This is the Message Centre for DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!
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DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Jun 9, 2004
Jordan, I have to say in defence of Apparition, that his remarks about Tamberlaine were not rude or insulting... I am afraid the comments were pulled so quickly, that I don't have any record of what they were...
His comments on Tanzen's picture were very pleasant, given that they are friends.
I really want to end this, and I have tried - with the global apology you suggested - but it keeps going. My recent response was because I consider BB had exaggerated greatly, in saying that I had been modded for racist comments. My intent was never racist!
Now, that about wraps it up for me.
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DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Jun 9, 2004
Blickybadger, I have to point out that I have never said anything about your drinking habits (about which I know nothing and care less, or your social life, about which ditto.)
Also, Oetzi and Tefkat called me a racist, and toxxin asked me to present my defence. That really hurt, as I thought that after more than a ywar, he knew me better! I don't need racism explaining to me, ta very much - and leave Jordan out of it. He's trying to defuse the situation, and good on him!
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badger party tony party green party Posted Jun 9, 2004
"Apparition, I really don't think you've helped the situation. When you copied blicky's space - sure, you were angry, but"
Oh dear oh dear oh dear. That was dissapointing. You were convincing till then with your act of neutrality. Do you take everything they tell you as gospel?
That quote has Appy (h2g2's very own Lazarus) at the start. So of if its not you why respond to Jordan ike that?
"You're no longer what one would call an 'impartial' or 'remote' observer." - I tried, I was jumped on. Then I was modded without breaking any house rules. With noting but abuse and nastiness, would you be?
You were jumped on, that's assault!....oh I get it you're being poetic or dramatic. Right...well like I have already explained in easy to understand words, just ignore it. Its really quite easy I dont ignore you because I like this game
Then you were modded despite breaking none of the house rules? Ive been gullible enough to give your outrageous lies a second thought once before but never again. What I suggest you do is get out a dictionary and look up the word paranoia. No we havent sneakily put it into just the dictionary you are reading its in all of them....then have a nice long think about what inflammatory means, that will be in the dictionary too...and no people have put that one there either just to get at poor little DMM
Take a leaf out of my book and pay it no mind I have been threatend with being severly and permanently killed which is a little worse than being metaphorically jumped on. Its all about inner calm or you could just laugh it off like I do. You dont but you came over to get our interest and now *you* are the one
. I think if you're looking for sympathy you have come to the wrong saloon partner.
At work I have to occassionally deal with conflict between different members of the community or different groups I manage rather easily to remain nuetral despite verbal and occasionl physical attacks (maybe that's why Im so well liked, it cant *just* be my looks...can it?)
You clearly cant do that, but as I said to Jordan maybe the
conflict here in relative safety will teach some of us new
things about ourselves and how we deal with others in such
Here's to hope
"You both think that my spelling and typing errors need to be pointed out as if they make a great difference to the matters at hand." - From what I've read there are a number of people to have pointed them out.
Well there are indeed a number of other people who have made an issue out of my typing and spelling. That number is *1* it happens to be Appy's "brother" Maths Wizard.
"Isnt that a handy debating technique inventing quotes to back up your case or you could like Adelaide invent a sister and get her to concur with everything you say." - Not the brightest are you? Single inverted apostrophes don't always mean a quote. Oh wait or was that just another venting of yours?
I thought you were going to enlighten us on the use of single inverted apostrophes then, but you wonder of into a non sequitor. Which is a shame because you know how much I need help with grammar.
"but they do Im a well respected but mostly well liked community worker, sports coach and all round role model to the local community." -you know what they say about people who feel the need to pump themselves up so much.
Oh you're doing it again Shaping like you're going to give us the benfit of your knowledge than denying us at the last moment. Come on tell us what "they say", whoever they are.
What I see in this thread is the unending berating of one person by a number of people who so happen to be the same people who gave me such a lovely welcome.
Clever lad.
(see Im being nice now az )
You are now on the same page as myself az, Ferrett and Member when it comes to this subject. IE while Adelaide and her sock puppet apologisers try to revise the truth and cast around lies and misinformation one some or all of us will be around to berate that behaviour and the individual lies she tells.
You forgot to add that when she stops revising the truth and telling bare faced lies we will stop the berating. Thats the next page and hopefully the end ot the chapter.
I will miss it like heck, but I will stop. My word is my bond.
one love
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Researcher 724267 Posted Jun 9, 2004
"That quote has Appy (h2g2's very own Lazarus) at the start. So of if its not you why respond to Jordan ike that?"
Are you serious? It's obvious that I was not happy about Jordan calling me apparition. Your interpretation suits your cause I guess. I'll read the rest of your post later (I'm busy). Happy obsessing
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azahar Posted Jun 9, 2004
Della, I pulled them *because* they were extremely rude and insulting. As well, I pulled what he posted under blicky's photo. Taking this fight of his over to my photo site is quite indefensible. Meanwhile, why should *you* have any record of them? Why should they have even been posted in the first place when that is not an h2g2 site? And if you didn't see them then how are you able to say that they weren't rude and insulting?
