This is the Message Centre for DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!
Death threat Della
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Feb 6, 2005
Kea, there was an apology. I have no idea whether it's on Blicky's current PS or his alternate one. I didn't even know there were two! U numbers mean little or nothing to me...
You'd have to hunt for it, I am certainly no good at looking for such things, and Blinky himself would be able to find it much more easily, unless he's blocked it from his memory, and his post seems to imply that he has... There were actually two anyway, one about the w*****r incident, one about the alleged death threat.
To clear up a misconception - when I said "Oh, yes, it was a serious one (threat)", I was referring to the state of mind *at the time* of the person who made the threat (not me) and not either to his current state of mind, or to his/mine/our ability to carry it out, or intention to do so!
Death threat Della
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Feb 6, 2005
What he wants of me, Kea, is that I f*** up and die, which I one day will do sooner or later without his help. The thing is, he'll never know - or with his paranoia, never be sure... After all, anyone who knows me in RL, is someone he's decided ahead of time is a "liar" (one of his favourite terms of abuse). It's quite amusing to contemplate his worrying and wondering when I might strike - and his suspicion that any newcomer might be me come to harass him. Spooky possums!
He lies in saying that my saying he wanted "mass death" was a response to what he'd said - no surprise there then!
Death threat Della
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Feb 6, 2005
Hoo, you do insist on putting people in little boxes, don't you? You have a little box for 'religious' people, one where the only ones that fit are 'religious' and conservative, and racist...
Have you never heard that in the world outside your own narrow little circle of self-loving secularists, there are hundreds of thousands, millions even, of "left-leaning" non-secular religious people, three quarters of them Christian?
Someone as old as you should have heard of the concept of shades of grey, and that not everything is black and white.
(Disclaimer for rigid thinkers... The use of the terms black and white above, was metaphorical, not racial. )
Death threat Della
Mistdancer-X-sporadically coherent Posted Feb 6, 2005
"He lies in saying that my saying he wanted "mass death" was a response to what he'd said - no surprise there then!"
Death threat Della
Mistdancer-X-sporadically coherent Posted Feb 6, 2005
Explanation, in their own words, of exactly who typed the death threat post.
Now I'm off. See ya.
Death threat Della
Hoovooloo Posted Feb 6, 2005
Do you have no comment to make, Della, on being exposed in yet ANOTHER egregious lie in the last line of post 402?
Death threat Della
azahar Posted Feb 6, 2005
Della, the 'alternate' PS was the 'fake blicky' one that your son made up, the one you posted the death threat on. So of course you knew there were two.
Unfortunately, the more you avoid finding your apology the more it makes it look like it doesn't actually exist.
Death threat Della
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Feb 6, 2005
You know so much about his alternate spaces, you want it, you find it. I have more to worry about than your silly mind games. I am going to bed, because we have something *important* going on here tomorrow. I've been pandering to you and your group's idiocy long enough. I made the verdammnde apology and if you and Blinky and mad Hoo choose to pretend I didn't, I don't care! Got it?
Death threat Della
Peckish Posted Feb 6, 2005
A post in response to what Della said in post 401..
Della says..."Kea, there was an apology. I have no idea whether it's on Blicky's current PS or his alternate one. I didn't even know there were two! U numbers mean little or nothing to me..."
The quote of what Della said given by Az is …
”In know now that it wasn't blicky, and I am sorry that I nutted off at him - but the history with him was such that it was so easy for me to believe it was the kind of thing he *would* do! I over-reacted, and I am sorry.”
Della says in post 392….
”No, azahar, as you know full well, that was *not* the apology I was referring to. The apology was a message on Blinky's space, addressed to him and very detailed.”
So to the possible explanation …
Della posts, at 401 again
“You'd have to hunt for it, I am certainly no good at looking for such things, and Blinky himself would be able to find it much more easily, unless he's blocked it from his memory, and his post seems to imply that he has... There were actually two anyway, one about the w*****r incident, one about the alleged death threat.”
So from this we can deduce, there are two threats Della believes she has apologized for;
1) For the use of the word ‘wigger’
2) and two for the ‘death threat’.
So if there is only one apology for the ‘death threat’ how is it not the one AZ quoted?
Death threat Della
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Feb 6, 2005
Woo-hoo, the gang's all here! So, how does this work? Do you get busy on IM and call for reinforcments? What fun for you - and what dos you all seem to be. Enjoy yourselves! I've said all I am going to say.
Death threat Della
Peckish Posted Feb 6, 2005
I do not understand... how do you justify your attitude? So many times you are simply asked for an answer that you can point to, e.g. quotes etc. So many times you avoid it. This just points to everyone not believing you.
Do you see the way Jordan goes out on a limb for you? For his sake answer all that is asked of you. He has worked hard for you. Can you not work hard and show all your justifications for him?
Do you see how Anhaga has tried to move the conversations on? Can you not answer with his honesty and candor?
