This is the Message Centre for Tilly - back in mauve
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
Tilly - back in mauve Posted Sep 7, 2002
Currently listening to: The Norwegian channel TV2 is celebrating their tenth anniversary tonight and there's a big concert... Right now it's A1 singing 'Caught in the Middle' I'm astonished their were let on.
Sorry to disappoint you, but I painted myself as a crying Pedrolino unfortunately, after a couple of hours I noticed the thick white paint made my glasses slide off my nose all the time, so I washed it out on the toilet - but all the glittery details I made was like glue, so I still got gold-glittery make up around my eyes
Mum think I look cute... The job went astonishingly well, actually - all the kids thought it was so exciting to be painted they managed to sit still the whole 10 minutes it usually took to make a good job - and most gave me a smiling "thank you" and even a hug, smearing all the makeup I had so skillfully put on
Let me see, the final count came to 1 houscat, 1 leopard, 1 exotic sunset, 2 bats, 3 butterflies and 1 Chinese doll
The leopard was my fines work ever, I might add - I loved making all the little brown dots.
Yes, I've seen 'One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest' several times, and the ending always makes me cry You know they've cut a scene involving Jack and naked wrestling in the shower? Just thought you'd like to know
"I must say you've had a mention to my Drama teacher. But the less said about that the better "
What? Whaaat?! You made me all curisou know, damn you. What did you say? I have mentioned you to Prof. Petter, when I snapped the photo of him, although I only gave him the gist of you ("I've got this friend in England, and she demands to know how you look like...") But what did you tell her about me! Tell me, pleeeaaase?
I love your new IM name, by the way Can you please tell me if you made that clever little rhyme yourself, or stole it?
I'm going to see the rest of that concert now, and then straight to sleep I can't believe it! I haven't slept all week - oh, my dear, sweet pillow! My soft, sweet bed! Take me in your arms and let me rest for days...
P.S.: Wow, you really DO got your priorities mixed up
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Sep 7, 2002
Currently listening to: My parents listening to some Rush Hour film on tv in the other room, while I sit here listening to classic jazz. Our family is really odd I do the things the parents are meant to do like read and listen to old fashioned music while they go to parties and meet friends. To them I'm like Saffy from 'Absolutely Fabulous' My Dad is actually calling me Saffy now..
"Femme Fatale (The bats have left the bell tower, the victims have been bled, red velvet lines the black box. Bela Lugosi's dead)"
You think I could come up with something as good as that? Heck no! They're part of the lyrics of a song by the band Bauhaus. The whole thing is:
White on white
translucent black capes
back on the rack.
Bela Lugosi's dead.
The bats have left the bell tower,
the victims have been bled,
red velvet lines the black box.
Bela Lugosi's dead.
Undead Undead Undead.
The virginal brides
file past his tomb,
strewn with time's dead flowers,
bereft in deathly bloom,
alone in a darkened room
the count.
Bela Lugosi's dead.
Undead Undead Undead.
Oh Bela, Bela's undead
*sigh* Yes, I know about the missing scene in 'One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest' I read the book you see, and I was destroyed when they cut out the naked water wrestling Maybe I should write to them and ask them to shoot it again just for me.. I doubt they would do it though.
You want to know what I told my Drama teacher? Hmm, I could taunt you with this for a looong time.. I'm just wicked and evil enough to do it mind you Nah, I'm feeling generous.
I only mentioned you when I brought up Commedia dell'arte not being in the syllabus I said that you knew quite a bit about it and Drama in general so could probably help me with my GCSE coursework *nudges Tilly* I hope you heard that, if you didn't I'll repeat it "I HOPE TILLY COULD HELP ME WITH MY GCSE COURSEWORK!" When it happens anyway..
Well I think I can live with the fact that you made two bats. That cheered me up.. a bit It's good to hear that SOME children have the right idea.
Uh oh The Rev Blair is meeting President Bush today. Could this be war looming? Maybe you heard it in the news? I pray that it isn't.. I'm not gonna sleep well tonight. I really hope Blair isn't stupid enough to agree with Bush on war.
