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Blasphemer?!... lol

Post 201

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

Well,loup is on ld,you can guess where.
Other than that I haven't come across anyone else on my wanderings this morning.

How are you today your Highness.

smiley - chick

Blasphemer?!... lol

Post 202

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

Good morning Paladin.

I bide well, having returned from the world of work for a three day limited period before sallying forth once more to the night shift.

So tell me. What news on rabbits?

Where do I discover your latest guide entry?

smiley - shark

Blasphemer?!... lol

Post 203

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

The smiley - bunnys are doing well and are currently resideing in peer review smiley - yikes

But I can assure you they are being well taken care of.

smiley - chick

Blasphemer?!... lol

Post 204

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

It would seem I have a great deal of catching up to do.

I shall vewy vewy qwietly twack down said wascally wabbits this day.

Something about the myxoma virus I hear.

And as an aside, may I afford you all due credit for controlling six offspring whilst simultaneously engaging in digibox communication. I have but one here and her attempts at scuppering my attention are proving above and beyond adequate.

What is your secret? Is chloroform involved?

smiley - shark

Blasphemer?!... lol

Post 205

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

Well one has left home and four are at school or college and the littlen is only 7 months old so a good supply of toys and regular feeds and drinks and the necessary other bits and hey presto she's happy.

At the momment she's teething so add to the above an occasional dose of teething gel.

smiley - chick
How old is your little one?

Blasphemer?!... lol

Post 206

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

My own little bundle of delight is four years old.

She excells at it.

We have now entered the 'How did I come out of Mommy's tummy?' phase of development, coupled with random sulking and experimental 'What happens when I put this in the video recorder' activities.

Fortunately, the local nursery school is able to cope with such machinations and from one o'clock I shall have two hours in which to recover the shattered fragments of my sanity.

However, at this point my dear lady returns from work and unfailingly addresses the ridiculous notion that we really need to pay bills and stock the refridgerator with the tattered remains of deceased fauna and flora.

Dear Lord preserve you from the horror of teething. From the squawking and wailing that this generates I hope that your household is copiously supplied with ear defenders.

I like the chick. Is this a new look for you?

smiley - shark

Blasphemer?!... lol

Post 207

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

The smiley - chick I adopted because kow was calling me a chicken for not putting the smiley - bunny s into peer review straight away.I put it in writer's workshop first and got some feedback on it and added bits and so on and then yesterday it went to peer review.The smiley - chicks name is "Chirpy" smiley - laugh as in Chirpy chirpy smiley - chicksmiley - chick terrible I know smiley - laugh.
I have a 5yr old that is thankfully at school but she is usually fine if you give her all her Barbies and that,she will play for hours.Or if you are really desperate play hide and seek.Let them go and hide and have a slow count to say a million before you go find them.smiley - laugh
smiley - chick

Blasphemer?!... lol

Post 208

Loup Dargent

or just let them go and hide... hehe...

loupsmiley - fullmoon

Blasphemer?!... lol

Post 209

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

MMMMmmm wonder if that trick would work on kow.
smiley - chick

Blasphemer?!... lol

Post 210


You could try it Pally, go and hide then smiley - laugh

smiley - zen

Blasphemer?!... lol

Post 211

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

Its you turn to hide as I did that earlier.
Peace & quiet smiley - laugh
You should try it sometime smiley - laugh
smiley - chick

Blasphemer?!... lol

Post 212


Have you finished counting yetsmiley - laugh

smiley - zen

Blasphemer?!... lol

Post 213

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

No,have you found a better place to hide yet smiley - huh
smiley - chick

Blasphemer?!... lol

Post 214


Have you done counting yetsmiley - huh

Do you want me to start you off:
that's as far as I got

smiley - laugh

smiley - zen

Blasphemer?!... lol

Post 215

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

Found you smiley - laugh

hehehe,while you were off lurking I've just watched Bloodsport.I like that film
smiley - chick

Blasphemer?!... lol

Post 216


You're turn, go and hidesmiley - laugh

smiley - zen

Blasphemer?!... lol

Post 217

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

smiley - sorry I went to bed instead.

Morning kow.
smiley - chick

Blasphemer?!... lol

Post 218

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

Good morning to anyone out there in jolly old h2g2 land.

There now follows the usual three week hiatis between replies....

smiley - shark

Blasphemer?!... lol

Post 219

Loup Dargent

hehe... almost...smiley - biggrin

i was on my way out... [literally outside...]

good morning your mad highness...

all your stories have been listed in the directory re: LDers contributions to h2g2... just needs a bit of polishing and soon there should be a nice page especially for you there...

lot of things [good things] have happened regarding the friends of LD... will write something on the lDers space journal soon listing them... let's say to cut a long story short that we definitely got noticed...smiley - biggrin

i have to go unfortunately... i'm late as it is...smiley - laugh...

will get back to you soon... [before 3 weeks...smiley - biggrin]

all the best...

loupsmiley - fullmoon

ps: if you have a look at my [almost finished to be] improved space... that might give you a clue of how well the LDers are doing at the mo'... but as i said i'll get back to you soon...

smiley - fullmoon

Blasphemer?!... lol

Post 220

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

Good morning Loup.

I have been wandering around the Friends of LD and find it a grand undertaking. A brand spanking new SAS style badge, an all comers writing competition, a drop down list of over thirty members and an explosion of new colours and graphics that pull the eyes out by the optic nerve, give them a twist and force them back into place at breathtaking speed.

Well done that man.

Regarding the Piscean Tales, once I find time I shall be adding further to the list unless common sense should prevail in the meantime. Bless you sir for generating so much free advertising within what is essentially a non-advertising organisation.

Give my regards to 'outside'. I cannot abide the place myself. Fresh air, wildlife and rampaging hordes of market researchers. Not to mention the severe weather warnings that Shropshire has been inundated with lately. Gale force winds, floods and the odd earthquake so far this month. Give me a pencil long enough to reach the ceiling and I need never get out of bed again.

Well, as I appear to have crushed my three week response time I ought to have just sufficient time to visit your space and see if anything has changed in the last twenty four hours.

Yours staying tuned,

smiley - shark

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