This is the Message Centre for Tilly - back in mauve
Tilly - back in mauve Posted Sep 1, 2002
Currently listening to: The continuig droning of the hard drive
Okay, I've known about the new smileys for quite some time, I just haven't worked the codes into my fingers yet. I'm deliriously happy for this one though: You have no idea how long I've been campaining for that one... I feel almost like shedding a tear
"Weee are the chaaampiooons, my frieeeeend, weeee'll keep on fiiightiiing 'till the eeend..!"
A beautiful moment..!
Well, thanks for the edited entry and congratulations again This year we've both been making some tough decisions, haven't we? I, when I dropped out of Confirmation saying "I don't need religion to feel meaningful or safe now", and you, when you now decide to make a statement about our society and time
Congratulations to us all (I feel like little Timmy in 'A Christmas Carol'
) Tine want to shake your hand too.
Hm. This is kinda cool I know a goth. I have interesting friends. Hah! In your faces, classmates/tormentors of my younger days
Yes, I've given that tattoo some thought... He says he regrets it. What could it be? Could be it's a statement for something he doesn't stand for any longer... But what? "Bay City Rollers R cool"? "Punk forever"? The text of "Another Brick in the Wall"? Yeah, that would have been so cool
"We don't need no education/We don't need no thought control"! I thikn I'll just imagine that's it.
Oh, can you imagine me asking him? He was surprised and embarassed enough when I asked him for a picture.
Me: "Look, Svein-Petter, you remember that first essay I delivered in to you? The "About You" tasks?"
Prof: "Er, no..? "
Me: "Well, you kinda wrote there that you got a tattoo... So..."
Prof: "Er, yes, I have... Did I write that? Jeez..."
Me: "So I wonder... Can I see it?"
Prof: "Well, er..."
Me: "Please..?"
Prof: "Oh, okay..." (Drops , Tilde gasps)
Well, I saw him in training clothers, when I... Kinda... drilled a whole in his dressing room wall
No! Of course I didn't C'mon, I've seen him work out during school break. If only PE hadn't been gender separated, and both the PE teachers had been on sick leave, then maybe he would step in as the swimming tutor
It's so unfair, I've seen the tutoring inspector (old, wrinkly little man) in speedos, but not Prof. Petter
I haven't heard anything from Marius after he signed up I wonder if he's lost somewhere, he's not the brightest penny in the pond you know... And as for Tilde, I don't think it really has a meaning, since it's derived from a nickname for Matilde, which I'm not sure what means... The Spanish sign ~ is called a tilde, though. It is also sometimes called 'the wave' so I usually say that's what my name means
Sneaky, eh?
I've noticed my taste in men still is somewhat original. I watched 'The Devil's Advocate' yesterday (very fascinating movie, by the way), and as a typical teenager I *should* have drooled over Keanu Reeves (you do after all get to see his naked behind ) but no. I realized and kept thinking that Al Pacino is a very very sexy man
Well, he is! He got that hair that always falls into his eyes, he got that mischievious smile, that croaky sexy voice... And I think he makes a better devil than Jack Nicholson
I better go now, but to sum it up: I could be a nun, but there just aren't any nice convents around (actually, there aren't any at all ), you didn't know that was Michael Palin?
You just weren't able to draw a parallell between the facts that they are named the same, look the same, both travel around the world, they both keep making old MPFC jokes? Ah well, I guess that how-many-decades-between didn't make it easy...
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Sep 1, 2002
Currently listening to: My stomach making gurgly noises I was up half the night, ok that's a lie, I was up all night. I told my parents I was going to watch the last 30 mins of 'Zorro' and then I was gonna watch 'Wolf' with Jack Nicholson and would be in bed by 2. Instead I logged on for a while and kinda got chatting to Bob and was up till half one just talking about nothing in particular, one of his great talents
And then I sat down to watch a VERY interesting documentary, which I will tell you about in a moment. It was 3 in the morning by then so I decided to go to bed, I suddenly felt very ill and I spent the entire night reading The Hitch Hikers Guide To The Galaxy sat on my bathroom floor.. you know, just in case
Which was a good job because I was very ill all through the night. My parents heard me and in the morning I said I'd been very ill so could I have an extra half an hour in bed, of course they said yes and we were going to go out but my Mum made me stay here! Yes! Aha! So, being ill isn't such a bad thing after all..