I'd better go, my parents have come in and want to watch TV in peace *sigh* He's yelling at me now.. I'd better go
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
Tilly - back in mauve Posted Sep 8, 2002
Currently listening to: Droning and bubbling... The ususal stuff
This will be a very, very short posting, since my mother is taking me to see some kite-flying It's like taken out of a late 60s family Picture
"Let's go fly a kite, up in the (something) bright! (Something, something) la la laaa laaa laaa la..." Okay, so it's been a while since i watched Mary Poppins, but that song's stuck in my head nonetheless
It was so good having a good night's sleep again! I feel so much better! I only regret I actually watched that anniversary concert - it was crap. And the man who first had "Who wants to be a billionaire" on that very channel, Arve Juritzen, Norway's most handsome gay man two years running, wasn't even invited!
He was the only reason I watched that show in the first place... If I was the ruler of the Universe, I would make some BIG changes, and I think I'd start with TV (especially commercials
Well, I've always thought that Blair was a tad bit smarter than Bush, so I don't think it will develop into anything drastic. The media always want thing to sound as dramatical and Doomsday-like as possible. Maybe you've heard about the Norwegian water-sabotage? Somebody's been tapping white spirit on a couple of produced water bottles, and the media wants us to believe a war or mass poisoning will commence... Please! They tested it, and white spirit in that small amounts isn't even health threatening!
Well, I'm going to watch some kites now - even maybe rent one! If it hadn't been so cold I would have gone in my only dress...
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Sep 8, 2002
Currently listening to: Me trying to remember those song words.. "Lets go fly a kite, up in the sky so bright! la la laaaaa..." Nope, I can't remember it either. Maybe I should go put Mary Poppins on now Aha! "Let's go fly a kite up to the highest hight. Lets go fly a kite and send it soaring.." Sorry, that's as much as I can bear to watch
*hysterical laughter* The Rev? Smarter than Bush?! Tilly my dear, I'm going to have to start sending you Private Eye each week! I have sent an e-mail to you which sums up their relationship to a t
Wow, global mass poisoning with white spirit! It's a bit like the wine scandal where anti freeze was put in. I'm not sure of the details but it was a long time ago.. I'm not even sure why I brought it up Please exscuse me, I'm not thinking straight today.
Can I tell you somthing? I need to tell someone about it or I'll just die. It was only a dream but I've never had one quite like it before:
I won't tell you the whole of it as you may find it disturbing (I certainly did!) but the gist of it (with all the scary bits taken out) is that I was at a medieval doctors and he put leeches all over my body, there was blood everywhere and it seemed that I could actually feel them sucking it out in my dream *shudder* They were doing this as some sort of purification ceremony and I was going to be killed by being dropped into a really deep pit with a large spike in the bottom. I woke up (in my dream) and found that people had been doing evil, sick things to my body ( Mary Shelly type things) Then there was an incident with a zip which I'd rather not re-live and several vampires which again, I'd rather not think about. I managed to escape and this vampire (who had done somthing to me which I'd rather not talk about) kept on asking me a certain question (I'd rather not repeat it) And then these things/creatures kept on following me, I was so scared, I've never felt such terror in a dream it was so disturbing! I woke up screaming! I've never done that, never! I am pretty scared.. which is a first. It just goes to show, the brave are those who lack imaginations.
Blair and Bush it seems have a shared view on the incident! News is on! He's standing there saying that they're sharing the same views on weapons etc! My god! This is war.. they haven't said it, but Bush is stupid enough to do it. I think this is paranioa I need to go and lie down.. I really hope it doesn't end up in war. My god, please no. I can feel it! Some nut case is going to do somthing stupid on Sept the 11th! And they'll use it as an exscuse! I'm scared, I really am. I know that the media isn't a reliable source but you and I both know that war is possible! War is a serious possiblity.
I really can't stand this, the media aren't helping! I'm going insane!
I'm taking this too seriously aren't I? I guess it's all the work on war we've been doing in History, it's getting to me. Please ignore my insane ramblings. I promise to act a little more calm and collected next post.. Besides, the men in white coats should be here by then
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
Tilly - back in mauve Posted Sep 9, 2002
Currently listening to: The HHGTTG radio series Oh, they've just come to the Dentrassis' sleeping quarters... Brilliant. Simply brilliant
Well, in all it was two kite-flyers there, and they didn't try to make it soar for more than 5 minutes. Quite boring indeed So we went to Oslo instead, and just hang around. Then we went to the Mela festival, which is a festival celebrating Pakistani customs
At least there they sold paper kites, so we bought one, broke it after a couple of minutes, and then bought another one, which we got soaring for 2 minutes
We still got the frames, so we're going to repair them and try on a later day.
