as the Knight of ld as a stand for FREEdom of speech,truth,justice and a fuller purse for everyone.

The battle commences and I have an email to write.Then I shall send my challenge to the govenor of ld and see if he takes up the gauntlet,or if indeed he is a coward that hides behind secretary and computer screen.
Have fun
smiley - rainbow

kows Poland adventure

Post 93

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

Herr Oberst.

I thank you for clearing up that minor issue regarding the Nazi Caravan. Given this new evidence I can now see that the twenty seven heavily armed infantry divisions, four light divisions, four motorised infantry divisions, one cavalry brigade, sixteen hastily raised understrength infantry divisions, eight hundred and fifty bombers and four hundred fighters are merely a trifling security escort for a few old Marks.

Regarding the German Ruprecht of Heidelberg I have only a passing aquaintence with the fellow and can assure you that he is a very distant relative and only of consequence should I be called upon to prove my Aryan origins.

As for Woolworths pick & Mix, this little known fact is certainly little known to me. Any form of elaboration would be greatly appreciated.

I see that you have installed a modest camping facility at Dachau where I can exercise my duties in an arbeit macht frei sort of fashion.

Do you have similar plans afoot for Poland?

smiley - shark

kows Poland adventure

Post 94

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

Ride with haste dear Knight Errant.

The entire LD community is scheduled for immolation in time for Christmas. The District is about to become nothing more than a legend by which to frighten children around the firelight as an example of what happens to Boys Who Are Bad.

Godspeed you in your quest,

smiley - shark

kows Poland adventure

Post 95

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

Monsieur d'argent.

Monsieur d'argent.

'Allo 'allo.

Are you receiving me?

The expansion of Herr Kow's glorious Fourth Reich is hiding behind the excuse of a simple navigational error along the Munich Autobahn.

Beware.... I see roadworks all the way to Alsace-Lorraine.

Advise that you strengthen your defences, or failing that add a few more bricks to the Maginot Line.

That ought to keep the fiend at bay.

Vive la Resistance!

smiley - shark

kows Poland adventure

Post 96

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

Good morning Romani.

Good morning Angel.

How goes the inhalation of dried tobacco produce?

And do you have any advice regarding Herr Kow's retro-crazed Polish excursion?

And does this make him para-normal?

Welcome back to 1939. Please feel free to form a government in exile.

Cool Britannia has already been adopted but given the nature of the current Labour administration to date 'Fool Britannia' would admirably sum up the regime's policy and general ideology.

smiley - shark

kows Poland adventure

Post 97

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

Good morning Romani.

Good morning Angel.

How goes the inhalation of dried tobacco produce?

And do you have any advice regarding Herr Kow's retro-crazed Polish excursion?

And does this make him para-normal?

Welcome back to 1939. Please feel free to form a government in exile.

Cool Britannia has already been adopted but given the nature of the current Labour administration to date 'Fool Britannia' would admirably sum up the regime's policy and general ideology.

smiley - shark

kows Poland adventure

Post 98

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

Hmmm..... I appear to be repeating myself a lot this morning.

kows Poland adventure

Post 99

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

Interferance methinks of an odious nature.

KOW! Stop lurking and trying to sabotage this network.The plans of the 4th reich will not succeed.

Have fun
smiley - rainbow

kows Poland adventure

Post 100

Loup Dargent

are we starting a wargame in here too?!... hehe...

carry-on, it seems fun... well twas fun to read anyway...
can't stay too long unfortunately... got some work to do in the materialistic real world... smiley - cry...
should still have time to do a bit of lurking so that more LDerist entries can be added to the "Celebrating our fellow LDers etc..." page...
i'm also conscious of the "one month deadline" before many LDers leave the YooMe2-titanic and hopefully find their way to aunty's h2g2...

of course to make my life less easier i need to write down some of the info i need for certain entries in my own personal space from my LD private messaging box... before this utility disappears too... how unconsiderate these YM2 people really!!!!!.... gonna take me months to do that.... oh smiley - bleep i don't have months...

Yoosmiley - bleepingMe2 seems to be a great nickname for this new site...

and yep LeisureDistrict might have had some faults but it was the home of a very special community...

i second and congratulate paladin for keeping her knight title in honour of that virtual universe....

i think i'm done now... hehe..

i've linked a conversation to the LDers page... it's about LD...

talk soon everyone...

loupsmiley - fullmoon

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