The interesting documentary was about British Teenagers. This programme they were looking at teenage witches As you can probably tell, they were all Buffy fans and were 12/13.. it was a load of tripe. All they did were 'Flirting', 'Money', 'Love' and 'Levitation spells.' Have you ever done that trick where you get someone to lie on the table and you try to lift them up with the tips of your fingers?
And you go around chanting "As light as a feather.."
Well the 'witches' were doing that and had the stupidity to call it magic! Everyone knows you can lift them up because the person is relaxed and you've all psyced yourselves up with the chant.. I got really annoyed and started yelling things at the TV It annoyed me so much! I couldn't believe it! And they were pricking each others fingers and mixing it with wine and drinking it! No wiccan spell calls for blood! They were making Pagans & Wiccans look dangerous! It was insulting..
They also had, now I quite liked this one, a 16 year old boy who's a vampire He's even had fangs made and has tried blood letting. I really want to meet him, but he lives in.. *laughs* Peckham! He's The Peckham Vampire! I've never laughed so much in my life.. he's very attractive though. I'd like him more if he were a tad more, gothic? He doesn't have that sexy smouldering vampire charm like Mysterious Stranger *swoon* Plus he's a Manson fan so he's not really my cup of tea
(Manson isn't a goth! He's just severely warped, and would you please hit anyone who says otherwise)
Your choice was probably the hardest to make as I didn't have the pressure of the church. I had peer pressure and you had the church, I think you win hands down I don't think I'll be confirmed, we just don't have the time. Maybe I'll do it when I'm older and all my exams are finished. You know go crazy and have it when I'm 40.. Urh, can you do that?
Does Tine really want to shake my hand? It's not like I've decided to go and live in the desert for 60 days or anything, it's just a lifestyle choice I guess. I'm still the same except I'm a goth
Well Tilly dear, I suppose I could always become a vampire. Now that would be somthing to tell those 'classmates/tormentors of your younger days'
I'd quite like to see what a few of my old classmates would say to this myself.. the shy, tall, tubby girl who had acne and was easier to walk over than a doormat. I've changed a LOT since I moved schools.. a few people actually like me for who I am now. A lot of people are certainly going to be shocked on Tuesday that's all I can say
I saw an old school friend of mine the other day, what it must be like to be the village idiot, who was cycling around with no hands, playing chicken by diving in front of cars and he was spitting all over the road. I told him to stop being so f*****g stupid and if he has an excess saliva problem he should see his dentist He looked at me, thought about starting a fight, considered it not to be a good idea as picking a fight with a 6,0 Ukrainian is so stupid even he wouldn't do it. I don't think he even knew who I was, I've changed that much.
Hmm, can I go bug Marius? Does he know who I am? Do you talk about me *paranioa sets in* You're all talking about me! Hmm, that's ok. Talk away.. But can I go and annoy him? And does he know who I am?
Me: "So I wonder... Can I see it?"
Prof: "Well, er..."
Me: "Please..?"
Prof: "Oh, okay..." (Drops , Tilde gasps)
Ahem, sorry. Couldn't resist Do you think it's on his..
Oh go on! Ask him! Pleeeaasse! Oh, and tell him it's to help use up the film in your camera! Yeah, that's a good one!
'The Devil's Advocate'! My Dad wouldn't let me watch it, I think I've still got it somewhere. My Pater taped it while under the illusion it was based on a John Grisham novel (I was a fan at the time, but when it became popular in my class I stopped reading it) I think I've still got it somewhere... but you're right Al Pacino is much sexier than Keanu Reeves. But you are also wrong, he doesn't make a better devil than my Jack.. if you wish to take this outside it would be my pleasure. You've met me, you know how tall I am, don't wind me up as I cannot be held responsible for my actions whean ahm MAD!