Next we decided to go to the cinema and catch 'Minority Report', but once again - completely sold out and no tickets We saw 'Insomnia' with Al Pacino and Robin Williams. It's based ona Norwegian movie, okay, but did they have to make it just as bad?
I still can't get over the fact they cast Al Pacino as the (kinda) good-guy detective, and Robin Williams as the crazed killer
I just couldn't see it.
I'm starting to believe Ford Prefects theory about "if people didn't talk about meaningless things, their brains would start to work" Although only certain people are like that. Trond, for example, which is a college of my mother and the man who paid for all the fun yesterday. This is a scene that happened after the cinema yesterday:
Me (Lying curled up in the back seat of the car)
Mum: It seems like Tilde is a bit tired.
Trond: Are you tired?
Me: Yes
Trond: Are you?
Me (annoyed): Yes..!
Trond (grinning): What?
Me: I am! Yes!
Mum: What are you so cross about?
Me: I'm tired..!
And it's not like he's got bad ears, I think it's just a bad habit. Like when you ask someone "What did you do yesterday?" And the reply "What did I do yesterday? Oh yes, I -"
That certainly sound like a horrible dream Could be you're just stressed. Have you slept well lately? Anything been bothering you? Maybe you're not breathing properly when you're asleep. You could try sleeping in another pose. Seen any awful movies or something? I remember when I first saw 'Chindler's List' I only had nightmares about suddenly being hunted down and slaughtered... *shiver*
I highly doubt a war will commence, just calm down Had it been likely to happen, all the newspapers here would have jumped right on it, and I still haven't seen as much as a mention - furthermore, a teacher would have brought it up at school, especially Prof. Petter is always dragging such topics into discussion, and all we discussed today was which was the strongest sex (even Prof. Petter thinks it's the females
) Bush and Blair isn't the brightest pennies in the pot, but I'm pretty sure that they both realize a war wouldn't make any gain either way - it's a waste of money, and what is it Bush loves the most? Exactly.
It's very likely some idiot will try to do something on 11. Sept, but no way it will get as... astronomical, as last year It's been a year, and security is high.
So just remember to breathe and think rationally. "Always look on the bright side of life..." And if such things would happen, Norway will probably stand neutral and you can temporarily move here Tht would show my snotty classmates...
I'm going to sleep a bit now - it's been too long
P.S.: Very funny, that mail you sent me
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
Existential Elevator Posted Sep 10, 2002
*Drags Tilly aside*
I've got a message from RGW for you....Okay....
She's, well, locked out of H2G2 and email for an indefinate amount of time and umm...needed me to tell you. She seems to be on IM though
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
Tilly - back in mauve Posted Sep 10, 2002
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Sep 10, 2002
I'm sorry but this is going to be short and sweet. There have been some problems with the internet, and I haven't been able to get on h2g2 or any website for that matter in a loooong time. The only thing I have been able to do is IM and as you haven't been online I couldn't tell you. I have to get off the computer now (Just my luck ) so I'll write some more here tommorow,
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Sep 11, 2002
Currently listening to: Nothing. Absolutely nothing! It's incredible, my Dad did somthing to the machine (Ie. Put the whole of it in a cupboard, leaving the screen on the desk of course) and now you can't hear a thing! It doesn't feel right.. plus there's this odd smell of burning rubber
You're only starting to believe Ford's theory? I worked that out aaages ago. And to think you were making fun of me for not grasping the Micheal Palin= Micheal Palin theory I had a good example of that theory today:
Person: So what are you doing?
Me: I'm writing an e-mail to my friend.
Person: So you're writing an e-mail eh?
Me: Yup
Person: Is it too a friend?
Me: I did just say that.
Person: So it's an e-mail eh?
Me: *strangles person*
1.Could be you're just stressed
That's the most likely what with exams, homework, peer pressure, and all the problems in the world today
2.Have you slept well lately?
Not really, mainly due to the nightmares I've been having
3.Anything been bothering you?
I don't think so.
