This is the Message Centre for With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

Friend, Romani & Countryman (or woman)

Post 41

Loup Dargent

your mad highness...

no need to apologise for your country's past as i would have to do the same for mine AND yours as my wife and kids are born in this country... hehe...
[imagine how difficult my life can be during the world and european cup... lmho]

the links are relatively easy but it depends if your using plain text or guideML...

if it's plain text i can post u the links you want to add... it will be easy to copy....

loupsmiley - fullmoon

ps:re: kevo... yep he seems to be still around hehe..

Friend, Romani & Countryman (or woman)

Post 42

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

Extraordinarily good of you my dear fellow.

I am still struggling with the finer points of plain text at present. This suits my neanderthal approach to internet surfing dowm to the ground.

So, may I finally lay to rest the ghosts of a millenia of European conflict? The Chunnel has seen to it that continental drift shall no longer facilitate our escape from the rest of Europe, so I believe that now is the time to link arms, erase history and go out and nuke the Middle East in the spirit of brotherly camaradarie.

Yours with pedal protuberance securely lodged in ingestive facial orifice,

smiley - shark

Friend, Romani & Countryman (or woman)

Post 43


hellow again mad kingsmiley - schooloffish

ive only just noticed ur msg i keep goin off nsmiley - surferround h2g2smiley - biggrin

ive just remembered u once wanted a peace it issmiley - peacesignsmiley - biggrin

just type peacesign between <> n there u ave itsmiley - biggrin

im off 2 do sum moresmiley - surfernow c u later

romanismiley - angel

Friend, Romani & Countryman (or woman)

Post 44

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

My dear Romani.

Kudos on you for the delivery of smiley - peacesign

I must report that the smilies are the only factor of h2g2 that I have managed to master. Having spent a considerable degree of time with pen and paper and some of the most smiley - skullsmiley - coffee known on smiley - earth I have a comprehensive directory of smiley - smiley suitable for any given occasion.

But what in God's name is a spork? smiley - spork It has a certain Tomahawk Missile quality to it that I cannot comfortably reconcile to the realm of cutlery.

I am unfamiliar with this medium for inserting dead animal or vegetable matter into the face.

Or perhaps I fail to get out and about enough?

Happy smiley - surfer ing.

smiley - shark

Friend, Romani & Countryman (or woman)

Post 45

Loup Dargent

your mad higness...

plain text is fine for fictional work me thinks... and with the amount of smileys we got now one smiley then and there in the entry might just do the trick...

sometimes a lot of pictures and gimmicks (in guideML) might distract the attention of the reader...

the only thing with links in plain text is that only the id number of the entry or researcher appears so the title and name have to be typed but at least it's a link...

i will try to send them tonight or at least by [some time] tomorrow...

i have to wear my friends of LD hat for a while...

i think adding your entries to the list is important as it might encourage other LDers to write some fiction... i'm a bit biased there as i like creative work... but in the friends of LD's context it's ok as it has to reflect what LDers like and enjoy... it's an unwritten rule but it's an important one as after a while even compilations of links etc.. will have this little something that makes them different to the others...
it's a long process but from the feedback we're getting [eg people asking to be put on the list... etc... this special little thing seems to be visible already... obviously the fact that some of us knew each other and carried on discussions we had in the library does help a lot... it made the LDers space very lively from the start... and it got us noticed already somehow...

which is great as the more people notice it the more people might read the entries we're listing/linking in our pages... that's where some of the support to LDers comes in... and after a while it will just be a question of updating regularly these pages making things a bit easier...

anyway as i was saying... hehe... i'm on my way to the LDers page...

talk later...

loupsmiley - fullmoon

Friend, Romani & Countryman (or woman)

Post 46

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

Good afternoon all of you, did you miss me lolsmiley - panda

hehehehehe what have all of you been doing in my absence.
smiley - rainbow

Friend, Romani & Countryman (or woman)

Post 47


smiley - starhellow again ur mad kingsmiley - schooloffish

a sporksmiley - sporkas far as i can make out is a tool 4 eatin with on h2g2 hmmmmm a very strange customsmiley - biggrin

sorry 4 the delay in gettin back 2 u but i ad 2 go offline 4 a while

smiley - starpaladin hi

yes i missed u but loup n kow ave bin misbehavin themselves as usualsmiley - biggrin

romanismiley - angel

Friend, Romani & Countryman (or woman)

