This is the Message Centre for DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!
Im sorry about gassing all those people, but given the hi
badger party tony party green party Posted Feb 8, 2005
DELLA: Apologised like this.
"Blickybadger - it is a good thing that I had determined to do this in the shower this morning, or after seeing post 34 on the 'teenager' thread, I'd be having second and third thoughts...
I apologise that my post with the 'w' word upset you. It doesn't matter what the word means to me, or to anyone else - what matters is what you took it to mean, and that you were offended. For that, I apologise.
"I apologise that my post with the 'w' word upset you.
It didnt upset me and i never said it did, it amused me for obvious reasons
"It doesn't matter what the word means to me, or to anyone else - what matters is what you took it to mean, and that you were offended."
No what offended me and still did ion the apology was that she *thinks* I made up a meaning for that word. I did not take it to mean something else its what anyone reading the word can bloody well see it means.
"For that, I apologise.
How big of her to apologise for my non-existant emotional pain and MY error in understanding.
I never wanted an apology for this, just for her to understand the real meaning of the word something she was having trouble with till very recently.
Death threat Della
azahar Posted Feb 8, 2005
Um . . .
I don't actually have a 'selective' memory, Bain. I have a total crap memory, as anyone who knows me could tell you. I have to write everything down or else I forget stuff. Even when I do write things down - like this evening. I waited for half an hour for a student to show up and *then* checked my daybook and saw that I *had* written in last week that he couldn't come today. But I forgot to check my 'memory backup'. So, no, not selective. Just really not good in the memory department usually. Though I'm quite good at remembering birthdays.
Back when you started (as DMM) you had all sorts of thread listings with names attached. You seemed to have no problem finding threads back then. Not sure if you ever had a 'file' on me, but you had them all over your page for awhile. So it seems quite unlikely that you would not be able to find Della's apology somewhere.
You also managed to find a couple of old threads that you posted to Della recently, in an attempt to make her not trust me as her friend. You seem to have a problem with me being her friend and want to somehow sabotage that. Well, Della and I have been through worse. And I know she is slow to trust (as am I) but we are working on it, in our own way, in spite of stuff you do.
Don't really know what it is you have against me. And I don't really care. But I do find it odd that you are trying to maintain the situation on this thread when it seems very obvious that you could find this apology if you wanted to.
Anyhow, off to bed now . . .
Death threat Della
azahar Posted Feb 8, 2005
aaack, talk about simulposts - that was a reply to Bain, posting 437-
Im sorry about gassing all those people, but given the hi
Hoovooloo Posted Feb 8, 2005
"It doesn't matter what the word means to me, or to anyone else"
I.e. as far as she's concerned it *doesn't* *matter* that the word is a widely used term of racial abuse, recognised as such by the BBC and asterisked out accordingly where it is used.
The apology could be paraphrased as "I'm sorry you took it like that. I'm not sorry I *said* it. I'm just sorry you're so stupid you didn't understand what I meant."
This is the apology Della wants everyone to know she made. I'm not sure why she's so proud of it, on reflection...
Death threat Della
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Feb 9, 2005
There is nothing I want more, than to bring this whole sorry mess to an end, as I am sure everyone knows.
Hoo has said that all he wants, is for me to (1) apologise and (2) stop lying. He has also said that "it is unlikely that I will" do these things... Well, Hoo, prepare to be surprised!
(Azahar has also said that she believes that Hoo and Blinky will leave me alone if these conditions are met.)
I am sorry and apologise for the 'Death threat'. Although at the time we were under enormous stress, I should in no way have allowed it to be made, or participated in it. Of course, it was, and remains an empty threat - despite the emotion of the time, there is no way the 'threat' could, or would ever have been carried out. Stress notwithstanding, I should never have allowed anything so volatile to be posted from my account. Also, since it is said that I am a liar, I also apologise for any time whatsoever when I have ever been untruthful.
I sincerely hope that this will bring an end to the whole thing - that the other side of the bargain will be kept, and this thread will be left to die a natural death. Only one more post is needed - an acceptance from each researcher who feels him/herself to be involved. I expect a graceful end to this, and an acknowledgement that I have done all that has been asked of me.
Im sorry about gassing all those people, but given the hi
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Feb 9, 2005
Blicky, it's interesting that last week, you accepted that Edward the Bonobo and Bouncy wossname *both* understand the w****r word to mean precisely what I had always understood it to mean, and what I meant by it when I used it - in January 2004! So, what's all this about a meaning unique to me and how it means something completely different from what I thought?
So - enough already! (As the Americans say.)
Hoovooloo Posted Feb 9, 2005
Well done Della. You're right, I didn't think you'd do it. I'm impressed, I don't mind telling you.
One small point:
"all he wants, is for me to (1) apologise and (2) stop lying."
You've done (1). Since you've done that, I'm going to put a toe on possibly thin ice and say I believe it's possible you'll do (2) as well. You do understand that that is an ongoing thing, don't you? I hope so.
"I expect a graceful end to this, and an acknowledgement that I have done all that has been asked of me."
I acknowledge, blimey I *applaud*, you finally saying what you perhaps know you should have said a long time ago. On the assumption that in the future you'll attempt no revisionism, or retractions, then yes - as far as I'm concerned, you have your graceful end.
And well done, again.
Give Bain a break its hard to surf at work.
badger party tony party green party Posted Feb 9, 2005 Where is ���, Post: 1 Posted Apr 14, 2004 by Vicky Adelaide. (The Cat woman) Have you seen what BB has done now? Look at the Journal Entry titled 'Vile Behaviour', and btw, he seems to have removed your other identity from my friends list, so I can't find it! Mum Your mum, Bain seems to have the same trouble finding links as she clearly cant locate another one of your many identities. Wonder why
badger party tony party green party Posted Feb 9, 2005
Fine I hope we have ALL learnt something.
However your continuance of an old argument just one post after your apology suggest you havent.
Still time will tell.
one love
Researcher 724267 Posted Feb 9, 2005
hmm I more expected hoo would be the one still winging
"However your continuance of an old argument just one post after your apology suggest you havent."
I'll unsubscribe from this like I expect others will be doing.
That One Posted Feb 9, 2005
To Della, Hoo and Azahar, (and guardedly to Blicky) I've only one comment. Very well and graciously done.
Key: Complain about this post
Im sorry about gassing all those people, but given the hi
- 441: badger party tony party green party (Feb 8, 2005)
- 442: azahar (Feb 8, 2005)
- 443: azahar (Feb 8, 2005)
- 444: Hoovooloo (Feb 8, 2005)
- 445: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Feb 9, 2005)
- 446: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Feb 9, 2005)
- 447: Hoovooloo (Feb 9, 2005)
- 448: badger party tony party green party (Feb 9, 2005)
- 449: badger party tony party green party (Feb 9, 2005)
- 450: Researcher 724267 (Feb 9, 2005)
- 451: azahar (Feb 9, 2005)
- 452: That One (Feb 9, 2005)
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