4.Maybe you're not breathing properly when you're asleep. You could try sleeping in another pose.
I did actually. It didn't help, I just got scared and hit under my blanket
6.Seen any awful movies or something?
The only thing I can think of is when I watched A is for Acid, but it's impossible that it caused my dream, seeing as I watched it two days after
Well it's September the 11th. Ho hum.. *waits* Nope, looks safe. I bet they're really annoyed now that they have no exscuse to wage war. Mwaha! I'm pretty darn happy now.. for the right reasons you understand. We had a minutes silence in English and oddly enough.. I found myself praying
Well I've got to go now. See you soon,
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
Tilly - back in mauve Posted Sep 11, 2002
Currently listening to: Tine and Daniel smooching in the sofa And the sad violin-music of the sixth remembering programme on the TV today
Very well we're not supposed to forget all that happened, but what if people don't wish to see people jumping out of windows over and over again?
Agh, death by computer problems The most terrifying of them all... Burning rubber, eh? Make sure it wasn't one of those little bathing ducks that are wedged in the hard drive
That sounds like somehting my brother would say...
We're having about classical movies at school now, and I'm so glad; Today I found myself laughing hysterically at Charlie Chaplin scetches I didn't know I was capable of doing that. But anyway, someone scolded me for laughing on a day like this
Oh! My mother just brought me the discettes with pictures of me meeting Michael! I'm going to check if they turned out good, and then possibly upload them to the internet!
Well, it's great to see you back I was started to grow restless and worried. *Hugs Nate*
This was a very short posting, but my mother is tired, so she wants me to go to bed (It's a weird logic they work by, isn't it? Like that "I'm freezing - you go and put on a sweater")
Well, toodles!
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Sep 11, 2002
Currently listening to: Guess what! Yet another programme on September the 11th! Who would have guessed..
I agree with you completely! I'm sick of them showing almost continuous footage of people tumbling out of buildings! It's horrific, how can they show that? It's bad enough that it happened, there's no need to show it over and over again! It's sad to see a human being pushed to that kind of suffering, It makes me feel ill watching it.
Hmm, got to go now (just my luck!) I'll write some more here tommorow,
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Sep 12, 2002
Currently listening to: Depeche Mode on my CD player. I really need to buy some more CD's, I've saved and scrounged, and have managed to save £25 worth of spending money. Anything by 'Dead Can Dance' and 'London after Midnight' are definately on my list (Should I mention that I'm also looking for a Marvin Gaye Cd too? )
Oh cummon. Someone told you off for laughing on Sept the 11th? Don't you think that's taking it to the extreme, I mean it's sad and all but millions die each year in LEDC's but nobody gives a f**k. I'm sorry, it just really annoys me that people only care about somthing that's close to home
On a lighter note I have done my first peice of proper Drama work! Yey! I even got a few laughs, I quoted dear old DNA and cracked a few jokes of my own, including my famous line "It's pink!"
In the play I was a highly pessimistic young girl who loved misery and Anne Rice novels (I didn't have to do any acting) Anyway, in the play one of my friends started to hang out with the 'populars' So, in the play, she came over with a tiny handbag and pink lipgloss, we passed the bag around and Chloe said "You know it's impractical?" and I said "Screw that, it's pink!" I guess you had to be there..
I know it's only been a week but I'm really enjoying this Drama course, although I do have to write up each lesson It means I have to make a note of each day and what I did and what everyone else did and then write a whole page about it.. I'm 2 lessons behind so I think I'll have to try and keep up. I have to hand it in tommorow so I think I may need to get started soon. If I don't keep up and I get behind with it, I'm kicked off the course
Have you got any good Commedia Dell'Arte pictures? I'm trying to do some more drawing and I've decided to focus on sed topic. I can't find any good pictures to draw or copy
Well I'm a bit hyper now *inane grin* Ah feel like dancin, gonna dance the night away.. hee hee! I really shouldn't put sweeteners in my milk I guess it's been one of those days, you know, where you go completely ga ga! Hee hee, I have discovered that sugar is the only way to get me happy in the evenings. Otherwise I'm so depressed I can barely leave my room, so that's my little secret. Please don't tell, I don't want to sound like a nutcase
On a Drama related topic I, according to my teacher, have done somthing no other student has ever done before. It's true! Well, I can't imagine very many people would want to do what I am intending to do anyway.. I have decided to base all my future peices of Drama on Commedia dell'arte charecters and story lines! It's a challenge but I'm willing and ready.. I am that sad, yes!