Post 48

Loup Dargent

ah!... i've welcomed two new members and i might have even stopped a war in h2g2... on top of other things done for the good of our fellow LDers...

mmmmmm... someone living in a glass house is throwing stones me thinks... hehesmiley - run

Friend, Romani & Countryman (or woman)

Post 49


smiley - starloup!!

well where was the nearly war then ?

hey loup i can c usmiley - run

romanismiley - angel

Friend, Romani & Countryman (or woman)

Post 50

Loup Dargent

hehe... the league of thundercats were threatened with war from two other [and bigger...] groups one called the terrani army and the other the spuds army... so i put most of them to sleep with my speech and mentioned that it was not very democratic to force another group to join them against their will...

i also mentioned the house rules saying that i couldn't find anything saying that individuals and group had to join an organisation by force...

well the last posts i read they decided to play football instead it seems...

that was what katrine was saying earlier about the fact that they needed some help...

i have been lurking a bit just to make sure... but it looks quiet now... i might have a look at the terrani army HQ to check if they're not planning anything...

that's the story so far...

loupsmiley - fullmoon

Friend, Romani & Countryman (or woman)

Post 51

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

Who mentioned war? smiley - huh
smiley - rainbow

Friend, Romani & Countryman (or woman)

Post 52


smiley - starloup smiley - ta4 the infosmiley - biggrin

smiley - starpaladin ave u got ur boxin gloves on readysmiley - biggrin

romanismiley - angel

Friend, Romani & Countryman (or woman)

Post 53

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

smiley - panda
Would I?
smiley - panda
On second thought,don't answer that lol
smiley - rainbow

Friend, Romani & Countryman (or woman)

Post 54


smiley - ok

smiley - whistle

romanismiley - angel

Friend, Romani & Countryman (or woman)

Post 55

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

Dear all,

I can think of nothing quite so ridiculous as a war between potatoes. The whole thing makes me feel posititvely sane in comparison.

However, should the conflict continue in earnest once more, I should be more than happy to don my armour of foil d'argent and assume the mantle of King Edward VII, The Tuber Monarch.

My eyes are everywhere and my peel of steel a match for even the trusty spork smiley - spork which, despite Romani's assurances, still puts me in mind of some manner of ballistic re-entry vehicle.

smiley - shark

Friend, Romani & Countryman (or woman)

Post 56

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

Dear Paladin,

Your absence has been significantly noticed.

As for what we have been up to, I cannot answer for Romani or Loup and kow has more than likely invaded Poland.

The Mad King has been dabbling in the world of science fiction parody and I am now able to answer with confidence one of the greatest questions that has vexed mankind for decades.

"What is the Matrix?"

Now if I can just find any room in the library....

smiley - shark

Friend, Romani & Countryman (or woman)

Post 57

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

Which matrix are we on about? The space matrix is in my space lol.

Lots of work to do and if there is a war between the potatoes it will be mash all round I think.
Red vs white,new vs old
smiley - rainbow

Friend, Romani & Countryman (or woman)

Post 58

Loup Dargent

the potatoes are only small fries... hehe..

had an answer to my speech telling me that it was not democratic to tell people to be democratic... lmho...

they seem to make up the rules as they come...

not a very fair wargame me thinks... gonna have to read the riots book to them and show them how it's done...

i'm gonna appoint myself the local UN representative... hehe... should confuse the issue even more.... [or just confuse them...]

not as exciting as expected tho'... there is a delay of five hours before a reply sometimes... really boring stuff... [some of the answers are funny tho' even if they are not supposed to be..... lmho]

that's all the news really... i think the word "war" was greatly exagerated by the potato-chips alliance...

had more fun reading kow's poetry.... oooopssmiley - run

loupsmiley - fullmoon

Friend, Romani & Countryman (or woman)

Post 59


hiya all

smiley - starmad king i dont think u,ll need 2 don ur armour...they,ve ad their chips now n im sure u,ll find sum room in the libsmiley - biggrin

smiley - starloup move over n make way 4 the mad king....n as kow bin writin sum more prose then ?smiley - biggrin

smiley - starpaladin it looks like u can put ur claws away nowsmiley - biggrin

smiley - whistlehey ho..hey oh..its off 2 work i gosmiley - whistle

romanismiley - angel

Friend, Romani & Countryman (or woman)

Post 60

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

smiley - whistlewith a fork and a spade and a hand grenade hi hoe hi hoe hi hoe hi hoe lol
smiley - rainbow

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