This is the Message Centre for With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.
kows Poland adventure
With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth. Posted Sep 13, 2002
Sir Loup d'argent KBE,
How goes the LD emigration service today?
I have located two new converts who at present appear a little shy with regard to adding their names to the membership roll.
And wo ist der Kow?
Have I sent the commandoes to Norway for nothing?
If you are reading this Herr Oberst, desist from your lurking and launch Weserubung.
You know it makes sense....
kows Poland adventure
Loup Dargent Posted Sep 13, 2002
hi... your mad higness...
yeah, people can be shy at first when it comes to put their names down... no biggy... we could just link their names as they are LDers anyway... but it makes it more personal when they tell us... and an excuse for a chat at the same time...
kow is around i'm sure...
i have to go myself for a bit of lurking too... noticed that you've written another tale BTW... with a title in latin and all... hehe... i got it written down somewhere with the id number... it will be added to the list asap...
i think it's going to be very interesting to see what LDers write about... lot of variety too...
ok i'm ALMOST on my way...
talk later...
ps: i ONLY hope that peeps on LD are messaging my loup.dargent1 username NOT my old loup.dargent username as i think i forgot my password... will try to access it just in case... hehe...
kows Poland adventure
kow Posted Sep 13, 2002
Herr Ruprecht,
I thank you for inquiring as to my whereabouts, and can assure you when the time comes, all will be revealed, til then
Heil Hitcher
loup: Just email the gov, he'll send you yr p/w, unless you got barred
kows Poland adventure
Loup Dargent Posted Sep 13, 2002
kow: it's my OLD username and NOPE i didn't get barred... hehe... it will be quicker for me to remember that password than wait for them to send it to me... it might just take me 2 or 3 attempts before i get it right that's all...
no problem there... hehe... i would just prefer if peeps messaged me on my loup.dargent1 that's all...
then again maybe no-one did... oh dear i can feel an headache coming....
coffee emergency
kows Poland adventure
kow Posted Sep 13, 2002
Don't worry loup, I'm sure you're quite popular with some people, I don't know any personally, but I'm sure(not really sure, but confident), that someone somewhere, does like you
I was always good at raising peoples spirits
kows Poland adventure
Loup Dargent Posted Sep 13, 2002
i was talking about peeps asking for the magic email... lol
kows Poland adventure
With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth. Posted Sep 14, 2002
Good morning gentlemen.
Initially, may I welcome kow back from his marathon lurking session and applaud his return to the world of conversational contribution. Guten Tag mein Herr.
To Citizen Garru I say merely this. I shall be continuing my h2g2 recruitment programme in earnest today, so beware of strange Emails from unknown sources.
Happy hunting chaps,
kows Poland adventure
Loup Dargent Posted Sep 14, 2002
thank you your mad highness...
strange emails are welcome as long as they are not demands for money... hehe...
the war between the thundercats and the so-called terranic army is starting any time now...
A815672 should be fun...
some of the terranic soldiers don't seem to have much sense of humour so it should be EVEN more fun tackling them... lmho...
kows Poland adventure
With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth. Posted Sep 14, 2002
Dear God!
I have just been reading the Thundercat conversation thread. A WWI battle with helicopters and experimental itching powder projectiles?
Whatever happened to good old fashioned mustard gas, barbed wire and machine guns?
This ought to be entertaining. I shall follow their progress with interest.
kows Poland adventure
Loup Dargent Posted Sep 14, 2002
your mad highness...
i know... hehe...
luckily enough it's only a pretend war... but as some members of the thundercats are out of circulation at the mo' i thought i might make myself useful... even if it's just by getting on the nerves of some of the terranic soldiers...
it's all in good fun i have been told so it's ok...
pity we didn't have that in the pol room... might have brought a few more readers...
i might not last long there anyway... lol... so i will certainly be back soon..
talk later...
kows Poland adventure
With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth. Posted Sep 14, 2002
All quiet on the Western Front.
Has there been an unexpected armistice? Not so much as a Serbian assassin and an Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand so far.
Still, the Americans will be along in three years time to sort it all out.
kows Poland adventure
Loup Dargent Posted Sep 14, 2002
your mad highness... it seems that i have been put to sleep at the mo'... hehe... i did say i might not last long...
i hope that the thundercats don't need the magic email to get in... there have been a few LDers who have seen their emails disappear yesterday...
it's reported on the "warning" conversation thread... [well there have been another report since...] i will look into LD time to time to see if there is any messages about that situation... no biggy as such as we still can get another one... but rather inconvenient...
kows Poland adventure
The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District Posted Sep 14, 2002
kows Poland adventure
Loup Dargent Posted Sep 14, 2002
oh dear... and i thought i would be able to sleep through that war... lol...
emails situation seems ok for me... but my area might be dealt with later on... so i'm not gloating yet...
your mad highness and kow: i managed to work out what was my password for my old LD username... only took me a few minutes... so if peeps send messages to loup.dargent instead of loup.dargent1 they will still get an answer... eventually.
kows Poland adventure
kow Posted Sep 14, 2002
I've received an email from TelePest explaining the problem, apparently thay had a major disc failure with one of their servers
So it looks like your mail shall remain safe, as it's only affected people North of the Watford Gap and it's been sorted now, however the mail is lost for good
kows Poland adventure
Loup Dargent Posted Sep 14, 2002
kow: ... at least it's safe for now... once manda got this email thingy set up i will sleep better... these things are bound to happen time to time... and i've just been lucky THIS time...
we definitely need to write down peeps email addies from now on
thanks anyway...
everytime i was popping in LD and coming back i was wondering if my emails would still be there... well they are still there until the next time i suppose...
talk later
kows Poland adventure
kow Posted Sep 14, 2002
That's the problem with TelePest, you never know how they are gonna mess you about next, their customer relations suck
Can't see things improving either while they're in so much debt
What happened to the address book?
kows Poland adventure
Loup Dargent Posted Sep 14, 2002
the address book never appeared as far as i know...
and subtitles as well as teletext don't work either...
on a plus side emails are free... hehe...
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kows Poland adventure
- 121: With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth. (Sep 13, 2002)
- 122: Loup Dargent (Sep 13, 2002)
- 123: kow (Sep 13, 2002)
- 124: Loup Dargent (Sep 13, 2002)
- 125: kow (Sep 13, 2002)
- 126: Loup Dargent (Sep 13, 2002)
- 127: With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth. (Sep 14, 2002)
- 128: Loup Dargent (Sep 14, 2002)
- 129: With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth. (Sep 14, 2002)
- 130: Loup Dargent (Sep 14, 2002)
- 131: With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth. (Sep 14, 2002)
- 132: Loup Dargent (Sep 14, 2002)
- 133: The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District (Sep 14, 2002)
- 134: Loup Dargent (Sep 14, 2002)
- 135: kow (Sep 14, 2002)
- 136: Loup Dargent (Sep 14, 2002)
- 137: kow (Sep 14, 2002)
- 138: Loup Dargent (Sep 14, 2002)
- 139: kow (Sep 14, 2002)
- 140: Loup Dargent (Sep 14, 2002)
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