This is the Message Centre for manda1111

I am back

Post 641

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Morning Mandasmiley - kiss

Ive tried to calm things ouchsmiley - headhurts
Ive gave all the advice im able to now.
So its up to themsmiley - grr

I am back

Post 642

LOCK_N_LOAD probably wont be back for a while but hey

Im back too forgot about this place pmsl hows you manda?

I am back

Post 643



ok im on my computer got a disk going till friday no more telewest smiley - bubbly

so how do you cut and past mate

I am back

Post 644


Hi Intern

Well done on the PC smiley - ok
do you have a hotmail or yahoo mail yet smiley - biggrin

To cut and past
Put your mouse pointer to the start of what you want to cut, Hold down the LEFT button on your mouse and then move it along the words you want to cut (Still holding down the button)

this will hi-light it

release the button.

then RIGHT click on the hi-lighted words, you will get a dropdown list,
click on the "COPY"
you now have the words saveed.

go to where you want to put the words, a quick left click to show it where you want to put the words,
they LEFT click the mouse, another box will drop down, click on the word "PASTE"
and the words will appear there smiley - ok

That is the best way to start, you will soon learn the short cut keys
"ctrl" and "C" to copy,
"ctrl" and "V" to past

let me know how you get on smiley - ok

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 645

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Morning Manda smiley - hugsmiley - kiss

Morning Internsmiley - hugsmiley - smoochsmiley - hug

Well done you.

So you worked out how to swich it on and off thensmiley - biggrin

The cut and paste is easy when you get used of it. Mind it took me some time to work that one out smiley - laugh

If you follow mandas instructions you wont find it a problem.

Did you know that they now have step by step guides from your locan newsagents thats just started for new pc users.
May be a good idea to buy,

But we are are here anyway to help you out.

I personaly recomend the Yahoo mail but Hotmail a lot of people do use toosmiley - smiley

Good luck and happy playing with your new toysmiley - laugh

I am back

Post 646


"So you worked out how to swich it on and off then" - not such a joke given a workpace survey which revealed that many office workers did not know how to turn their computer on or off. smiley - ermsmiley - online2long

Strictly speaking what Manda has listed are copy and paste rather than cut and paste.

CTRL plus X is how you copy something while deleting it too (ie cut it) or you can press DEL or use the delete option from the right-click menu while something is highlighted. Then you can paste it elsewhere to move things around.

However, most of the time (ie when copying from other people whose stuff you can't delete!), copy and paste is the right combination.

I am back

Post 647


yeh now im more confuised than ever ill try that smiley - smiley

I am back

Post 648

LOCK_N_LOAD probably wont be back for a while but hey

well what can I say!!!!! thanks for the welcome back nice to see everyone is as hospitable as ever.smiley - cry

I am back

Post 649

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

INTERN your soon pick it up trust me if i can you should have no problem at all. smiley - smiley

smiley - sorry LOCK_N_LOAD Welcome Back smiley - smiley

I am back

Post 650


Hi LOCK_N_LOAD smiley - ok

nice to have you back.

you seem to have been away for ssoooo long,
been doing anything interesting smiley - smiley

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 651

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Good morning Mandasmiley - kiss
Hope today finds you well?

I am back

Post 652


Hi Angel smiley - biggrin

everything is just fine, I hope you are well smiley - smiley

I wonder how Intern is getting on with his PC smiley - winkeye

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 653

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Im not to bad thanx Mandasmiley - smiley

smiley - ermYeh i was wo9ndering that myself.
Hes probally off somewhere haveing a playsmiley - biggrin

I am back

Post 654


I don't think we will see he much now smiley - winkeye

but then I was the same when I first had mine smiley - biggrin

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 655

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

You could be right.
I will give him a ear bashing if he deserts ussmiley - laugh

To be honest i wasnt to bad had a little explore but nothing major.
Its good for looking up information.

My son uses the pc for home work a lot. he used go the libary.

I am back

Post 656


We find it good for crosswords as well, mostly when we are trying to find the name of a actor,

I wonder if he has got a messanger yet,
Have you tryed the ICQ one, I have only just started to use it, what I like about it is that you can leave a message for someone even if they are off line, and it will deliver it as soon as they log on

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 657

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

I realy couldnt say i thought he may have asked us by now to help set it upsmiley - biggrin

I only use the yahoo and its same as for leaveing messages smiley - smiley
I think thats more than enough for me to deal withsmiley - laugh

I am back

Post 658


I have got yahoo, but I don't use it a lot,
I didn't know that you can leave a message on there if someone is off lne, I will have to have a look at that smiley - winkeye

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 659

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Yeh you can its the only one ive ever used.
I only go on every so often to get my off line messages i dont realy bother with it.

I am back

Post 660

Loup Dargent

smiley - bubbly One more day and i should be back on the PC...smiley - cracker

The Yahoo Messenger does allow for offline messages [smiley - cool] but once you exit they get deleted...smiley - wahsmiley - wah

Talk soon...smiley - bubbly I'm having a full week off starting Monday...smiley - disco So i will take the opportunity to re-organise my online life once and for all... then i will/should be able to be around more often... at lastsmiley - smiley

smiley - crackerHappy New Year everyone!!!!smiley - cracker

loupsmiley - fullmoon

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