This is the Message Centre for manda1111

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Post 741

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Mandasmiley - laugh

You not realy got bits left i hopesmiley - rofl

Anyway im going now, so will speak to you later.
Ive sent you a email.
Bye for nowsmiley - hugsmiley - kiss

I am back

Post 742


Just one small screw and a little bit of black plastic smiley - blush
but it don't rattle when I shake it, so it must be ok smiley - smiley

got your e-mail

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 743


smiley - cool

I am back

Post 744

Reality Manipulator

Hi Manda, SEF, Intern, Starfleet and Wingfoot.smiley - hug

When I was at school I knew a boy who ate tuna and jam sandwiches and dunk them in his tea. I am very fond of marmite and when I have it I have on crackers and I always drink tropical smiley - oj with it.smiley - smiley

When I was at college in my desk-top publishing classes one of the students hair starting to smoulder.smiley - yikes


I am back

Post 745

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Hello one and allsmiley - hug's

Manda oh nothing to serious thensmiley - laugh

Hold on is your keyboard suposed to make that noise everytime you hit the keyssmiley - laugh

Yeh i know Thanx ive replied againsmiley - smiley

I am back

Post 746


Its like when I have my Banana and marmalade sandwiches, I keep telling Mrs manda that I am have 2 sandwiches of banana and 2 sandwiches of marmalade, but I am saving money by using the same slice of bread twice smiley - biggrin


That noice is just the keys pushing passed the marmalade, nothing to worry about smiley - winkeye


I am back

Post 747


Hmm... sounds like the marmalade and porridge my grandfather got all over the keys of his TV remote control. It was clearly an important factor in its operation. smiley - weird

I am back

Post 748


Your grandfather sounds like my kind of man smiley - winkeye
marmalade and porridge...I'll have to give that a go smiley - biggrin

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 749

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

MArmaalade what flavour though.

Lime is rather nice mmm yummy

I am back

Post 750


i think shleomon is best smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - runsmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - zzz

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 751


goodmorning mr mandasmiley - smiley

I am back

Post 752


well the car broke down, so I could not go to work
and my mate said do you fancy a smiley - ale

and the rest is history smiley - winkeye

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 753


smiley - laugh what you like take it you are a bit tipsy then
any way better go going to have a brew before i have to set off for work take it easy talk soon

I am back

Post 754


speak later, I am of to

( not trying to rub it in of corce smiley - winkeye )

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 755

Loup Dargent

Not trying to rub it in either...smiley - whistle but i'm enjoying my week off work...smiley - bubbly

And then i've got another week off next month... and then _another_ one in March....smiley - rofl

And i've got the form to book more holidays for after April already...smiley - disco

err.. bad timing?!...smiley - run

I am back

Post 756

Reality Manipulator

Hi Manda, Chell, SEF, Intern and Loup I hope you are all keeping well and have had a good day.smiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hug

Manda banana and marmalade sandwich sounds very tasty as well as marmalade porrridge. I think Scots put whisky in their porridge. I like lime marmalade alot but I have not tried lemon.smiley - smiley

Loup you have well deserved your holidays. I hope you will feel refreshed from your time off from work.smiley - hug


I am back

Post 757


Hi Kat,

I've been fighting with an online computer software manual which fails to tell me the things I actually need to know or link to itself properly (they tend to be a bit rubbish like that). So I'm not sure it qualifies as a good day. I didn't even get to see my robins (yes two at the last count instead of just the one!).

Have you been up to anything much?

I am back

Post 758

Reality Manipulator

Hi SEFsmiley - hug

I find computer manuals and books, very hard to understand. When I was on Busines Admin courses the Windows books manuals were not clear. There was a folder which had step to step guides but they missed alot of information out.(hug)

I have not seen a robin not for a very long time. There is one thing I do not see alot and that is ladybirds.smiley - hug

Today I went to the library to look at my emails but the internet was down, they have been having lots of problems since they upgraded the computers. Then in the afternoon I went to IKEA and got a wok and then to Lakeside shopping centre and got some clothes.smiley - smiley

Take care SEFsmiley - hug


I am back

Post 759


I don't find the manuals hard to understand. It is just all the important details they miss out which is frustrating. Eg not telling you under what circumstances a given function crashes and not linking to the definition of the one important item which is mysteriously missing because it's the only one which does what you want. smiley - cross

Changing computers is bound to cause trouble. It sounds like your shopping went better though.

I am back

Post 760

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

smiley - hugs

Hope all is well today.smiley - smiley
Well its week end again so whats everyone got planned??

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