This is the Message Centre for DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

correcting errors

Post 321


smiley - smooch


correcting errors

Post 322

Researcher 724267

"This is where I grab every one of you by the ears and lead to to opposie ends of the sandpit, okay?" - everyone turned into me. I won't even touch your comment about me not doing what this site is intended for...

correcting errors

Post 323

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master


correcting errors

Post 324


smiley - yawn


Death threat Della

Post 325



Death threat Della

Post 326

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Is there a reason why you're bouncing this back up, Hoo? I mean apart from being annoying? smiley - winkeye

Death threat Della

Post 327


Sorry, didn't notice this. Can't remember the answer either.

Nice to see Della is Della again though, eh?


Death threat Della

Post 328


Funny... Della isn't Della any more, again. Wonder why?


Death threat Della

Post 329

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

ok, I give in and actually post in this thread smiley - cross

Here was me thinking that I had all these newbies turning up in convos and agreeing with me. Turns out they are Della, which is just plain annoying. Not that it's Della, but that I have to get my head around all this name changing. I understand the original impetus for this, and even had some sympathy for it, but now I've lost my patience.

Della, whatever is going on, please bear in mind that for those of us not in the Della wars, what you are doing is just confusing and irritating.

Death threat Della

Post 330

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Regardless of my name, I still agreed with you! So, why is that a problem?


As I explained when I began it, the conditions for ending it were simple. The people who insist on the name Della the same way they insist on the KJV, anbd for pretty much the same reasons, have to allow me the name of my choice, not theirs. But after HS on the 'gods' thread reviving what you call the 'Della Wars', I see that this little game remains necessary. Pity, I was getting as sick of it as you were...

Death threat Della

Post 331

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

I don't have a problem with you changing your name (and no longer using Della). What I was saying was that changing your name everyday is confusing and annoying. I'd feel the same with anyone doing this, although I probably feel more annoyance with you because I assumed the frequent name change is to do with the Della wars (for lack of a better term).

It strikes me as anti-community in a way, and it certainly makes communicating harder, because it makes it difficult to follow what an individual is saying (and possibly is even more confusing for people that don't know you). I assume that you are not wanting anonymity (otherwise you'd start a new acount and be careful about what you posted), so what it *looks* like is you taking full part in the Della wars as usual.

As I said, it's annoying anyway (but even more so because of the context).

>>Regardless of my name, I still agreed with you! So, why is that a problem?

I don't come to h2 to be agreed with. I come here for the intelligent debate, and the interactions with the people. Both those things are undermined by someone changing their name daily, because it makes it harder to put any individual post in context of the person.

It'll also make reading backlog annoying because when people refer to you by your latest name, if you have changed it before someone reads the post they won't know who the post refers to. This happens in h2 a bit any way because people do change their names. But it's fairly unusual to change it daily, and it makes things even more chaotic. Unnecessarily so, IMO.

By all means continue to change your name if you want. I just find it annoying, and like with people who use textspeak or consistenly bad grammar/spelling I tend to skim over what they say. I guess what I am saying is that what you are doing is counterproductive if you want to be taken seriously.


Death threat Della

Post 332


Interesting point for the record and anyone paying any attention...


Jimster officially confirms that Bain = Apparition = the person responsible for the impersonation that lead to the "death threat" incident in the first place.

smiley - ok


Death threat Della

Post 333

Smij - Formerly Jimster

This was already known though, wasn't it - the fake 'blicky' was easily traced back through his own conversations.

Death threat Della

Post 334


It was known that "Apparition" was responsible for the impersonation of blickybadger. As you say, that was obvious to everyone with an ounce intelligence immediately. Which is what led to the death threat - it wasn't obvious to Della.

But "Bain" has persistently maintained that he is NOT Apparition. He's a different U number and everything. Hey ho.


Death threat Della

Post 335

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Ah, my mistake.

See the problems people cause with multiple accounts?

Death threat Della

Post 336



I suggest you move away from that brick wall you are standing in front of; it will only give you a headache.


Death threat Della

Post 337


I suggest we move away from this thread, seeing that it is the main reason Della changed (and is now changing) her name?

- Jordan

Death threat Della

Post 338

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

smiley - lovebleeding....

Death threat Della

Post 339


Ha ha ha. But seriously.

- Jordan

Death threat Della

Post 340


You can suggest whatever you like, certainly...


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