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
Tilly - back in mauve Posted Sep 12, 2002
Currently listening to: Tine going through a shopping catalogue for russ ( A678990)
Hm, I've got a bit of drama to do myself; In the next few weeks I and my Art group is making a movie Yes, I've written the plot, synopsis and manuscript myself, the setting will be my house - and I'm going to play the lead! However unfair that sounds, I was voted to do all that, including playing the leading character. I really didn't mean to accept all the hard work, but my group is astonishingly lazy - we spent three hours fighting about how we we're going to end the movie
As we see it now, it's going to last for approx. 5 minutes and will be named, 'A Tragic "Accident"...', and it's the only of its genre by all the movies that are being made in the class; A crime-comedy
It's basically about a young bimbo, Mrs. Frydenstrup, who obviously is guilty as sin on the murder on her rich husband (Mr. Frydenstrup), but as the crime detective, Inspector Bakke (that'll be me) falls madly in love with the scheming girl, she eventually walks off, free of all charges and marries the Inspector... We'll hopefully start filming the next week.
"Have you got any good Commedia Dell'Arte pictures?"
Well, not as good as I could wish, but what if I try to e-mail my PowerPoint presentaton over to you, and you could see just what I got? Of course, the file could possibly be too big, but I'll try nonetheless
Well, maybe I should try to get a sugar kick myself - I've been feeling very depressed the whole day As I said, I used three hours to fight about that movie, and then I found out I had missed the English class with Prof. Petter... And in the food-pause I got locked out of my classroom without my lunch... And three hours before we were finished for the day, I got this blinding headache so Prof. Petter couldn't do anything but send me home
Although he gave me that kind of guy hug/pat on the back which made me feel a bit better
He is the only teacher I know who at least seems to care when a student gets ill.
To make matters worse, a lap-top has been stolen from our school during Tuesday, the police has been brought in and every one of the 400 students on our school is a suspect I gave my testimony today, and luckily I remembered I had spent all the concerned hours with my French teacher...
Wow! Aren't you couragous! All based on Commedia Dell'Arte - that's brave! At least you managed to impress your teacher
Well, gotta go
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Sep 13, 2002
Just a quick note to say hi, I'm going to the Royal Acadamy of Art's private art show in a min! Yey! We won tickets so I'll be gone all evening, I'll write somthing interesting here tommorow
Bye, *sugar rush*
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Sep 13, 2002
Currently listening to: my Dad cursing upstairs. I managed to distract him long enough to write a quick reply Don't ask how..
Russ?! Oh no! I pity you so much, you Norwegians sound 100 times worse than us! And to think that people find the Brits a load of trouble makers.. *shakes head* Hey, what are you going to do? I know it's a few years away but surely you guys must have somthing planned, and if you don't I'm ashamed! You should dress up, do a play, do somthing crazy! Insane even! Mwahah! Sorry, I've been eating sugar again..
Woah, that story line sounds complicated I think I'l think that through a bit more..
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Sep 13, 2002
Currently listening to: My Dad moaning about me not getting up early enough to do my paper round I hate it I hate it! I am going to go on strike one of these days, and then they'll be in trouble, who will do it then!?! *insane laughter* Oh I hate my paper round..
Woah?! Who would bring a laptop to school? That's just asking for trouble! Hang on?! You have about 400 people at your school? That's not very many, we've got somthing like 1600! Crime is much more common at our school, mobile phones, money, watches etc get nicked all the time. Nothing is safe at our school.
That art show was terrible! I only saw 4 original peices of art there, and the rest was trash! If I were to write a review of that I know what I'd say: "There's only so much expressionism in a phallus.." It's crude but shockinly accurate..
Sorry these posts have been in snatches, I've been in and out all night. I've got to go now,
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
Tilly - back in mauve Posted Sep 15, 2002
Currently listening to: The bubbling, the groaning and some squeaky noises coming from Tines room Daniel is staying over, I don't want to know...