Too many times have there been gentle appeals to you to utter apologies or concessions of mistake, too many times have there been offers willing to move on from the current bullsh*t that you spout. Not only have you spurned the chances offered, you seem to take some sort of perverse delight in dreaming up completely unrelated opinions , total lies or some some absolutely unrelated non sequitur.
What the hell is it that you are so afraid of? Why is it do hard for to say..’ shit I’m wrong’ , ‘hey what’s the answer’, ‘wow is that really so?’
You have been given so many chances to give just a reasonable, human response. F**k I know so many great Kiwis who embody the wonderful spirit of their Land….you do an injustice to the Land and your ancestors not to admit truth. Courage.
Death threat Della
badger party tony party green party Posted Feb 6, 2005
Its fairly simple Della makes things up.
Its how her religion works and her reasoning works in exactly the same way.
I ask her to apologise in a real sense for things she has really done Ive done this several times before to no real effect. So when she is faced with an unignorable chorus of people asking for the same thing she simply MAKES-UP a claim that I want her to "F***-UP AND DIE"
Its easy to be right when you simpy go around making things up.
Della and i have several beuatiful children and none of them are remotely violent or stupid. None of them feel the need to replicate others' PSs or hide behind childish aliases. None of our children rage impotently about the actions of others whilst hypocritically doing the same things they complain about.
None of that's true of course but if you just make up things and ignore the facts you can justify anything.
Im off to kill and eat some dolphins for scientific purposes.
one love
Death threat Della
azahar Posted Feb 6, 2005
Oh stop it, blicky - is there an apology? Made somewhere on your PS? You can easily tell us yes or no.
Della says it's there somewhere.
Hecked if I know.
Death threat Della
badger party tony party green party Posted Feb 6, 2005
I thought you'd have all checked for yourselves
I cant find it becuse I think it ws posted elsewhere in another conversation related to the official complaint or some such she did "apologise for both things but in both apologises she wriggled out of it being her fault and it some how being mine by the end.
I chose to take wigger the way I did and I had made it so that it was fair and understandble for Della to accuse me of the things she did.
Anyway Im not talking to her anymore its like talking as Was Not Was put it "you cant talk shakespeare to a monkey"
The title of the sung happens to be.......
"Shake your head"
How are you liking that for interconnectedness
Death threat Della
azahar Posted Feb 6, 2005
aack, remind me about 'shake your head' - it's driving me nuts that it's so familiar but I can't remember the reference.
Meanwhile, oh heck, why not just drop it already. . .
It's late, I'm tired, Noggin and I just back from having wine and tapas . . . makes the world seem much friendlier that this thread . . .
know what I'm saying?
Death threat Della
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Feb 6, 2005
Very childish, Blinky.
No, check your facts, BB, I said that was Hoo's view, not yours!
Death threat Della
Alfster Posted Feb 6, 2005
I don't know Will he!
Very poor.
OK, I was lurking through out the whole Death Threat Della Affair and I only saw one 'apology' the one where Della wriggles out and turns it back on the Blickster.
If there had been another one I would say so now - I am like that - a pretty fair person even to people who *still* refuse to answer a question about whether I am gullible or not given the facts about various statements made. I honour honesty in anyone. I despise lies and untruths just as vigourously - if I didn't I might be a lot further in my career but I have standards (open aside there).
Oh, and Della, you seem to believe there is some off Hootoo IM conspiracy going on. 1) don't rate yourself too highly 2) do you *really* think it takes any more effort than reading your posts and remembering what you have said to highlight your lies and untruths. We have better things to do with our RL time. However, our Hootoo time is well spent highlighting lies and untruths in, what is, on the whole, an honest exchange of differing views.
Death threat Della
azahar Posted Feb 6, 2005
nooooo, 'shake your head' and Will Smith - was just putting those two ideas together . . . sleepily. . .
Key: Complain about this post
Death threat Della
- 401: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Feb 6, 2005)
- 402: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Feb 6, 2005)
- 403: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Feb 6, 2005)
- 404: Mistdancer-X-sporadically coherent (Feb 6, 2005)
- 405: Mistdancer-X-sporadically coherent (Feb 6, 2005)
- 406: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Feb 6, 2005)
- 407: Hoovooloo (Feb 6, 2005)
- 408: azahar (Feb 6, 2005)
- 409: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Feb 6, 2005)
- 410: Peckish (Feb 6, 2005)
- 411: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Feb 6, 2005)
- 412: Peckish (Feb 6, 2005)
- 413: badger party tony party green party (Feb 6, 2005)
- 414: azahar (Feb 6, 2005)
- 415: badger party tony party green party (Feb 6, 2005)
- 416: azahar (Feb 6, 2005)
- 417: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Feb 6, 2005)
- 418: azahar (Feb 6, 2005)
- 419: Alfster (Feb 6, 2005)
- 420: azahar (Feb 6, 2005)
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