I can imagine Jordan's reasons for telling you about my photo site were genuine. I doubt that yours were for telling your son about it.
Really? Speaking of 'the cat who came back . . .'
Apparition, people often do things they are bored with, for many different reasons.
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DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Jun 9, 2004
This is what Apparition said:
<<>This is the "man" who threatened me with gay rape and violence? lol
>not exactly an imposing figure. You blamed me for spam - who do you
>threaten when it rains?>>
Whether that is construed as insulting, depends on ones opinion... As Flipper's insults were an order of magnitude worse, as is insistence that Apparition hacked his email (not so at all) I consider that Apparition was severely provoked!
Regarding DMM, I do not have any comment to make.
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DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Jun 9, 2004
I did see the comments.
Well, what do you think they were then? Of course they were, all I wanted to do was let him see what people look like! Natural curiosity.
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azahar Posted Jun 9, 2004
Wow, you honestly believe every person on my photo site having a nice look around wouldn't have thought that was insulting? Whatever Apparition and Flipper fought about on some thread or other months ago on h2g2 has no business appearing in my photo album.
Months ago on another thread on a different site . . .
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badger party tony party green party Posted Jun 9, 2004
Jordan, I have to say in defence of Apparition, that his remarks about Tamberlaine were not rude or insulting... I am afraid the comments were pulled so quickly, that I don't have any record of what they were...
Well I remeber one in particular on h2g2 where Appy was insinuating that Tammy was mastubating whilst typing. I tink that amply qualifies as both insulting and rude, maybe that's why he gets so many of his posts pulled. Ever think about that?
I also think its a bit rich for Appy to whine about threats of violence when he has threatend people himself. That is the modus operandi of the worst kind of school yard bully.
His comments on Tanzen's picture were very pleasant, given that they are friends.
I really want to end this, and I have tried - with the global apology you suggested - but it keeps going.
*It* does not you keep it going with your lies.....Like this one....
My recent response was because I consider BB had exaggerated greatly, in saying that I had been modded for racist comments. My intent was never racist!
I had not exaggerated I was both precise and accurate. Although I did agree at the time and several times since that your intention was not racist but that the word you used was, that is why you're post was removed by the moderators. It is a simple as that and no amount of denying or whineing about other peoples "exaggerations" will change the facts of what you did Adelaide.
Blickybadger, I have to point out that I have never said anything about your drinking habits (about which I know nothing and care less, or your social life, about which ditto.)
Once again you are lieing Adelaide. You have done all of those things. The links shouldn't be too hard to find if you want me to I will find them for you, you just have to ask. Even though Im az's thread monkey Im sure she wont mind if I help you with jogging you're memory.
Also, Oetzi and Tefkat called me a racist, and toxxin asked me to present my defence. That really hurt, as I thought that after more than a ywar, he knew me better!
I remember Adelaide. I also remeber you're unfounded assertion that the whole business hurt you "100 times more" than others, seemingly you have no thought at all for how some of the unkind things you were saying at the time and since might be affecting others.
I don't need racism explaining to me, ta very much
Well that is a matter of opinion you may not want educating on the subject but a person's need to learn or not to learn is something that should never be judged by one person alone. Afterall you were using racist words as insults but against a black person, but you dont think you need educating about race issues. Is it just to me that that wouold suggest a huge knowledge gap?
and leave Jordan out of it. He's trying to defuse the situation, and good on him!
I havent brought Jordan into it have I
Jordan like you posts here of his own free will, he posts what he wants just like when you post nasty things however he has the dignity not to try to blame others for any of his own tempered or ignorant outbursts, unlike some I could mention
Moreover in praising Jordan for his attempts at mediation I have generally been positive if a little critical of his methods. You have twice let fly at him for even trying to bring peace. So please forgive me a littel chortle when you try to defend him from me.
one love
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badger party tony party green party Posted Jun 9, 2004
Hi Member didnt see you there at first. And I missed the bit where you called Adelaide a racist. My bad sorry Adelaide I will never forget the three people who called you a racist again, accusations which i defended you against.
Fancy you still being around this place is full of
Oh yeah I missed that but what are you doing putting holes in my arguments? Havent you read Adelaide's posts? We are *supposed* to be a team!
and/or the same person
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Smij - Formerly Jimster Posted Jun 9, 2004
That's okay, Researcher 724267, I accept your apology.
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Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master Posted Jun 9, 2004
Appy/Wriath/DMM/Gerard or whatever you are called:-
First point "I only went there after ferret badger invited me." If you are going to get so anal about Blickys spelling and grammar then mke sure you get stuff right yourself. As I have told you before my name here is Ferrettbadger, one word to TTs. You wanna shorten it FB does just fine
"Oh and since when have journal entries been stiring up trouble"
Errr I dont know, how about when you come and post Appy to bring yourself to our attention, then when we check you out find you are posted distortions and revisions about us.... again?