Oh, and Daniel has brought his dog, Henrik. That dog serisouly creeps me out - it's just about bigger than my kitten, black with grey spots here and there, a rat-like snout with a litle bump at the front, and the body is more skeleton than anything else And it shivers and trembles all the time, looking like it's having a fit. It's a very friendly dog, but I never feel cmfortable with it around me. That's probably because I'm more of a cat person
Oh yeah, and we gotta keep Henrik and the kitten seperated between doors all the time, but sometimes accidents happen, and well... Tine tried to separate the two. She know got four bleeding wounds in her hand, and she pray they will leave a scar, so she can show it off and make up a wild story to cover them
Well, the laptop was the school's. And we're such a low number of students because there are about 5 public and 1 private school in the area. If I had lived just five metres further away from my school, I would have been a member of another Weird that.
Last night I was at the big yearly Norwegian Military Tattoo, in Norway's biggest concert hall (Which I once, too, performed in ) It can get very boring after some time though. Some National Army comes in, and marches around in some original patterns, exit. Another army comes in, and marches around in some original patterns, exit. Another army... And so on
Well, I'm in a marching band myself, but in the end I get so sick of watching completely similiarly dressed people with the same height, the same haircut and the same serious face, march through a completely flawless routine
In the end I started looking for differences betwen the men (oh yeas, they were all men in their best age
), so I could have someone to relate too. There was particulary one, in the Norwegian Royal Force, who is very famous for their handling of rifles (juggling, rythmic routines and so on), but suddenly, there lay a single rifle on the ground. I was delighted
After some very detailed scanning, I found the one soldier who didn't have his rifle. It wasn't obvious at all - he just continued the routine so incredibly naturally there was times I wondered if he had a rifle after all. I gave him, and only him, a standing ovasion in the end
Well, I've found a new hobby; Making classical teddy bears I'm not sure if I'm good at it yet, because all I've done so far is renting a pattern and buying all the material I need. I'll keep you posted.
Today I'm going to a museum myself: The Norwegian theatre museum. I'm not sure what to expect. Oh! And you know, my mother told me that some day she is going to take me to the restaurant "The Old Major" I think you'd be interested in this: They have, morbidly enough, the body, the corpse of an old major lowered into the floor in a glass case! Why am I excited about this? God, I'm sick...
Well, I'm going to watch some telly now while my mother freshens herself up for the day.
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Sep 15, 2002
"His role in this venture was crucial. He was my conversation piece. At the very sight of him even the most standoffish passers-by would stop in their tracks, do a double-take and stare like those actors in B horror movies when they first see The Thing.
'What on earth is that?'
'It's a dog.'
'It's true, says so on his license.'
'That's the strangest looking varmint I've ever seen. Want me to shoot it?'
'No! He comes from London, that's all.'
'Dorothy! Come here and have a look at what happens to dogs when they go to London.'"
-500 Mile Walkies (Breakfast in Minehead p19) by Mark Wallington
I reccomend this book! I've read it loads of times and it just gets better and better.. you will buy this book, you will buy this book!
Currently listening to: My own mutterings and groanings. I am having a terrible weekend
Damn Friday the 13th! It all started in PE: Firstly the teacher forced me, and me alone, to wear my netball skirt. Everone else was wearing a tracksuit and I was forced to wear my two sizes too small netball skirt. You know, those horrible wrap around things?
Next, in PE I managed to skid across the netball court on my left calf. I scraped all the skin on my left leg and hit my head on the floor in the process.
Our School nurse had left so I couldn't go and get my cuts cleaned up or disinfected so I had to walk about with a bleeding leg all day.
I'm miles behind everyone else in my English class and I have to write an autobiography by Tuesday.
I'm going through a writers block. So not only am I unable to do my English homework I cannot continue writing my book, which happens to be the only escapism I have around this place
When I was doing my paper round I slipped on some gravel and fell on my right knee. (Fate likes symmetry)
Half way through French I started to get stabbing pains down my neck. I can still feel it and it's Sunday, it hurts like hell.
I'm currently on a diet so I can fit into my combat trousers which I bought when I was 8
I found out that a person my age should be able to wear them.
I'm being forced into meeting Ross and other boys at the cinema on Sat.. and I don't want to!!
