This is the Message Centre for paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Will thee kiss me in the dark, baby? fan club

Post 5681

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.

Agreed! smiley - ok

I vote for Miss Piggy.

Will thee kiss me in the dark, baby? fan club

Post 5682

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Miss Piggy?

Sounds good. smiley - smiley She'd be very tough on the terrorists.

Will thee kiss me in the dark, baby? fan club

Post 5683

Lady Scott

Now *there's* a candidate even *I* could stand behind!

Will thee kiss me in the dark, baby? fan club

Post 5684

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

The frogs would support her, too. Vive Mademoiselle Piggy! smiley - artist

Will thee kiss me in the dark, baby? fan club

Post 5685

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.

Viola! smiley - biggrin A candidate we all can agree on. smiley - ok

smiley - erm

Does our constitution allow swine in the White House? smiley - huh

Will thee kiss me in the dark, baby? fan club

Post 5686

Lady Scott

We've put up with a lot of piggish antics from presidents in the past, so I don't see why not! smiley - ok

Will thee kiss me in the dark, baby? fan club

Post 5687

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

So why not?

(Swine ought)

smiley - winkeye

Will thee kiss me in the dark, baby? fan club

Post 5688

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

Of course smiley - erm- she'd put a moretorium on all pork dishes, and bacon would be a thing of the past... And now more silk purses out of a sow's ear! smiley - yikes

Will thee kiss me in the dark, baby? fan club

Post 5689

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

I'm sorry - that was meant to ready "no more" not "now more"... my fingers are typing faster than my brain can think again... smiley - laugh

Will thee kiss me in the dark, baby? fan club

Post 5690

Shea the Sarcastic

Put in my vote for Miss Piggy! smiley - ok

Will thee kiss me in the dark, baby? fan club

Post 5691

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.

Vote count thus far:

Miss Piggy - 1
George Shrubbery - 0
John (what the)F Kerry - 0

Will thee kiss me in the dark, baby? fan club

Post 5692

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.

smiley - blush I can't count to two.

Vote count thus far:

Miss Piggy - 2
George Shrubbery - 0
John (what the)F Kerry - 0

The rest of you thought that Miss Piggy is a winning candidate, but have not yet cast your votes officially. smiley - ok

Will thee kiss me in the dark, baby? fan club

Post 5693

Shea the Sarcastic

::passes out voting punch cards::

Don't leave your chads dangling ...

Will thee kiss me in the dark, baby? fan club

Post 5694

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.

smiley - bigeyes

I wouldn't mind if you do.

Will thee kiss me in the dark, baby? fan club

Post 5695

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I cast a vote for Miss Piggy. smiley - smiley

Will thee kiss me in the dark, baby? fan club

Post 5696

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.

Vote count thus far:

Miss Piggy - 3
George Shrubbery - 0
John (what the)F Kerry - 0

smiley - smiley

Thank you, Paul! Never let it be said that you haven't done your part in the war against two-party terrorism. smiley - ok

Will thee kiss me in the dark, baby? fan club

Post 5697

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Actually, I'm doing it so Kermit the Frog can be part of the governing tea,/ smiley - smiley

Sorry, that should be team, not tea. smiley - erm

Will thee kiss me in the dark, baby? fan club

Post 5698

Lady Scott

*punches voting card and checks to make sure there are no hanging chads*

Miss Piggy! Miss Piggy! Miss Piggy!

smiley - erm I hope I managed to punch the right place on the card...

Excuse me, would you mind checking this and make sure I voted for Miss Piggy?

Will thee kiss me in the dark, baby? fan club

Post 5699

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

I vote Miss Piggy also... chads be damned! smiley - tongueout

Will thee kiss me in the dark, baby? fan club

Post 5700

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Now we're getting somewhere. smiley - tongueout

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Will thee kiss me in the dark, baby? fan club

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