Della " have to say in defence of Apparition, that his remarks about Tamberlaine were not rude or insulting..."
Well actually he did call SGT Flipper a "Pansy" a derogatory term for someone who is gay. Given Della and Adeles repeated homophobia is it too much to suspect that the view run in the family?
"insistence that Apparition hacked his email (not so at all) I consider that Apparition was severely provoked!"
Revision of History again Della, Flipper had no spam, then Appy err... "Checked his email account to see if it was genuine" (he says that euphamistically) after which Flipper started getting loads of spam, must be a massive co-incidence.
BTW Flipper said some pretty nasty things about Appy and ES, but it was not in isolation it really did take to to tango, I seem to recall lots of people leaving the Its Saddam/Its Bush thread all about the same time citing Appy and ESs behavior.
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Jordan Posted Jun 9, 2004
azahar, would it be out of the question for me to ask if you could post his comments from fotki - or at least, the gist of them? I don't think either party would be insulted if they were displayed /here/.
- Jordan
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azahar Posted Jun 9, 2004
<> (Della)
<> (blicky>
I believe it was on the abortion thread, blicky. I remember Della - well, Adele - making a smirky comment about how both you and I like to drink, presumably a lot. Of course Della doesn't drink at all. Nor have sex. Nor swear, one would imagine. Shameless and debauched old us, eh little brother? - fancy a ?
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azahar Posted Jun 9, 2004
hi Jordan,
Della already posted the one to Flipper above, after saying I had removed it before she'd had a chance to copy it. Oddly, according to Della, it is much worse to be called a racist than - out of the blue and *not* on a discussion forum - to be accused of threatening someone with gay rape and violence. Go figure.
The comment under blicky's picture was a series of various txtspeak laughing gibberish - again, it is not insulting to laugh at someone else's photo on a public photo site? I think it is.
Ooh nice sarcasm Jimster.
badger party tony party green party Posted Jun 9, 2004
<ta. for the offer , but not on a school day.
How are you doing down there in sunny Espana? Is football fever taking over?
Although I will be enjoying quite a few as Im an hounored guest at Wednesbury's dinner and dance on Saturday. But Saturdays going to be a right old slog.Rugby on the TV in the morning Engalnd v New Zealand. Expecting about 100 families to be down at the club for the Fathers Day event Ive organised. Then Sunday its youth training and England v France on TV at the club with the boys.
Then back to work monday
Ooh nice sarcasm Jimster.
azahar Posted Jun 9, 2004
Football fever? I'm sure I have no idea what you are talking about you ... you ... you *rugby player* you!!!
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Jordan Posted Jun 9, 2004
"'Apparition, I really don't think you've helped the situation. When you copied blicky's space - sure, you were angry, but'
"Oh dear oh dear oh dear. That was dissapointing. You were convincing till then with your act of neutrality. Do you take everything they tell you as gospel?"
It seems logical to me that you are, in fact, Apparition. You'll notice that I've asked, later, if you are in fact Apparition.
And my 'act?' Are you calling me duplicitous? About what? Regardless... you're hardly what I'd call 'neutral,' regardless of what brought about your change of heart.
Neither have I always been 'neutral' - I've been open, I've been accepting, but never neutral. My position has been made painfully clear several times.
- Jordan
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azahar Posted Jun 9, 2004
I shouldn't be surprised if I were you, Jordan. Remember another time you tried to be fair and impartial and mediate after the racial slur incident and Della's reply to you for your efforts was:
Perhaps you are confusing disliking Member with liking Della?
Key: Complain about this post
correcting errors
- 221: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Jun 9, 2004)
- 222: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Jun 9, 2004)
- 223: badger party tony party green party (Jun 9, 2004)
- 224: Researcher 724267 (Jun 9, 2004)
- 225: azahar (Jun 9, 2004)
- 226: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Jun 9, 2004)
- 227: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Jun 9, 2004)
- 228: azahar (Jun 9, 2004)
- 229: badger party tony party green party (Jun 9, 2004)
- 230: badger party tony party green party (Jun 9, 2004)
- 231: Smij - Formerly Jimster (Jun 9, 2004)
- 232: Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master (Jun 9, 2004)
- 233: badger party tony party green party (Jun 9, 2004)
- 234: Jordan (Jun 9, 2004)
- 235: azahar (Jun 9, 2004)
- 236: azahar (Jun 9, 2004)
- 237: badger party tony party green party (Jun 9, 2004)
- 238: azahar (Jun 9, 2004)
- 239: Jordan (Jun 9, 2004)
- 240: azahar (Jun 9, 2004)
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