This is the Message Centre for With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

kows Poland adventure

Post 101

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

Carry on friend loup and if you come across any top secret information ie plans of the 4th reich we shall be more than glad for you to share that knowledge with us.
Unity,liberty,freedom and all that stuff lol
smiley - rainbow

kows Poland adventure

Post 102


Herr Ruprecht: Having intercepted another message bound for the Maquis, may I suggest one obvious glaring mistake in your plan to foil the glorious mission of the E.U, Belgium!!

We shall be marching down the Champs Elysees in time for Christmas.

Heil Hitcher

smiley - zen

P.S I hear Dachau is lovely this time of year, as you will, no doubt, soon see first hand.

kows Poland adventure

Post 103

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

Dearest Mistress Paladin.

This conversation forum is on the verge of an explosive Blitzkreig, the like of which the world has never seen before.

Well, perhaps once before, but that is hardly the point.

On which side of the fence do you stand, or do you, like me, hide behind it with a sheet over your head?

In essence, are you - as your name suggests - a force for decency, honesty and justice, or do you cut cards with the moustachioed unitesticular one?

And has this all entered a surreal realm of the extremely silly?

I do hope so.

smiley - shark

kows Poland adventure

Post 104


oh smiley - bleep wot ave i stumbled in 2 this time smiley - biggrin

can some 1 please tell me wot is the plot this time smiley - biggrin

romanismiley - angel

kows Poland adventure

Post 105

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

silly,yes.But always on the side of light,truth,honesty and freedom.

With a wacking big dose of humour on the side lol

smiley - rainbow

kows Poland adventure

Post 106


smiley - starpaladin i get it ur gonna hit em wi the smiley - tickle stick smiley - biggrin

smiley - boingsmiley - boing

romanismiley - angel

kows Poland adventure

Post 107

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

The smiley - angel knows what plans are afoot smiley - laugh

Walk this way smiley - footprints
now don't you feel silly lol

smiley - rainbow

kows Poland adventure

Post 108

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

Herr Kommandant von Kow.

Ah, the old Schlieffen Plan gambit.

It was tried and found wanting in 1918 and I have every confidence in the Low Countries ability to anticipate a similar manouvre in the future.

Besides, even if such a rash strategy is employed I can report without any shadow of a doubt that the Ardenne Forest is comprehensively un-tankable. I know this as a fact because the blue pixies told me.

I should also point out that the French army is the largest on the continent and is ready, willing and able to obliviously lounge about in a trench and eat the hindquarters of dead amphibians until all this nonsense blows over.

In addition, the good old boys of the BEF can be found in considerable force near the France/Belgium frontier. So, if you wish to surrender now, please report to either Corporal Smith or Private Harris who will politely disarm Army Group von Rundstedt and escort them to a designated resettlement area on the back seat of their Bren Gun Carrier.

Thank you for your attention.

Field Marshall His Imperial Majesty Mad King Ruprecht the Fish; VC MC DSO BSE DSC&Bars.

Addendum: The Dachau Hotel and School for Good Citizenship is a tad overcrowded for my tastes. The food is dreadful, the showering facilities questionable and some fellow calling himself a doctor tried to give me malaria. Please could you construct something a little more efficient for any future vacationing around Europe?

smiley - shark

kows Poland adventure

Post 109

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

Good evening Romani and Angel.

It would appear that you have stumbled into 1939.

We apologise for the inconvenience and assure you that normal service will be resumed just as soon as the all clear siren has been raised.

smiley - shark

kows Poland adventure

Post 110


hmmmmmm now let me c the kows ave invaded poland & tried 2 moove on deeper & then along comes the knight paladin in all her shinin armour 2 defend the smiley - angel realm with her trusted smiley - tickle stick 2 render the hapless kow unable 2 moove a muscle smiley - biggrin

& also the mad king smiley - fish is tryin 2 defend wotsisname with a smelly old kipper smiley - biggrin

romanismiley - angel

kows Poland adventure

Post 111

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

Dearest Paladin, defender of truth, honour and all round goodliness if such a word exists.

There follows a short disclaimer that will hopefully absolve me from any part in the unusualness of this conversation forum.


We now return to tonight's scheduled programming....

smiley - shark

kows Poland adventure

Post 112

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

Well I'm off to the stagedoor canteen for some riotus danceing to Glenn Miller and his orchestra,I hear they are doing a new number,pensylvania 65000.

Have fun
smiley - rainbow

kows Poland adventure

Post 113

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

Indeed Romani, that just about sums up the state of play at the moment.

Except for the tiny detail that it is a sturgeon, not a kipper.

Please feel free to commit yourself to either side of the cause or smack us across the head with a bladder on a stick for being rather silly little boys.

smiley - shark

kows Poland adventure

Post 114

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

Pardon me Paladin, is that the train to Chatanooga?

One twenty nine?

That works out cheaper than subscribing to Yoome2.

Oh dear, that line fails to scan. Music is certainly not my thing.

smiley - shark

kows Poland adventure

Post 115

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

Where's loup? their playing The Moonlight Seranade next.

As for Kow,I think he'd better Mooove along home.Its time for tea and barley cake.Then he can hit the hay lol

smiley - rainbow

kows Poland adventure

Post 116


right then in comes the smiley - angel 2 help defend her realm against the dastardly kow.......ooops no need the kow as now moooved outta sight he thought he saw a ikkle devil & is now hidin in the haystack moooooin 2 his hearts content smiley - biggrin

romanismiley - angel

kows Poland adventure

Post 117

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

And so, once more, we drift away from the set parameters of normality and into a strange new world of complete gibberish.

I am certainly In The Mood.

One too many quaffs from the Little Brown Jug methinks.

Er.... does anyone know any more Glenn Miller songs? I have run out of titles to corrupt.

smiley - shark

kows Poland adventure

Post 118


smiley - sorry i dont know any glen miller but i do know plenty queen smiley - biggrin

just hang on a mo while i refill my rather smiley - empty glass.....i need it after fightin off the dastardly kow who im glad 2 report as now gone 2 ground.....thanks 2 the ikkle smiley - devil

smiley - biggrin

romanismiley - angel

kows Poland adventure

Post 119

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

Oh dash it all.

Just when I was beginning to enjoy myself.

I too have more than a passing fondness for Queen. I have almost three albums and have unofficially lurked within the Queen Fan Club within this very site.

Have you a particular favourite?

smiley - shark

kows Poland adventure

Post 120

Loup Dargent

doh!!!! smiley - bleeping doh!!!!...

just when my lurking expeditions were on the verge of being fruitful the clock is reminding me that the real world needs me...

won't be around much but will be doing some heavy lurking tonight....

paladin: tried to post you a long message last night but the screen froze on me when i clicked on "post message"...

could be due to the "upgrading" work as there have been a few unexpected frozen screens last night eg: when accessing some entries...

ok talk later everyone...

loupsmiley - fullmoon

ps: paladin again... how come i haven't got my knighthood yet?!.... something fishy there... hehe...

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