This is the Message Centre for With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

found you at last... lol

Post 1

Loup Dargent


smiley - cheersa quick hello from a fellow LDer...

smiley - runwill talk later as i have to go back to LD and check a reply to my replies... hehe...

smiley - aliensmileif you want to visit my space click on my name at the top...

smiley - rocketit should take you there (hopefully)...

smiley - coolstay tuned....

Bonjour Monsieur d'argent.

Post 2

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

Tally ho!

So many buttons to press.

I have a nice crisp ten pound note here that says I press the one that will inflict the maximum number of casualties.

I would send you a smiley face sporting a pair of shades but I fear that something dreadful would happen.

Well, here goes my inaugural message on this system.

God bless her and all who sail in her.

hello your mad majesty...

Post 3

Loup Dargent


you mean this one smiley - cool?!

the smileys are great smiley - wow and fun smiley - aliensmile... [i was going to say easy to send but it took me ages to realise that the description should not be written in capitals for them to work...]
so in short if you write in small letters you should get a well deserved smiley - stiffdrink drink... hehe...
at the mo' i will be happy with just a smiley - coffee coffee... as i still need to go through my entries and update... update... smiley - run until i fall asleep... lol...
not really i'm taking my time...
no rush,,, smiley - cheers everything will be in place when it will be...

talk later...

i will have a look later on...

smiley - rocket got some MIB stuff to go through for a while... smiley - ufo should keep me out of mischief...
i replied to your messages on ld ... so when you get a chance you can have a look...

talk later...

hello your mad majesty...

Post 4

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

Hello,I just thought I'd come up and introduce myself.On here I am known as The Paladin but on ld its just Paladin.
I'm usualy in the pol room with loup and the others.
I am a total newbie as far as computers and web pages go.
Have fun,you'll soon get the hang of the smiley,or if you write that word between < and> you get smiley - smiley easy.

Paladins paladins everywhere...

Post 5

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

What ho gentle Knight Errant. Dear God, I feel another Frenchman coming on. Are you attributed to one of Charlemagnes Twelve Peers?
Or ,as usual, am I so far off base as to be amidst the stalls with the man who purveys hotdogs from a cardboard tray?
I have read of your work within politics and enjoy your gentle sarcasm. It also emboldens me to hear that you are as much of a technophobe as myself.

Inept computer users of the world unite.... you have nothing to lose but everything you have downloaded to your hard drive.

I know I have.

Experimental iconography.

Post 6

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

smiley - stiffdrink

smiley - smiley

Experimental and lamentable iconography.

Post 7

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

Well, I suppose that two out of five is as good a start as any.

Let's try one more.

Experimental and lamentable iconography.

Post 8

Loup Dargent


was the cheque for me?!...

anyway here are two links that might be useful for you:

A665499 "another galaxy guide"

A294833 "h2g2 fiction"

click on the numbers and it should take you there...

i hope it will be useful...

talk later...

on my way back smiley - rocket to LD...

greetings mad king fish

Post 9


I know the cheque was for all of us smiley - laugh
may I introduce myself as romani angel also a long sufferer from ld,s library smiley - laugh
personally I prefer a smiley - stiffdrink & a bag of smiley - crisps to help me get to grips wi h2g2 smiley - laugh
i though you might like these for your page just type schoolfish inbetween <> & hey presto
& heres some lights to light your way smiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - disco to get these type disco between <>
ive yet to figure out the pictures bit though smiley - laugh

talk later


greetings mad king fish

Post 10

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

Hi,I'm back

I think what romani was trying to do wassmiley - schooloffish or you could have smiley - bluefish or smiley - orangefishsmiley - fish or smiley - hsif

Have fun smiley - biggrin

I'm off ,to hide from loup as I left a return favour on his "everything you ever wanted to know"page hehehehehe


cleverclogs lol

Post 11


yes thats wot i was trying 2 do lmao

oh by the way theres no where 2 hide from old loupy hehehe

you should know that by now lol

here ave a smiley - stiffdrink 2 calm you down hehehe

ow come you managed 2 get the school of fish n not me lol
ive bin experimenting wi my page colour, its a lovely blue n my smiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - disco look ever so pretty like watching the smiley - ufos at nite


cleverclogs lol

Post 12

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

Try writeing schooloffish between < and > then you'll get smiley - schooloffish

I hope loups a fast runner lol

After all,he is only a Knight in training lol

A Paladin of the High Lord is what I am.
A physical and spiritual warrior,taken from the trilogy"The deed of paksenarrion"by Elizabeth Moon.

I hope he can keep up lol
Tally ho ,the fun has started

Romani Angel: Fish Wrangler Extraordinaire.

