This is the Message Centre for manda1111

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Post 701


It is defiantly more than 1 in 8

I have just had "Service not available" two time while trying to post this smiley - grr
make that 3

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 702


So the post gets though, but you still get the error pages smiley - erm

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 703


That's what I'm seeing too. I noticed that the details of the error message specified the return to page action not the posting action. So I went back to look at the thread again with refresh rather than trying to re-post the same thing. Though I kept a copy just in case I needed to re-post. I'd been using copy to temporarily save my posts anyway. I usually do when the system is bad - and it nearly always is! smiley - erm

I am back

Post 704


yeh thats true its fun you play with people from all over the place so far japan.spain.


i have never been able to understand bridge at all it seems a bit complex untill you get into it

I am back

Post 705


it also depended what error message you got as to wether the post got there or not, but I got to fed up to try enymore smiley - erm


The game of bridge is dead easy, all you have to do is,,,,err,,,err,,,
Well OK, I don't know how to play it, but if very very old people can do it, then it can't be that hard can it smiley - winkeye

manda smiley - peacedove

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Post 706


Don't underestimate the powers of the ancient ones. smiley - bigeyes

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Post 707


I know my gran had powers

She used to con money out of me, and I used to go away thanking her for letting me her the money smiley - rofl

Bless her smiley - smoochsmiley - love

manda smiley - peacedove

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Post 708

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Morning allsmiley - smiley

Hop[e all is wellsmiley - hug's

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Post 709


Hi Angel smiley - hug

Every thing is fine(ish) smiley - winkeye

H2G2 seems to still be playing up, and I have to take my PC apart cos the RW wont smiley - grr

manda smiley - peacedove

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Post 710

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Hello Mandasmiley - hug

yep its still the same today as it has been last few days. smiley - grr

smiley - yikes sounds like you have your work cut out today.

You haveiong a few pc problems too i am with mine toosmiley - grr

Whats RW though?

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Post 711


RW normally means Read-Write as opposed to Read-Only devices. Perhaps Manda means a CD or DVD drive.

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Post 712

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Thanx Sef you may be rightsmiley - smiley

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Post 713

Loup Dargent

Doh!!!... All these talks about games make me want to have another go at the Yahoo ones [and this time choose a beginner as an opponent...smiley - evilgrin]

But i must resist the temptation now that [at last] i've got my web access back...smiley - bubbly

manda having problems with rewriting?!...smiley - huh i thought he never bothered clicking on the preview button....smiley - run

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Post 714

Loup Dargent

smiley - sorry about previous posting... couldn't resist...smiley - angel

Spent some time getting rid of "read me" files this morning... that did free quite an amount of memory...smiley - cool Considering the [lack of] speed of my PC usually now it looks like if it's turbo-powered...smiley - bubbly

A few more useless files to get rid of and it should be ok until i can afford to buy some extra memory for it...smiley - star

I've got my eyes on these relatively new memory sticks as well... anyone having some thoughts about them?!...

Cleaned the Yahoo account from the spam emails...smiley - bubbly One less thing on my "to do" list already...smiley - cool

Next, i suppose, perhaps posting on my own journal...smiley - whistle Hmmmm actually that was not that silly... I _do_ need to do that...smiley - yikessmiley - run

Talk soon everyone...smiley - cracker

loupsmiley - fullmoon

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Post 715


smiley - book

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Post 716

Reality Manipulator

Good Morning Manda, SEF, Chell, Intern and loup I hope you are all keeping well today.smiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hug

When I had the xml white pages, I have used the back button on keyboard sometimes it works and sometimes it does not. When it does not work I go back to either telewest games, front row, or for a holiday catalogue to the Isle of Man.smiley - sadface

I do not think I will be able to understand how to play the game of bridge now as when I played it I was in a team. I have never been good at computer games as they are very difficult for me to understand. Yahoo email and personal is down again at the library. I did not have a very good experience yesterday at the library as there were quite a few sixth formers on the pc using it to post on the messageboards/chat rooms and they were so noisy and the language that they used was awful. The library staff did not take any action about their behaviour. The sixth formers do that to harress people so that they will not be long on the pc and take their space up sit/stand so close as to distract users until they leave.smiley - sadface


I am back

Post 717


Why would a holiday to the Isle of Man make you sad, Kat? smiley - erm

It is a shame about the 6th formers. It could be that the staff are scared of them. Do you live in a particularly bad area or one where not many people have their own computers? The little local library here is not much good for books(!) but hasn't had that sort of trouble around the computers that I've seen - mostly OAPs and toddlers with their mothers.

I am back

Post 718


Hi all smiley - biggrin


Yes it is my Re-Writer/Read-Write CD, I had a expert down to fix it, and now there is a gaping hole where it was, It looks like a big mouth begging for food smiley - rofl

I hope my God Daughter don't feed it a sandwich smiley - yikes

I think that the kids are now taught that they cannot be punished, If the library staff did take any action the kids would just tell them to "Go away" and the staff could not do a lot about it smiley - sadface

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 719

Reality Manipulator

Hi SEF and Mandasmiley - hugsmiley - hug

SEF everytime I think of the Isle of Man, I think of Cumbria tv. When I used to live in SW Scotland we would get lots of news from Cumbria and the Isle of Man (especially the very dangerous TT races). I always dreaded hearing about the TT races as there were always reports of deaths of either or both the contestants or the spectators.smiley - hugsmiley - hug

SEF and Manda some of the library staff take action but others don't.smiley - hugsmiley - hug


I am back

Post 720


Hi kat smiley - biggrin

I think there is someose killed at the TT races nealy every year.
The worest people seem to be the ones that are not taking part, they try to go around on there bikes like the racers do and then come a cropper

manda smiley - peacedove

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