It's hard being me How can you be an individual when you're a trend setter!? I don't do it on purpose it's just that people look to me for guidance as to what they should read! I read Bill Bryson, a few of my fellow class mates did too
I read Brian Jacques, my friends started to read them too. I read John Grisham, other people did too! But now I've started Anne Rice only one person (thankgod) has asked to borrow it off me. And they didn't even read it, they just kept it over the summer holidays! I really don't like lending out my books, they come back battered and dented
I don't blame them, our school library is terrible. The good thing is it has quite a few Douglas Adams books but nobody seems to want to read them except me.. even when I try to persuade them
It's like my vampire magnetism, it never works when I want it to..
Yeah I can't believe that I'm that slow! Micheal Palin= Micheal Palin. It's not exactly hard.. I think I need to go and read that Micheal Palin book I have upstairs. It may make things a lot clearer or then again it may not..
Ta, (I was saying it waaay before the smiley)
Tilly - back in mauve Posted Sep 1, 2002
Currently listening to: The continuing droning of the hard drive... That reminds me, just heard a kinda cute computer joke: What do you get when you crossbreed a pitbull and a computer? - I don't know, but when it MegaBytes it MegaHertz! Jeez, I need a hobby.
Oh, lately I've seemed to irritate myself over each documentary I've seen. There is a serie of documentaries on now, about plastic surgery. - It's pure advertising! All about these beautiful young women that is so deliriously happy because surgery has made them even younger... It's not a negative word anywhere!
Not a word about the complications, the pains, the nasty stuff... Only bikini shots of women claiming they're now better individuals
There was a similiar episode of Ricky Lake where they interviewed "witches" and "vampires"... They did the same idiotic things; Performing tricks, claiming it was magic. Along the lines of "Pick a card, any card..." Oh, the sheer idiocy... You know, at school it's really popular to sign each other's school diaries, and on the question that reads "what is your greatest dream right now?" I always write "Living in a world where idiocy is illegal"...
Well, I think you can get confirmed at any point in life after 15/16, it's just very unusual, I think. At least around here
"I've changed a LOT since I moved schools.."
I know exactly what you mean. I think my previous would be surpied and even intimidated if they saw me now... When I left my previous school I was so broken down I couldn't handle if anyone even looked at me... And now, a whole year later, I actually dare to speak back, to be myself I better stop now or I'll start singing "Somehting Inside So Strong"
"(Drops , Tilde gasps)"
So, I wonder; Did I gasp because I saw his tattoo, or his... STOP! BAD Tilly! Bad Tilly!
Out, thoughts! Out! Oh, I'll even have several classes with him tomorrow. I wonder if I would get expelled because of this
Speaking on other matters, I have volunteered to lecture my class (and another one) about Commedia Dell'Arte. It's a stunt to get better grades in Norwegian... My teacher loves it when we volunteer to lecture about rarities, so I have a couple of weeks before I'm going to deliver the most interesting, funny and spontaneus lecture ever for 50 students I really don't like being the centre of attention (Honest!
), but what doesn't I do for school? I've already found my old Pedrolino costume and I'm going to make a slapstick...
*Covers under a fallen chair* Okay, I know how tall you are and I take back what I said about Jack and Al (Did you know his real name is Alfredo Pacino? I thought that had a very exotic ring to it) May we settle for this: Both Jack and Al are very good different kinds of Devils? While Al is the kind of unlikely, "to hell with us all" (no pun intended) devil, Jack is the more instinctive, savage? A peace treaty is offered
I know what you mean about being a trend setter. When I work so hard being unusual, eccentric and original, and someone decides to imitate my style? It can be so annoying. Even in kindergarden, when my friend Timby and I had worked hard and made up this really cool game, and suddenly every 5-year old in the place is playing it? Oh so so annoying...
I better go now, dinners almost ready Meatloaf! Meatloaf!
