This is the Message Centre for With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

kows Poland adventure

Post 141


Just thought I'd drag this back upsmiley - erm

smiley - zen

kows Poland adventure

Post 142

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

Capital idea Herr Oberst.

Especially since LD has been comprehensively blocking my every attempt at communication this week.

Is anyone else receiving the boot with annoying regularity?

smiley - shark

kows Poland adventure

Post 143

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

Hello stranger,

I can say with certainty that the answer to the above question is a definate "Yes".

I have had trouble accessing conversations and posting messages but that has thankfully been corrected and romani has had trouble as well.

So I think the next in line is loup,I don't think they will leave him out on his own.
smiley - rainbow

I think kow was looking for you earlier in the week.

kows Poland adventure

Post 144

Loup Dargent

yep... T.WEST haven't made the connection yet with my loupdargent1 email addy and my real name... hehe...

actually they seem to have avoided me these last days... no firewalls down and up, no signs of "upgrades" but at least no major interference in their service...

that makes me what?!... an e-maquisard?!... hehe...

Sir loupsmiley - fullmoon

kows Poland adventure

Post 145

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

A Whatty smiley - huh

Can we have that in English smiley - huh

This confuciuos thing is catching

kows Poland adventure

Post 146

Loup Dargent

a maquisard is a member of the Maquis [star trek - voyager?!]...

the Maquis is a bit like the Resistance but they used to hide in an area in France called the maquis... hence the name...

WOW... that was cultural AND francophile alright... hehe...

the e before the name was because of the e world of the net...

Sir loupsmiley - fullmoon

kows Poland adventure

Post 147

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

smiley - ok thanks.

I'm going to smiley - zzz now so I will see you over on ld tomorrow.
Nite nite.
smiley - rainbow

kows Poland adventure

Post 148

Loup Dargent

oh right...smiley - laugh

a bit of culture and they fall asleep... lol...


i might not be much on LD tomorrow but i will pop in just in case... hehe...

Sir loupsmiley - fullmoon

kows Poland adventure

Post 149

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

Dear all,

Apologies for my enforced absence.

The lot of a medical admissions nurse and international swashbuckling adventurer leave precious little time in which to keep up with the mail.

I received a novel email invite from one rockingcruiser in LD who has set up another forum for the ousted PC users. So all you computer wielding chappies out there may access anyone we have missed through MSN chat forums and draft up some new h2g2 membership.

With fondest regards to le fusilier solitaire, Romani and Angel, the Paladin of the Leisure District and of course Oberleutnant von Kow.

Here is hoping that you finally expose THE MASKED AVENGER before he disappears into the ether.

With gun and umbrella,

smiley - shark

kows Poland adventure

Post 150

Loup Dargent

hi your mad highness...

another forum?!... sounds interesting... let us know more please...

i think the masked one has learned their lesson eg that when in a public forum it is important to be careful how to say things... they apologised to me through messaging too about upsetting me...

as for your absence well it's not your fault... some of us had problems with the TVemail so we haven't be there as much as usual too... tho' we have a few more members on the list...

we have a few NTL users coming too... i just left a message to one of them... it seems that the 360 idea works with that set-box too... or. at least it does improve the performance of their machine a bit...

i haven't had time to update anything these last days... hopefully i will manage to make my weekend productive on that front...

talk later..

loupsmiley - fullmoon

kows Poland adventure

Post 151


AH! Ze Mad King reappears, so vot iz zis secret you iz keeping from uz and does it vork on ze digi-box, cos if itz the msn mezzenger, zen itz kaputtsmiley - erm

Herr von Kow
smiley - zen

kows Poland adventure

Post 152

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

Morning chaps.

I have not visited the site in question personally but am reliably informed that it is entitled ALLFORMERPCUSERSOFLD in MSN.

Digiboxites may experience some technical difficulties.

Such as a total inability to access it.

So that probably puts the kibosh on that one.

Cheers Oberleutnant. It would appear that this information is, how you say, 'tot in der wasser.'

smiley - shark

kows Poland adventure

Post 153

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

Good morning,
I had some trouble getting on this morning so I dare say loup and some of the other's may also be experiencing difficulties.

Glad to see you are in fine form.

smiley - rainbow

kows Poland adventure

Post 154

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

Good day to you gentle Paladin.

So, only you and I remain this morning?

It is good to see you in your usual rainbow splendour. Today has been blessed with auspicious tidings as I received word from Samarkand.

It would seem that she is set to continue sailing the digital seas for the present. I only hope that my reply to her hail has not changed her mind.

As for the gentlemen, I fully expect Kow to spring into action at any moment.

smiley - shark

kows Poland adventure

Post 155


Zis is vorrying, vhere are you getting your intelligence?smiley - erm

smiley - zen

kows Poland adventure

Post 156

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

Well its not me smiley - laugh

I've just got back from haveing abit of a lurk and now I think I shall lurk of again as I'm checking to see if my article clashes with anyone elses.

Or should I say crashes smiley - laugh

have fun
Oh and good afternoon kow,
smiley - rainbow

kows Poland adventure

Post 157

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

Guten abend Herr Kow.

Our top notch FOO boys at HQ constantly ptl your posn and LofC. Everything else has been classified TOPSEC by SHAEF.

Awfully sorry to blow your cover Jerry.

Until the next time Paladin.... farewell.

smiley - shark

kows Poland adventure

Post 158


Paladin: Which one the Myxoma one?

...and thanks for the welcome, and how are you this fine daysmiley - biggrin

smiley - zen

kows Poland adventure

Post 159

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

Yup,I don't think we want any crashes anywhere smiley - laugh

I'm fine thanx,tired though as I was up half the night with one of my tribe,I'll catch up on my smiley - zzzlater.

Glad to see your smiley - ok
Have fun
smiley - rainbow

kows Poland adventure

Post 160

Loup Dargent

yep... difficulties with TVemail and problems with the real world taking me away from my digibox at the most inconvenient times...

not exactly a good cocktail...

and after having peeped in h2g2 earlier through someone else's computer i am even more determined to get one asap...

even brunuel looks good through a computer... THAT says it all...smiley - laugh

loupsmiley - fullmoon

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