*sigh* If it isn't one thing it's another. I just want to get away from my house and from everything in it. Which is convenient because I'm staying over at a friends from Friday to Sunday. I'm so glad I could cry, the only drawback is that I won't be able to reach h2g2 I know it's hard but you'll have to try to go on without me.. focus on your teddy bears! (Nice hobby by the way
I went on Death and found out that I'm going to die Sunday, April 3, 2067. So as I am writing this I have 2,036,851,471 seconds left to live *twiddles thumbs* You can't help but feel like a failure.. 2,036,851,464 seconds now.
Last night I got really annoyed. The TV viewing was all propaganda! It started with 'Reach for the Sky' Making an idiot look like a hero, when he actually lost his legs pratting about. Then it was 'G.I.Jane' glorifying war and making it look good. They'll probably put on 'The Great Escape' and 'The Italian Job' next..
We watched 5 films yesterday and I can tell you 4 of them were brilliant! 'Major Payne', that was very low brow but made me laugh like hell.
'G.I.Jane' I loved that film so much, I must have seen it a million times. One of my favourites.
'Falling Down' with Micheal Douglas. It was meant to be mostly serious but we couldn't stop laughing at the funny bits..
'The Parole Officer' if you ever see a brit flick this is the one too see!
"How did you know we were robbing a bank?!"
"It's written on your notice board under 'to do'.."
My Mother is scaring me She bought me the newspaper like she does every Sunday but this time she made me look at a Universities magazine
I have another two years at least! I find this really unnerving..
"You make me feel like dancing.. gonna dance the night away!" I came to the conclusion that the best form of exercise is to dance by yourself with your favourite songs on. Do it until you collapse and you'll be fit in no time. I don't quite know why I said that..
I don't like the sound of that dog, want me to shoot it (see todays quote)? Henrik sounds like a rat more than a canine Is Daniel short sighted? Hmm, I think that dog is evil and has a secret plan for us all.. *paranioa* Sorry, my medication does wear off after a little while..
The Old Major?! Wow! I want to go there! Can you see him? Has he been preserved? Is he a backward vampire zombie? Wowee! I wanna go too! I want to live there! That is soo cool! Wow... *big grin*
I've been on loads of diets, the problem is I loose intrest and think about somthing else and I forget to watch what I eat. I'm really hungry. But seeing as I'm on a diet it looks like it's rice cakes and fruit Or maybe I'll make some brown rice and vegtables.. you have to be creative about dieting or you'll go insane (explains a lot
I'd better go and grab a peice of toast or summat before I try to chew my leg off.. *licks lips*
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
Tilly - back in mauve Posted Sep 15, 2002
Currently listening to: Tine's frustrated groans coming from the sofa. She got this huge History test tomorrow, and of course she doesn't start rehearsing before now. She'll probably strangle me if I make as a much as a squeak ...
"I'll buy the book, I'll buy the book..." Actually, that quote you had there made me giggle, so I'll probably check it out when I can *Starts scribbling on a pad* "Mark Wallington... Must buy... or Nate... will hate me." There!
Hm. That's odd I've never had anything but fortune on Friday 13th. I remember even in 6th grade we were going to have this "Fun in the Woods" hell-day, on Friday 13th, but it got cancelled, so I got to go to my Grandmother's house and drink varm chokolate
Well, here, have some ,
s and
s. Find a nice book, some relaxing music and snuggle into the arms of your favourite cannibalistic psychopath
Or, if you'd like to it my favourite way:
"He stood up straight and looked the world squarely in the fields and hills. To add weight to his words he stuck the rabbit bone in his beard. He spread his arms our wide.
'I will go mad!' he announced."
(Any excuse to leaf through my copy of 'Life, the Universe and Everything' )
Hm... I've never seen any of those movies. Perhaps now I shall. Oh, and I didn't go to any museums today, since we didn't drive off until about 2PM, and they all closed 3PM. I need at least a couple of hours to lose myself in the curves and turns of history...