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Sep 1, 2002
Currently listening to: My CD player blaring out somthing from upstairs. I'd better go turn it off, I get told off for leaving it on.. but oh wait! I'm all alone! I can do whatever I want! Mwaha! This has given me some strange sense of power.. I can do anything! Well for another half an hour anyway
Crikey! A presentation on Commedia Dell'Arte! Hmm, I'd probably wet myself with fear. Woah, I just noticed somthing there, you have a Pedrolino costume?! Wow, you do need a hobby Only joking, I would do you a nice little drawing to wish you good luck and so forth but I can't draw and I don't know how to work my scanner
Soo, I'll steal someone elses..
Advertising plastic surgery- I think we had the same series on over here, well, we probably didn't as they showed us how liposuction is done () and what you look like after the immediate surgery (
) and what you look like when the surgery goes wrong (
) but they all looked great after it.. "Yeah, I feel so more confident and I get lots more attention! Sure I had to sell my house and all my belongings to pay for it but my legs look really good in that potato sack.."
Why hold it in We've got somthing to sing about! Sing sing sing... "Something Inside So Strong..." Urh, how does it go again? I've forgotten the words.. *looks stupid*
"(Drops , Tilde gasps)" I think it's because of his.. Well, I've seen tattoos before and I've never gasped. So I think you'd probably be the same.. Hmm, I can be crude because he's not my teacher
Oooh, I'm getting ideas now.. I really should keep my mind free of impure and dirty thoughts, but I'm a teenager so it's allowed.
Speaking of changes in the teenage years I'm becoming a real flirt It's quite disturbing really, I've started saying things I wouldn't normally say to anyone! It's really odd! I used to get all flustered if I said the slightest thing flirtyish to a boy but now I don't bat an eye lid.
So this is what it's like to be a girl? Well I don't like it. I think I am going to consider becoming a man again.. *puts on a gruff manly voice* Everything's so much easier! Why oh why must I be cursed to live life as a flirty hormone ridden girl or a gay man
Yup, Jack is better even if he looks more deranged and unstable Apparantly someone I know has a friend who looks like Jack Nicholson! As you can tell I wouldn't drop the subject until I got his name and number.. which I promptly forgot. Ahh well, never mind. It was never meant to be..
I hate being a trend setter. It annoys me that people can't think for themselves It's not like we're asking them to do somthing ridiculously hard, just think for themselves and form their own opinions. I must admit, when I was little I used to be such a sheep. I'd follow all the trends and do what everyone else did and my life was hell. But now that I do my own thing I feel free! If I could bring in a quote here:
"You laugh at me because I am different, I laugh at you because you are all the same."
-Jonathan Davis (Korn)
I admit, I hate Korn and everything they stand for but I've adopted that quote as my own motto if you will. I'm sure I could come up with somthing much more witty though.. I think I'll make my won coat of arms and put pictures of things that mean somthing to me on it.. as you can tell I'm bored. I go back to school soon.. when is it?
Tuesday! Tuesday?! I'm going back to school on Tuesday?! It's not fair! I need more time off! How can they do this to me! I'm not ready to confront people about my becoming a goth!
My shoes squeak (they really do)! You can't make me gooo...! *screams* Nooo! This is child abuse, you're not allowed to do this! Everyone got a longer time off than I did
*is sedated by the men in white coats* Me go sleepy now.. bye bye.. *giggle*
Tilly - back in mauve Posted Sep 1, 2002
Currently listening to: Droning, droning, droning... I don't think it's meant to drone that loud Time to go to the computer doctor, darlin'.
Yes. I have a Pedrolino costume. It was original my mother's carneval costume (it's made of silk, so I'm not sure what kind of carnevals she went to ) And I inherited it when we made a Commedia group a couple of schools ago and I chose to play Pedrolino (I was also a stand-in Arlecchino, but I'm not a good acrobat
*Sigh* I miss playing After I moved I haven't had a chance to join any theatre group - the local amateur theatre has just ceased existing (I think they knew I was coming) and there aren't any individual groups. Maybe if I made a really good presentation, someone would be interested in starting a group with me? Nah, I think I am the only local dreamer... Furthermore, my teacher still hasn't told me a date of when I shall make my presentation. And I can't find a good picture of an Innamorata (Isabella preferably) anywhere
(Wow, I think I just won the award for luxury problems
Well, in opposite of you, I have a full house of people here, and can't suddenly start singing! Oh what the hell...
