This is the Message Centre for DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Death-threat Della

Post 61


Take off for a few months...
Same cast of Characters....
Same plot even...

SGT Flipper

Death-threat Della

Post 62

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Sigh... yes, and they say "history never repeats" smiley - musicalnote Split Enz, from the album Waiata (known in Australia as Corroboree).

Death-threat Della

Post 63


Oh right, Della. Big sigh? No idea how this could have happened? It couldn't have had anything to do with you and yours making a death threat, could it?


Death-threat Della

Post 64



Could you please ask your son to stop using my very pleasant photo website as a means of posting nasty and insulting comments about my hootoo friends there?

Thank you very much.


Death-threat Della

Post 65

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Que? He's 28 years old, I can't and don't tell him what to do. And as you and your, (what was your expression, 'clan?') always say when horning in on someone's otherwise pleasant conversation, it's a public site! Comments are invited, after all. It's not like he has made a point of commenting on anyone else's photo...

Death-threat Della

Post 66


Comments are invited, blatant insults are not.

Well, thanks anyhow.


Death-threat Della

Post 67

badger party tony party green party

Morning az,

Tammy, Appy is back to get up to more of his "high jinks" smiley - jester So you dont have to go through the poor beleagured mother who his tricks and her reactions so embarrassed recently

Ive missed him while he's been away and Im looking forward to more of his pathetic pratfalls and hillarious impotent rage.

Personally my money's on it being one month before he's back to homophobic insults, two months before he starts issuing threats and about three before his frustration leads to another "falling on his sword" episode.smiley - laugh

one love smiley - rainbow

Death-threat Della

Post 68


Hey Blicky....

So I guess it was one of those rubber stage prop swords that he fell on. Didn't seem to do much damage.

Wow, 28. Are you serious??? I do not at all mean this next sentance as an insult. I honestly thought he was about 12 or 13....

Death-threat Della

Post 69


For the record, Della, I have never 'horned in' on one of your 'pleasant conversations'.

Also, I didn't ask you to 'tell' your son what to do, just to pass on a polite request since he said he had left h2g2. But it seems he is back now.


Death-threat Della

Post 70

badger party tony party green party

az, give her a break.smiley - winkeye

It has become clear from other conversations that Della, oops, Adele, oops, oops annie, oops Debbie, oops Adelaide, whatever doesnt actually recognise or possibly understand what a question mark does.

Even putting can and please in the sentence clearly was not enough to express to her that you are requesting, asking or enquiring if she will ask her son to do something.

The best way to communicate is to use simple sentences and use words of one syllable.smiley - ok

one love smiley - rainbow

Death-threat Della

Post 71

badger party tony party green party

It's not like he has made a point of commenting on anyone else's photo...smiley - book

Adebbiedellaide, are you sure about this I think you should check with Appy, he may well have been doing things that you dont know about AGAIN and you dont want to go shooting your mouth off and making youself look daft AGAIN?

Do you?

(those are questions)

one love smiley - rainbow


Post 72


Wow, I am not sure what happened. I don't recall seeing anything in Blicky's post worth moding. Did you yikes Della?? And from someone who so adamantely defended free speech on another thread. Guess free speech only applies when we like what the person is saying...


Post 73

badger party tony party green party

It doesnt look like it was her more likey the page is being watched.smiley - ghost

Ho hum.

smiley - rainbow


Post 74

Smij - Formerly Jimster

We have already stated that we would like this discussion to close down. Blickybadger has already summarised this issue excellently and we have also stressed the need to use the complaints button to help us avoid situations such as this. Azahar has also made a polite request and while it's difficult for us to do anything if Apparition continues to anoy people outside of h2g2, and I would have thought it wise for anyone in a position to bring this to an end to do everything in their ability to do so.


Post 75


hi Jimster,

I made my request to Della on this thread as it is on her personal page and is not the 'Official Complaint' thread. My request is unrelated to the past problem and it was not meant to appear that I was asking the h2g2 editors to get involved nor that I was trying to start up the previous discussion again. It is simply that I now prefer to speak to Della as 'publicly' as possible due to past problems with more 'private' conversations.



Post 76

Smij - Formerly Jimster

That's absolutely understood and appreciated, Azahar. My comments were not directed to you smiley - smiley


Post 77


*sigh* I'm glad to see that we've all forgotten about The Fiasco like responsible adults. Thanks, Jimster.

So has Apparition returned? I couldn't spot his comments in the album, I presume they were removed quite quickly. It's sad that a couple of researchers (Boxing Baboon) see fit to make rude, public comments, when the photos page is really a rather lovely project. smiley - sadface

- Jordan


Post 78

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

No, Tamberlaine, I did not yikes. I haven't been here for a day or two... Oh and, as I said before, the name is Adelaide. Blicky should have realised that it is a name that incorporates Della and Adele! smiley - laugh
No one calls me Debbie, BTW Karl...

My name

Post 79

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

azahar, making your "polite request" on a thread called 'Death Threat Della', when you could easily have started a new message, was deliberately provocative and calculated to incite unpleasant feelings. What does it take for me to have my change of name honoured?

No he's not

Post 80

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

That is, Apparition is *not* back - check his space.

Key: Complain about this post