This is the Message Centre for DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!


Post 1

Researcher 524695

This post has been removed.

Death-threat Della

Post 2

Researcher 524695

smiley - kiss

Death-threat Della

Post 3

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Just mind your own business, you interfering old man. (Unless you encouraged your comrade in his vandalism.) He did say he was modelling himself on you.

Death-threat Della

Post 4

Researcher 524695

"Unless you encouraged your comrade in his vandalism.) He did say he was modelling himself on you."

Wraith is modelling himself on me now? How sweet! smiley - biggrin

Seriously, I didn't encourage him to impersonate blicky. I wouldn't - that's against the rules of h2g2. However, if I'd known how great it was going to be at making you appear stupid(er), I might have encouraged it after all...smiley - winkeye

Death-threat Della

Post 5

badger party tony party green party If you think some thing is bad you dont go and do it yourself. Unless your hypocritical, plain stupid or spoling for trouble. Of course you could ignore the facts and opt for flat denial. P.S. Member and i are not a team. We have vast ideolagical differences in our minds what puts us on the *other* side to you is that we use our minds. one love

Death-threat Della

Post 6

Researcher 524695

I really would seriously like an answer to the original question:

How can someone who is so rabidly, incoherently against abortion on the grounds of the sanctity of life be so pro-cold blooded murder that they're prepared to pass on death threats issued by their teenage son?

I'm honestly interested in how you square the two in your own morality.


Post 7

Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for)

This post has been removed.

Death-threat Della

Post 8

Researcher 524695

Not at all, Appy, according to your mommy you're my "comrade", and since you're now modelling yourself on me, why would I attack you?

Death-threat Della

Post 9

badger party tony party green party

Oh and I suppose insinuating that people are gay makes you feel more butch does it?smiley - fairy

Or what about "ominously" lurking then posting blank messages on threads where your presence is not required, like some desperate heavy breather, does that make you feel big and toughsmiley - huh

Issuing physical threats to people whose physical capabilities you dont know, intimidating someone who may have muscular distrophy or other dibilitaing physical or mental condition is that the action of a man of honoursmiley - huh

This site is ALL about ideas and thoughts. Why dont you go away and try to have some?

Failing that you can stick around posting your cowardly, idle, pointless threats. Stick around with your homophobic, zenephobic and sub playground standard name-calling. They dont bother me one bit, you pathetic fool.

smiley - rainbow

Death-threat Della

Post 10

badger party tony party green party

Morning Memeber,

She meant that I am modelling myself on you.

I made a throw away comment to az, about my behaviour on thread becoming more like yours in your absence being like some kind of evolutionary neiche filling.

Della obviously took it to heart.smiley - headhurts

When will you realise that when reading Della's posts all normal standards of sentence construction should be abadoned.

smiley - rainbow

Death-threat Della

Post 11

Researcher 524695

Blicky -

I know perfectly well what she *meant* smiley - ok

It amuses me, however, to reply to what she SAID. She really seems to hate it when people do that.

Death-threat Della

Post 12

Researcher 524695

So, Death-threat, I'm still wondering:

Anti-abortion, but pro-murder - how's that work?


Post 13

Researcher 524695

This post has been removed.

Death-threat Della

Post 14


Wow, look at what happened while I was gone.

Della, you've upped the ante to death threats? Impressive.

Does this mean I can now use the name Della, Della, since you're not?


Death-threat Della

Post 15

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Nooooo! I am not Della anymore, because of a bizarre chain of circumstances, and a silly alliterative nickname that was wished on me. The death threat is actually a myth (it was not a serious threat, given that the maker of it is 12,000 miles away from the victim) and was not made by me anyway. Sigh... The 'threat' was an emotional reaction to a misunderstanding, and the real maker of it has apologised. It's all just a part of the mess that this community seems to have becone since about September '03. Before thatm a frank and free exchange of views never resulted in hate and bitterness and loathing! smiley - sadface
Good to see you back, Dave.

Death-threat Della

Post 16

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

PS, Sure, you can be Della if you want, but not 'Cat Woman' Be Della Florence, or Einstein or something similar... smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Death-threat Della

Post 17

badger party tony party green party

Now this is a turn up for the books [personal details removed by moderator] (if that is your real name) I seem to remember the word "serious" appearing in a post of yours regarding the nature of the death threat in question. Given that you have just in no uncertain terms said thet the trheat was not serious one of the statements, either the earlier one or this latest one is the truth and the other must be a lie. Which is which?

one love smiley - huh

Death-threat Della

Post 18

badger party tony party green party

Hi Dave long time no see. If you're looking for your old sparring partner Appy/Wraith, Im sorry those characters are "outta here" although Ferret is convinced that he has seen the ghost of Apparition past 'round these parts. heres what has happened while you were away: If your after a good laugh check out the "official complaint" thread and "Apology" thread. You can find them through my PS. [personal details removed by moderator] there's nothing wrong with being wrong, the loss of dignity comes from attacking other people for pointing out your mistakes and not admitting the truth just because its easier to lie in the end its only your self that you are harming. one love

Death-threat Della

Post 19

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

First, Blinkybadger, don't call me Debbie. (Where did you get the idea that's my name?)
I see that ignoring you hasn't made you go away - sigh...
Yes, I was wrong, I thought you had hacked (somehow) my brother's space. Where I was wrong, was in letting Maths Wizard express his anger from my account instead of logging out and letting him log in. (NB We are not rich, and have only *one* computer at home...)
But the reaction has been totally out of proportion - I mean, silly nicknames and flaming everywhere! Not to mention your tendency (and that of one or two others) to (a) dish out random abuse "behind my back" (I can monitor conversations as well as a certain obsessive woman can do.) and (b) to horn in and take over discussions - such as you and your mentor did with my chat to Tanzen. She was rather upset, as was I.
So, please, pretty please, go away...

Death-threat Della

Post 20

badger party tony party green party

Ok you ask me to go away but you also admit to monitoring my conversations how can you call that ignoring me.smiley - huh Talk about flip-flopping the facts to suit your argument.

If I watch out for the lies you tell about the situation that you and Wraith created you call it stalking, call it that if you like but why havent you got the honesty to call it the same when you do it? For the record I fully expected you to be reading the threads on my PS and secondly I dont mind that you were, it is a public site havent you worked that one out yetsmiley - huh

"Yes, I was wrong, I thought you had hacked (somehow) my brother's space. Where I was wrong, was in letting Maths Wizard express his anger from my account instead of logging out and letting him log in. (NB We are not rich, and have only *one* computer at home...)"smiley - book


You are *still* wrong!

You did not merely think I had hacked your brothers account *you* anounced it to the site and then demanded I be banned for doing so.

You reiterated this even though I tried to explain what might have happened and not satisfied with my explanation you or your son issued a death threat which you later assured me was really meant. When you found out the truth you quietly dropped the calls for the ban on the real perpetrator of the act that had so offended you and Maths. The power of nepotism eh! You could teach the Bush family a thing or two on that one. You followed this up with an altogether unsatisfactory apology which I cant honestly even call hafl hearted it was so begrudgingly worded.

I dont like it when you try to rewrite what actually happened:

1, beause I dont like to see others lead astray by your lies and ommissions.

2, because I think that if I am to be cast in a bad light then it should be for things that have happened and not because of your dishonest and biased reporting.

one love smiley - rainbow

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