"Something inside, so strong! I know that I can make it, though you're doing me wrong (so wrong) Thought that my pride was gone (oh no) Something inside so strong..."
*Gasp* You... You... Flirt?! Aaaagh! Nah, seriously,
I think I always lay too much into flirting. Let's say I'm sitting on the train, and a guy seems to be staring and smiling at me... Then I start to think, "Hm. Should I eyeflirt? Is he flirting? Is he cute? Yeah, kinda. He got nice shoes... A suitcase by his side, he's a businessman... Oh dear, that means he would come late home to dinner, and... Or he could have a home office... Should I smile back? Yeah, I try smiling back:"
No, actually, I instinctively think "Oh. He's staring at me. Am I drooling or something?"
Anyway, I take a long analyze of him, and if I decide I like him, I even get heartbroken when he leaves... Does that make me desparate or pathetic? I'd say both
"Apparantly someone I know has a friend who looks like Jack Nicholson!"
Wow, and I only know a guy that looks like Alan Alda... He's not a friend, and I really don't know him that much, he's a teacher at our school but he looks every bit like him, I swear. Oh, and last year we had a student in our class (Thomas) who I imagine looked exactly like Paul Macca of the Beatles must have looked like when he was 14
Wow, that quote by Jonathan Davies is just ME presented in 18 words! That's amazing. That's a quote with a stroke of genius! No, I can't stand Korn either, but that quote..! I think I'll steal it. It's just so incredibly good
Well, it's very hard sympathising when I've already been at school for 2 weeks myself And mind you, I still have to go to school tomorrow, while you even get an extra day. Well, be strong
I'll be here to support you when you come home, exhausted, furious, sad, happy or whatever
Okay, be kind and do as the whitedressed men say (try to steal a pen or paperclip if you can), and I'll go watch some TV, anything to get the image of what lies beyong Prof. Petter's jeans out of my head
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Sep 1, 2002
Currently listening to: My computer has decided to take a leaf out of your computers book It doesn't usually make this sort of sound so I'm a bit worried in case it stops or does somthing it shouldn't..
Hmm.. why did you have to say that last thing Now I'm going to have to think about Prof Petters trousers now. I really should wait for the picture first shouldn't I?
If I lived over there in Norway nearby, I'd be willing to start up an acting/theatre group with you. I can play male charecters.. I was good as Il Capitano and even better as Brighella (if I do say so myself ) I'm no acrobat and I have no sex appeal so any roles involving that sort of thing would be someone elses job
Maybe I should move and I can go to your school, and I'd have the pleasure of being taught by Prof Petter and meeting your art teacher.. I'm still laughing about that you know..
The whole flirting thing is just so confusing but at the same time it's the most powerful thing I can do! Hmm, let's do a little example. What would happen if I were to say to my friend James on IM "Hiya sexy.." Dare me to ask him I'm just that stupid, let's see what he says. Wow! That was a fast response, normally he ignores me for a while and sometimes he doesn't even reply! I think I should do that more often
I don't strike people as the flirty type but I like to surprise people..
This person who knows someone who looks like Jack Nicholson is Bob Yup, and as he lives a long way away, there's little/no chance of me getting to meet this Jack Nicholson lookalike.. shame
I've got to go and have a shower now, speak to you soon
Tilly - back in mauve Posted Sep 2, 2002
Currently listening to: Myself singing "When you believe in love" "...You know I've spent my life just loving you..."
*Sigh* I've had a horrible day I made a ton of idiotic faults in my French task, and in our Society classes, I suddenly realized that I hadn't brought the researching papers we were to give Prof. Petter. And after that, he wanted to take a look on the newspaper articles he had informed us last week to bring today (That was today?!
