This is the Message Centre for manda1111

I am back

Post 761

Loup Dargent

Morning everyone...smiley - coffee

Kat... yep, i'm definitely recovering...smiley - cool that week off was what's the doctor ordered [well, he didn't really but never mind...smiley - winkeye]... I needed a break badly... Now i'm ready to tackle all the stuff that Real Life is throwing at me...smiley - bubbly

>Well its week end again so whats everyone got planned??<

smiley - wahsmiley - wahFinishing updating my space and keeping fighting those darn GuideMl errors messages as well as doing more work on my Buffy pagesmiley - wahsmiley - wah

smiley - silly Naaaaaah... i like it really... That means that i've got an <./>online</.> life again...smiley - disco

Plus, the more i can do now the less i will have to do next week... Hmmmm... smiley - ok that last one was obvious...smiley - whistle

smiley - spacesmiley - run

I am back

Post 762

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

It sounds like your haveing to much fun to me smiley - biggrin

I am back

Post 763

Loup Dargent

>It sounds like your haveing to much fun to me<

And about time too...smiley - bubbly

I'm happy [and relieved] that i've got my energy back...smiley - cracker

All i need to do now to make things _even_ better is get that smiley - bravePC in a better shape as well...smiley - biggrin Still lot of useless files/programs that need to be dealt with so that more memory is freed...smiley - steam

loupsmiley - fullmoon

I am back

Post 764

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)


Its good to know your happy again and have that energy back.
I do know how you feel there as someone with a low emune systen and prone to all infections and feel like ive never got the energy i once had.
It seems like everything you do is so much effort but know you have to continue even if you dont feel like you can manage it.

Good for you though and all the best.smiley - bubbly Payed for out my own pockt just for you. smiley - biggrin

As for your pc i also know what you mean, its so much easier useing a pc but there is so much extra work you have to do to keep it maintained. and the memory thing is something we all find a problem with to you get it all sorted out.

I find a good antivirus helps that sorts your files out for you too i have Norton and AVG whch since useing these my pc problems have vertually been none thankfully.

To i had these i had so many problems including with the memory.

It now runs smoothly most of the time smiley - smiley

I am back

Post 765

Reality Manipulator

Hi Chell and Loupsmiley - hugsmiley - hug

I will be having a relaxed day today. Saturday is one of the worst days to go to the library. I have had another encounter with the swearing and shouting 6th formers (one was at the library internet cafe, I think he was smiley - drunk and the other lot were on the second floor. Every time I am on the pc there always swearing and describing there contacts on the either the messageboards or chat sites. Sometimes even on school days you will find 6th formers there. The staff do not do anything about it.smiley - hug

Take care Chell and Loupsmiley - hugsmiley - hug


I am back

Post 766


I've beaten the bit of computer software I was writing into submission and no swearing was required at all! - just some mad chasing round in circles on virtual manual pages before deciding to ignore the whole lot and write my own versions of the key functions. smiley - online2long

I am back

Post 767

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Morning all smiley - hug's

hello Katsmiley - hug

I used to go the libary often before getting my pc.
I can honestly say i had no bother.
our libary as three different section one side is for the adults and the other is for the kids and the other is for those thats doing a course.
and its always peaceful there if anyone is rowdy they get thrown out.

You should not have to listen to that behavour its not fair or right.

Well hope you enjoy the rest of the week end and its nice and peaceful. more peaceful than mines been anyway. smiley - headhurts my son as had a couple of his school friends staying over and been rowdy at times.

Take care speak soon. smiley - hug

I am back

Post 768

Loup Dargent

I'm a good boy me...smiley - angel

I don't swear...

in French anymore...smiley - biggrin

I swear in English instead...smiley - whistle

loupsmiley - fullmoon

I am back

Post 769

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

smiley - rofl@Loup smiley - biggrin

You seem so inocent toosmiley - laugh

How you doing today?

I am back

Post 770

Loup Dargent

Hehe...smiley - winkeye

I'm fine...smiley - cheers

Taking it easy this morning... oooops... _afternoon_ [already!!! smiley - yikes] and lurking some before adding [hopefully] a few more things on my Space later on...smiley - disco

smiley - coffee

loupsmiley - fullmoon

I am back

Post 771

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

smiley - wow your page is looking both Busy and intresting.
Surelly there can not be much more to addsmiley - biggrin

So it is afternoon already.
smiley - yikes that went quick.

mm smiley - coffee is that for me? No Sugar i hope?smiley>

I am back

Post 772

Reality Manipulator

Good Morning Chell, SEF and Loup I hope you are keeping well.smiley - smiley

I find that I learn best by trial and error on a computer. The best icon/key is the undo or back button. When I used to go to my computer classes I ended up arguing with thh the computer.smiley - smiley

smiley - cheersThanks Chell for the very kind support.smiley - hug


I am back

Post 773

Loup Dargent

>Surely there can not be much more to add<

Oh yes there is...smiley - biggrin

Might have to do it in parts with sequels and everything though as i don't want to make the main page unaccessible to the digibox users...smiley - smiley

Kat... yep... With computers [especially this one..smiley - yikes] i've learned a lot by making mistakes...smiley - whistle

At least i don't crash them anymore... Or, to be more precise, i haven't crashed this one _yet_...smiley - evilgrin

smiley - coffee <== Mine!!!!!

smiley - silly

loupsmiley - fullmoon

I am back

Post 774

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Morning all smiley - smiley

Kat you should complain to the libarian if your being desturbed by foul mouth people with no respect for others.

oo that back key comes in great use especially when you get the error pages or loads of messages so you can go back to get through them all one by one with out haveing to go through them all again to get to what you have missed. smiley - hug

I am back

Post 775

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Loup smiley - smiley

How can you possably fit more onsmiley - biggrin

If you have to much more no one will be able to access your space. but least you are thinking of digibox users too. I made that mistake when i first came on here done my space put to much on and couldnt access it through digibox i soon learnedsmiley - biggrin

Oh And i think you will find thatsmiley - coffee was definatly minesmiley - biggrin


I am back

Post 776


Hey Manda, here's another mixed blob for you (and for any bikers):
talk about a double life - even the moustache differs

I am back

Post 777


The B48507white one looks like his hair is on fire smiley - rofl

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 778


Another mixed one, though it may be deliberate this time:
for A174601.

I am back

Post 779


I like the girl one the best,

I have not long come back from a bit of fishing, h2g2 was ok at first, but it has nealy stopped again smiley - wah

manda smiley - peacedove

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