This is the Message Centre for With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

Paladin and the Deeds of Paksenarrion.

Post 21

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

smiley - sharksmiley - schooloffishsmiley - schooloffishsmiley - schooloffishsmiley - schooloffish

My dear Paladiness?

Let your armies be the rocks and the trees and the smiley - sheepsmiley - sheepsmiley - sheep in the fields.

My regards to Duke Phelan and all those dangerous looking PMS avengers with sword and shield.

smiley - lovesmiley - doh (sorry, no dope smily)

smiley - shark

Paladin and the Deeds of Paksenarrion.

Post 22

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

And evidently no peace smiley.

Forgive the administrative error.

smiley - peacesign

the mad king fish

Post 23


hello again mad king smiley - fishsmiley - hsifsmiley - bluefishsmiley - orangefishsmiley - schooloffishsmiley - shark
u r lucky 2 ave the pick o so many fish 4 ur logo, i was,nt quite sure which 2 use so i used em all smiley - biggrin
1st may i apologise smiley - sorry 4 the delay in replyin 2 ur msg smiley - biggrin
i will explain bout spirituality another time b cos right now ive got 2 do sum work on my page thats long overdue
as u ave probably guessed i dont get on here & ld everyday due 2 work unfortunately smiley - bleep
smiley - sorry must smiley - run now talk later
romani smiley - angel

the mad king fish

Post 24


oh by the way while there may not be a peace smiley - smiley there is however a very cute little peace dove smiley - peacedove

i,m now on my way out of here, i,ve been at it all day & night looking through the pictures library, & now i,m armed with pages full of scribblings.

but now it is late smiley - yawn & i,m feeling very smiley - sleepy so off to bed i crawl

romani smiley - angel

the mad king fish

Post 25

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

Duke Phelan is in fine fighting form(try saying that when you've had a few) smiley - laugh

If you put Community Art Library into the search box you will find a whole section of fish pictures by Amy the Ant,some of them are really good smiley - smiley

Anyway tomorrow is another day and I must prepare for battle with a strange rogue pc.

We shall meet anon good sir

May truth and light be yours smiley - rainbow

The Horrors of Gainful Employment.

Post 26

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

Greetings once more dear Romani and regards to your ever present winged guardian.

I must report that I am similarly afflicted with a full time occupation, despite all efforts to the contrary.

Many years ago I passed a biology 'O' level.

That was my first mistake.

After a number of post educational years spent in hiding from fiscally rewarded assignation I was finally captured by the careers advisor who suggested I become a nurse.

I have never looked back since.

But then, spinal injuries are commonplace in my profession.

smiley - peacedove

the mad king fish

Post 27

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

Good morrow to thee gentle knight.

It if indeed an honour to bear witneff to suche anne infpirational warrior of juftice and peace.

I didst peregrinate unto the wondrouf digital fifh inveilged within thee Communitee Arte Librarie and did almoft piff mineselfe laughing heartily at such entertaining imagery.

I wifhe you goode luck in your queft againft the fell forces of perfonal computing. A goode folid vambrace acroff thee hard drive ought to fend the foe packing.

Af the fecond moft gormleff idiot amid the entire throng of Chriftendom I have found that thif tactic workf even for me.

With Gun and Umbrella,

smiley - shark

the mad king fish

Post 28

Loup Dargent

morning your mad highness...

smiley - bubblyyou will be pleased to know that your entry [the escape... etc] which was chosen by the "Another Galaxy Guide" is also listed, as one prime example of how fellow LDers can contribute to the H2G2 environment, in the "Friends of LeisureDistrict..." space...smiley - bubbly

smiley - boingi'm afraid that there is no way that you will escape fame now...smiley - surfer

i have been quite busy with adding bits on my on space, helping with the LDers' page and replying to messages as well as looking for information suitable [meaning NOT boring...] for our fellow LDers who landed here...smiley - ufo

but somehow i don't mind... and once i have completed most of what i wanted to do i will be cruising [or is it surfing?!] again...

and i got my smiley... smiley - fullmoon hehe...

talk later your mad highness...
and stay tuned as always...

loupsmiley - fullmoon

the mad king fish

Post 29

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

Good morning smiley - fullmoon

I hope this finds you in good fettle.smiley - laugh

OK,this things catching smiley - smiley

Here's a smiley - coffeesmiley - coffee to help you wake up & I'm going now to make some for me smiley - yawn

Have fun smiley - rainbow

the mad king fish

Post 30

Loup Dargent

smiley - ta

loupsmiley - fullmoon

the mad king fish

Post 31


hi mad king smiley - fish

just thought id pop in 2 say hello i saw ur quotes in the lib this morning & enjoyed reading them although it was rather hastily done....reading them i usual i was rushing 2 get out

so your in the long suffereing realms of being a smiley - nurse then my sympathy goes out 2 daughter is in the same profession as yourself

anyway must smiley - run now im trying 2 get some more work done on my page & catch up wi my mail & i need 2 ave an early nite im up early in the morn 4 the market

talk later

romani smiley - angel

Friend, Romani & Countryman (or woman)

Post 32

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

Good afternoon to you Romani.

It grieves me to read that your daughter has also been pressganged into joining the National Health Service. Please would you do me the honour of passing on my deepest sympathies.

In which field does she serve?

Dear God do not tell me that it is Medicine.

Here is hoping that today saw your pockets well lined with gold and that your angelic counterpart remains fully feathered.

smiley - shark

PS: What is it that you sell? And can I afford one?