) Luckily, he knows I don't forget such things very often, and let me go away with a warning...
It got a bit better after that, though, our class went to see this amazing play, called "Rhinoceros", perhaps you've heard of it. It's from the 1950s or something. It was about this drunken young man, Brigot or something, who suddenly is stirred out of his drunkeness when brutally and unexpectedly, all his friends decides to become rhinoceroses (believe me, it makes sense) and in the end, everyone becomes it because "everybody else does it". I nearly cried when Brigot's best friend, Jean, decides it must be perfectly logical and natural, and so becomes one Suddenly all the real people left are Brigot and his girlfriend Daisy. They are the only ones that think it's unatural and wrong. Then Daisy can't resist the temptation no longer, and becomes one too. Brigot makes a stirring monologue, and cries out to the audience "I have a free will! I will not let them push me! I am ME!!" The play ends.
And what's makes it even more special: All the characters, except Brigot, are puppets. It was amazing to see how fast the audience simply accepted that the white-painted puppets was part of the reality and the blue-clad puppeteer in back was not. Sorry, I just get really fascinated by this stuff And even though there's puppets, and a bit unlikely plot (but not so much when you think about it), it certainly wasn't for kids (For instance, Brigot clearly desired Daisy more than Disney would have allowed
I'll stop now, because I don't want to bore you to death, and besides, the school will probably want me to write a review When we discussed the play afterwards, it seemed like I was the only one who liked it. Poor fools who can't see good symbolism if it hit them in the face. One last thing though, there was one line Brigot utters which is so unlikely I've decided to adapt it as a personal saying:
"Who can you trust when the faithful Logician has become a rhinoceros?"
*Sigh* It's just third week at school and I'm totally burned out You're looking forward to it, no?
Toodles! I'll come back to you after some shower and chokolate...
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Sep 2, 2002
Currently listening to: The idiot over the road screaming and yelling with his friend. He's about 16 He thinks he's cool because he's wearing a beanie hat and can ride his bike with no hands. I hate him so much
What a, urr, interesting play. I've certainly never heard of anything like it! It really sounds quite interesting, I'd like to see that. This Brigot puppet person sounds a bit like me actually. I will not conform! I am an anarchinst! I will not become a rhino! Never..!
"Brigot clearly desired Daisy more than Disney would have allowed"
Do you mean that they didn't just want to get married. Have you noticed that? Disney charecters only get married, they rarely kiss or have children. It's so strange! Disney really do annoy me on so many levels
I want to be impulsive! I want to do somthing funny, odd, weird, abnormal, unique! It's my last day of freedom, we'll be revising for exams next summer so this is the only chance I'm going to have for a long time! I can't be silly at Christmas, as that feels wrong but I'm entitled to do it in the summer and I don't think I can be normal for two years until I've finished my GCSE's.. I need to be impulsive! Let me be wild! I need to do somthing! It's my last day of the holidays.. why?! *sniff*
Yup, you're right. Nobody can maintain their dignity while eating a bannana. My Mum bought some today so I decided to put your theory to the test. I ate 4 in total, but I didn't manage to do it Natures most sexually suggestive fruit once again got the upper hand [no pun intended] Why couldn't it have been round or square or in a handy pocket sized bar?
Oh dear, bad day? Don't worry, here. Have a cup of and a slice of
I'm dreading going back to school tommorow! Everything is going to be completely different except our form class. I've moved up in Science and we have completely different classes as we dropped some subjects and started others. We've got a new form room and new teachers. New class rooms and new classmates! I'm so nervous! Maybe I should run off and become a hillbilly, I'd never need look at another school book again
So how's your Commedia presentation coming on? It would be impossible for me to do a presentation. I have a small problem, you see, I'm a world class procrastonator. I leave everything off til the last minute and I've never got into trouble for it It's a problem but also a great talent, you see my theory is that I work better under pressure, if I may give you an example: Last term, Religion. 4 A4 page essay, 4 weeks have been given to finish it, it's due in tommorow, I have one sentance written so far. As it turns out I wrote it in 4 hours with enough time to log onto h2g2 and say hallo to your wonderful self. I not only got a level 6 for my essay I got an A for my report.. It's good being bad
I've got to go and get my things ready for school. Find my school books, find my keys, find my school uniform (do you have to wear a school uniform?) and find a suitable reading book that nobody else will want to read (It looks like it's gonna be Queen Of The Damned)
Tilly - back in mauve Posted Sep 2, 2002
Currently listening to: Some awful song playing on the radio, mixed with some hard metal playing on the TV... Wait while I turn them off... Hmph. Now it got too silent Wait... There, now I'm listening to "The Spring of 1117" with Janet Mooney
"For he is Plato, he is mistletoe, he is Socrates..."