I totally agree to the whole "Dance 'till you drop" idea - it's when I'm alone I dare to dance less than a heterosexual person, like a classmate of mine would have said it. And most Norwegians are meant only to know how to "Baby jump" I resent that . And I also like to dramatize whole scenes out of plays and musicals when I'm alone. I particulary like the unmasking scene from the Phantom of the Opera (although a neighbour once saw me falling to the floor in grief, and suddenly came to my resque
Oh, and I was at a checkup on School Nurse this Friday. She told me I was 172.7 cm long, and I'll probably not be any longer ever (which my mother laughed outright at. She heard the same thing when she was my age and grew another 5 cm)
You're on a diet? One thing is to eat healthy, but isn't a diet a bit drastic? We're 15, for crying out loud - we're in our growing age! My brother was frankly very chubby when he was young, but he got longer with time and evened it out. There is a Norwegian saying which goes, "More to grab, more to love" (okay, that sounded much more vulgar than intended
Well, I'm going to cut some fur to my soon-to-be-made teddy bear (although "soon" is stretching it a bit - with my pace it will probably take a couple of years )
P.S.: If you'd ever visit Norway, I promise you I will take you to the 'Old Major'
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Sep 16, 2002
"When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before."
-Mae West
Currently listening to: Me singing 'summertime' "Summertime
And the livin is easy, fish are jumpin, and the cotton is high. Your daddy's rich, and your mama's good lookin, so hush little baby, don't you cry..."
No! No! No! They stole my song! Evil Will Young has stolen my song! Sure I didn't write it but it's one of my favourites and he's ruined it I heard him sing it on the TV and I was outraged, I screamed and yelled and then the men in white coats came and sedated me (again)
More to grab, more to love? I don't think the boys over here in England would agree with you It's quite depressing when boys would rather date some stick thin waif with no personality rather than you. I can't even be friends with boys as they won't even talk to me.. I think that gives you some indication of what males are like round here
"You're on a diet? One thing is to eat healthy, but isn't a diet a bit drastic? We're 15, for crying out loud - we're in our growing age!"
*sticks up her hand* I'm 14 actually With all due respect, It's different for me. I am over weight. I just want to be healthy, it's the only way to go. I've been big all my life and I'm sick of it, I'd like to buy somthing nice for once instead of having to wear rubbish rugby shirts and my goddamn Andy Warhol t-shirts (Actually, I do quite like my AW t-shirts
) but for a change it would be nice to wear somthing that I like.
I hope Tine does well. Hell her I wish her good luck The only peice of History I can remember is the battle of Hastings.. 1066. That's it. Nothing else, just that and some other bits of info about Shakespeare and the witch hunts that took place down the road. I don't think Commedia dell'arte can be considered History as it's interesting
I'm a terrible dancer. I'm unco-ordinated but that's never stopped me before I think I should video myself in aerobics and send you the tape, I look a complete mess! I can't do the steps, I miss all the beats, I can't keep in time with the music, I can't hear the teachers instructions, and I look insane when I'm doing it. It's the perfect sport.. oh dear, I think we've got aerobics tommorow
There's somthing about Latin Jazz that makes me want to dance I think I'll go and do a bit of dancing in the living room, It's fun and you burn calories. Oh yes, I swear not to bore you with details about my diet and how many calories etc I ate.. I'm just trying to eat healthily, cut down on portions and get more excercise. No biggie.. so don't worry. I'm hardly going to become anorexic am I?
My Mum's going to France tommorow. I'm not going to see her until Sunday, my Dad's going out there too on Friday (hence the reason why I'm staying at Vicky's) So I'm going to have to go now. I haven't said much to her all night and I'm going to miss her a lot.
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[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
- 221: Tilly - back in mauve (Sep 7, 2002)
- 222: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Sep 7, 2002)
- 223: Tilly - back in mauve (Sep 8, 2002)
- 224: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Sep 8, 2002)
- 225: Tilly - back in mauve (Sep 9, 2002)
- 226: Existential Elevator (Sep 10, 2002)
- 227: Tilly - back in mauve (Sep 10, 2002)
- 228: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Sep 10, 2002)
- 229: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Sep 11, 2002)
- 230: Tilly - back in mauve (Sep 11, 2002)
- 231: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Sep 11, 2002)
- 232: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Sep 12, 2002)
- 233: Tilly - back in mauve (Sep 12, 2002)
- 234: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Sep 13, 2002)
- 235: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Sep 13, 2002)
- 236: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Sep 13, 2002)
- 237: Tilly - back in mauve (Sep 15, 2002)
- 238: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Sep 15, 2002)
- 239: Tilly - back in mauve (Sep 15, 2002)
- 240: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Sep 16, 2002)
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