Friend, Romani & Countryman (or woman)

Post 33


hello mad king smiley - fish

my daughter tends to the needs of those sufferring from alzeimers & dementia & she has these past 8 months been left the nhs to work for a private nursing company called fresh air & you will be pleased to know she is very happy with this place.....a lot happier than she was with the nhs anyway

my angel seems to be in good condition im pleased to report & he sends peace to you always

if you are a smoker you will be familiar with what i sell......its all types of papers rolling machines tips lighters etc for the handrolling connoiseur

hope you are keeping well your majesty i will take your leave now & try to do some work on my page

romani smiley - angel

Friend, Romani & Countryman (or woman)

Post 34

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

Well, my dear Romani, your daughter has a gift that I shall never possess.

All credit to her for caring for this most desperately challenging client group.

I have the dubious honour of patrolling the medical admissions unit, a breed of nursing along the lines of 'get them in, patch them up. move them on and bugger it.'

A nod of gratitude to the Angel for the wishes of peace. Does he have a name to go along with the halo?

I am indeed a smoker. In fact, I like to think of myself as the definitive smoker. Tying in with the words on Alzheimers I hear tell that smoking can seriously damage your chances of ever suffering in this way.

Probably as a result of dropping dead before dementia has the opportunity to take hold.

Well, 'tis late and I have some catching up to do on LD.

I shall bid you a fond farewell and a very good night.

smiley - shark

Friend, Romani & Countryman (or woman)

Post 35


morning your highness

thanx i know how difficult it is to look after ppl with this affliction as i used to do it myself quite a few yrs ago, so she does indeed deserve praise

if my angel has a name which im sure he does he as not as yet divulged this information to me, but im glad of his company anyway so i think a name is irrelevant, but on the other hand my guide who i like to call my friend as not told me his name either im sure when they think the time is right they will tell me,

as a smoker myself its good news that i may never be inflicted by the said illness, praise be for that smiley - biggrin

i do however suffer from a poor memory does this mean its a symptom of smoking oh well never mind it does,nt matter i enjoy a good smoke and i think its 1 habit i,ll continue to enjoy smiley - biggrin

now i will take my leave as im hoping to get in the lib for a bit of fun at some point today smiley - biggrin

romani smiley - angel

Friend, Romani & Countryman (or woman)

Post 36

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

Good afternoon Romani smiley - angel purveyor of pipes and tobacco tasting treats.

I am freshly returned to civilisation from the horror of night duty.

Did I miss anything?

I see that you have developed an entire new forum regarding writers.... um.... er.... thing in the LD travel room. As Monsieur d'argent so rightly points out I shall have to step up my scribblings if I am to catch up at all. smiley - biggrin

Alas for your poor memory. I believe that mine is functioning to optimum capacity, that it is at optimal functional capacity and that it is functioning to a degree of capacity that could best be described as optimal.

Damn it, where are my cigarettes?

Yours in earnest and a good three days overdue,

smiley - shark

PS: Hello to the nameless winged host.

Friend, Romani & Countryman (or woman)

Post 37

Loup Dargent

hi... your mad highness...

a few things that might cheer you up...

i started THAT entry listing the LDers contributions to h2g2... and already added three of your tales... hehe...

a few more members have joined the LDers space and we have now a thread for fellow lDers to list their favourite tv series... [i hope to make an entry on that later on... but one step at the time...]

oh yeah you can have food in the dungeons and dragons club... [guess what i asked for?!...]

loupsmiley - fullmoon

Friend, Romani & Countryman (or woman)

Post 38


good afternoon mad kingsmiley - fish

smiley - ermthe travel room thing was all loupys fault honestsmiley - biggrin

all i did was put a quote in 2 u bout ur quote nsmiley - erm r dear loupy decided 2 hatch a cunning plansmiley - biggrin

romanismiley - angel

Friend, Romani & Countryman (or woman)

Post 39

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

Allo Citizen Garru.

I did not realise that the Dungeons & Dragons club was still in operation. The last I read was that the conversation thread, and indeed poor Kevo's personal space, had been hidden for moderation purposes.

Does this mean that he is back in business?

It seems that I need to get writing, and with haste. Either that or dredge up the old Phrase of the Day tat and give it a new haircut, a smart suit and send it out to the slaughter.

I have seen the links that you so kindly made. How is this miracle of computing achieved? I have been striving to return the favour on my own personal page, but seem to lack the necessary grey cells to pull it off.

And no, the words 'grey cells' bear absolutely no reference to little bug-eyed monsters from the planet Tharg before the conspiracy gravy train starts rolling again. smiley - biggrin

smiley - shark

Friend, Romani & Countryman (or woman)

Post 40

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

I really ought to thank you for your message.

Ever since I started receiving replies pertaining to my apparent heresy on the subject of religion my readership has increased tenfold to the dizzying number of, well, ten.

As for the fusilier solitaire, I am not surprised by anything that he does anymore.

He manages to track me down wherever I write, wedge himself into every conversation forum that I subscribe to and I would be prepared to swear that the fellow outside my front garden in the black suit and sunglasses has a ceratin Gallic quality.

Not that I am complaining. I happen to be rather fond of the little French chap.

Such is my fondness for Monsier Garru that I would like to take this opportunity to publicly apologise for my countries conduct in 1815, and say that we have almost, but not quite, forgotten about 1066.

smiley - shark

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