I was just watching the TV chat (you write SMS and they get published on the screen, right?) and someone had just written "I luv Gunnar Inglesen from Drammen. Hope he doesn't read this. Koz 9th-grader" (Koz is a hip way for writing 'kos' meaning hug. I hate it ) Wha- ? What kind of teenaged airhead would write something like that?
'I love him and broadcast it for the whole nation to see. Hope he doesn't know' (All names of this rant where changed to protect the innocent. Also because I can't exactly remember what his name was
"Disney really do annoy me on so many levels "
I agree. I mostly hate the way the aulter the classical stories completely Look at the Hunchback of Notre Dame! All happy endings, not a tragedy as fasr as you can see. Is that how the story went? Of course not! And those talking gargoyles wasn't part in it either... Let's see; How would the different stories go if they didn't change them? Pinocchio would have squashed little Jimini (strangely enough, the little cricket is named "Timmy" in Norwegian
), Ariel the mermaid would have turned into salt, Hercules would have killed a dozen of people before the opening credits was finished, Pocahontas would have gone with John (an altered happy ending! How strange
...) Now I hear they're going to make a animated Frankenstein! Is nothing sacred?
Yes, and the actor playing Brigot was quite handsome too. - When he wasn't a puppet, I mean I've found I immediately feel a great sympathy and attraction towards people with their face painted white
First shoes, now this...
*Takes cup o' and slice o'
* Yeah, sure starting up again at school can be tough, but you just got to make yourself small things to look forward to. Me, I bought myself a new map to contain papers in
I also started wearing my hat (and now, I actually see students walking around with similiar hats themselves!
Am I a trendsetter or what?)
My Commedia presentation seems to be going great. Right now I'm using it as an excuse for not doing any real school work... I will only have so and so much time on my hands, so it will be a rather shallow presentation... I will first explain the idea behind the genre, then some information on some characters; Arlecchino, Pedrolino, Columbine, Pantalone, Il Dottore, Il Capitano, Lelio and Isabella. As you see I had to drop out Zanni, Pulcinella, Brighella and some others... I will use basically PowerPoint and myself. I think it will be fun My teacher has been running around all day bragging that she got a volunteered lecturer in her class. I think there is some kind of competition between the teachers ("And how many good students do you have in your class, eh?")
Well, run wild when you still can , and no, I don't need to wear a school uniform. I can wear exactly what I want (which is sometimes the issue of some rather heated discussions with fellow students)
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Sep 2, 2002
Currently listening to: The Happy Hour on the radio. I prefer Dinner Jazz but it's either this or nothing.
This is going to be mega short as I've got to go to bed early I don't want to go back! Oh this is so horrible, I have to go to bed early and I have butterflies in my stomach! I don't know why I'm so nervous but I feel terrible! I may be very ill
Hmm, you do have odd reasons for picking men. When I'm looking at men (It's my hobby ) I look for elongated canine teeth, long hair, pale smooth face, lovely eyes, slender yet tough hands, a considerable height and a smile to die for.. *swoons at the mental image*
My teachers don't brag about me. I'm nowhere near the smartest in my class (but I am at the top end ) and I annoy people and teachers with my doodling and reading in class. So they have no reason to brag about me.. I have a jolly nice Science teacher who quite likes me.. but I'm not going to have him this year
I have two horrible teachers instead.. It's not fair! Don't wanna go back to school! Don't let them take me Tilly! Nooo!