Post 13

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

smiley - schooloffishsmiley - schooloffishsmiley - schooloffishsmiley - schooloffish

Reciprocal greetings from a fairly bemused and out of his element LD user.

My only reservation about all this is who is now manning the politics room? How else are the good people of Telewest going to receive their daily diet of conspiracy theories and supernatural shenanagans? And would they actually notice if we all decided to defect completely?

Speaking from personal experience, no-one really noticed when I was actually there.

Somehow this brings me to the question of your most unusual username. I have interpreted it as a divine messenger from the heavens who punts truly awful clothes pegs to unsuspecting housewives.

On this matter I have chanced my arm at a spot of inspired surrealism.

Or got it wrong.

One or the other at any rate.

smiley - shark

Romani Angel: Fish Wrangler Extraordinaire.

Post 14


i like the fish very good lol
as 4 the pol rm i,ll let u into a secret we only come in here when the mods not workin lol

now my name yes i am a romani hence the 1st part of my name but no i dont sell clothes pegs i work on the outdoor market i was dragged up 2 this way o life but i love it really lol
i dont live in a trailer im a settled romani n i live in a house although i must admit i yearn 2 b livin on the rd once more alas lol
the second & most important part of my name angel is because im a spiritualist & i ave an angel with me most of the time so i thought it was only fair 2 include him in my user name

i hope thats cleared up any mystery you may have ad about me lol
but why r u called rupert the smiley - schooloffish i thought rupert was a bear lmao
please excuse the pun its just my brand of humour no offence intended honest

Romani Angel: Fish Wrangler Extraordinaire.

Post 15

Loup Dargent

and i thought all fish were called wanda... hehe...

not bad considering i just come back from a B-B-Q...

now where is that poney?!...

smiley - pony oh here you are..

talk later...

Romani Angel: Fish Wrangler Extraordinaire.

Post 16

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

And he didn't even bring us a smiley - burger or a smiley - hotdog

I don't know,and I've been working hard all day lol

I'm going to go smiley - boing soon


Romani Angel: Fish Wrangler Extraordinaire.

Post 17

Loup Dargent

no food near my digibox since paladin have being flan-throwing last night [kids!!!.. hehe]...

mmmmmm... no smiley in here not very fair me thinks...

gonna have to organise a campaign for a smiley... hehe... smiley - pony yes i know there is a poney... but it's not the same innit... lol...

talk later...

Romani Angel: Decidedly Fishy Origins.

Post 18

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

The Mad King Ruprecht the Fish cognomen arose after much searching for a suitably ridiculous title for an explorer who continually loses the plot, dies horribly in nine out of ten of his adventures and generally erases the fine line between madness and genius with a liberal dousing of correction fluid.

Mad King: well, I needed something that conjured up the image of both authority and mental deficiency. The two are virtually inseperable in any case.

Fish: there have been a number of people caught out on this one. Ruprecht is not, in fact, a fish. The piscean title is merely meant to give the reader an indication as to just how mad the mad king is.

Ruprecht: anyone seen Dirty Rotten Scoundrels? After watching Steve Martin portraying the most cerebrally challenged lifeform this side of the Milky Way I knew that I had found the right tool for the job.

Since this I have been surprised to learn that there was a real King Ruprecht who lived in fourteenth century Germany. Turns out that he patronised the University of Heidelberg in the mid thirteen hundreds.

More on that should I ever discover anything in the facts department.

I believe that I may have read that you were a spiritualist from one of your LD quotations. I must blushingly report that I have absolutely no idea what this really entails. Would there be any chance of a brief; or not so brief if you have the time; explanation.

Finally; for this message at least; you will find me an extremely difficult character to offend. In the real world I work as a smiley - nurse and am subjected to many a choice personal observation (not to mention accurately swung drip stand) on a regular daily basis.


smiley - shark

Citizen Garru's Equine Enigma.

Post 19

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

Regarding the unheralded appearence of the most intrusive smiley - pony within your latest messages I can offer very little in the way of sensible reply.

Apart from the obvious interpretation as a small breed of horse it could perhaps be a clandestine offer of twenty five pounds to dissuade you from exploding any further conspiracies. The word pony comes to us from the good people who brought us gateau and champignon and in French it is derived from the obsolete 'poulenet' meaning small colt.

Hmmmm..... small colt.

Small could be taken as few. Few is but a hastily thrown stone away from one.... or only.... or lone.

Colt as in Samuel Colt, the American inventor who gave the world his Colt Revolver. Or to put it another way.... gunman.

Lone Gunman.


Or am I in need of further tuning.

smiley - shark

Citizen Garru's Equine Enigma.

Post 20

Loup Dargent

nope that's a great theory there... hehe...

nothing to add there... lmhao...

stay tuned your mad highness.. lol....

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