I've gotta go and get ready now. I'll tell you how it went tommorow
Tilly - back in mauve Posted Sep 2, 2002
Something amazing has just happened! I swear I'll shut up about that play I saw soon, but here's what happened: I tried to find out more about the play, but I couldn't find any (You try requesting "Rhinoceros" on a search engine), mostly because I just couldn't remember what the author's name was. What happens, you see, is that I declare myself helpless, decide to ask a teacher tomorrow, and settle down leafing through one of my sister's books (this one an analyze of the classic Winnie-the-pooh written by a very good Norwegian author and also a penpal of mine, Tor Åge Bringsværd), and there it is: As an example given of some Parisian illogical club, the name I recognise: Eugene Ionesco!
I looked a bit deeper into things, and realized that the main character wasn't named Brigot, which my crappy memory had coughed up, but Berengèr. My fault
And you; Calm down. Breahte I'm sure it will go a lot better than you fear (That's what friends are supposed to say, isn't it?
) Just relax... And if anything else fails, start to chant quietly "Pair of fetid dingo's kidneys". That's what I do when I get stressed. I don't know, it's just seems like a so unlikely thing to say so I laugh and ease my mind a bit and start thinking about pang galactic gargle blasters and what have ya...
Well, I guess I better go to sleep soon too Today will probably be another crappy day...
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Sep 3, 2002
Currently listening to: My shouts and moans of pain! I got a blister! As we're in year 10 now we have to take up new sports in PE So today we had aerobics.. I am the most uncordinated person my teacher has ever had the misfortune to teach. While everyone was doing box steps etc in perfect unison I was doing it completely wrong. I soon gave up and jumped up and down, left and right waving my arms about.. everyone was in hysterics
It wasn't such a good idea mind you, as a result of all that jumping about stupidly I got the most painful blister on my big toe! And under careful instruction from a fellow h2g2'er I had to remove the top layer of skin and drain all the pus
Stop me if I'm getting too graphic here..
Well today was pretty bad but not as bad as it could have been. I got some extremely stupid remarks off some girls:
Stupid Tart: Hey, you dere. Iz it Natalie? Hey! You! Iz ure name Natalie?
Me: I prefer to be known as 'The Queen Of The Damned' if you don't mind
Stupid Tart: Wot? I wanna know why haz ure bag got Emily on it?
Me: I beg your pardon?
Stupid Tart: Your name iz Natalie, so why haz ure bag got da name Emily on it?
Stupid Tart: Iz it da brand or summat?
Me: Well that would explain a lot
Stupid Tart: I'm just askin, god!
Me: And I'm just telling you *rolls eyes*
I could have made some nasty comments about her bag being Fcuk but I decided against it. I've never been the one to insult the unintelligent.. especially with a cheap dig like that
I'm so happy yet so sad at the same time. I've found an English teacher I really like, he's funny, he's nice, he compliments me and my intelligence, he knows who Salvidor Dali is! But he's only a substitute! He'll be taking us for this term and then we'll have another teacher for the rest of the time until the exams Why?! Why is fate so cruel?!
Coincidentally I cried out pan galactic gargle blasters during Art. It was so quiet and I wanted to liven things up a bit, so I decided to annoy everyone by yelling out things. After a series of 'pang galactic gargle blasters' and 'Where's my towel?'s my new art teacher came over and asked me why I was yelling these things out. I said "I'm sorry, it happens sometimes when I'm trying really hard at somthing" So now she thinks I have a mental disorder but at least she thinks my drawings are good
I've decided that I'm going to see Red Dragon at any cost I've arranged to go with a friend, I'm sure we could pass for 18.. well, do you think I could? Please say I could, if I don't get to see it I may very well die! In fact I will go to the man himself, Anthony will help me! He will, he must, oh please god! *breaks down into tears* Why must all my friends be short?! If only you would come over to jolly old England and see it with me... and if we couldn't get in your sister could take us.. *gets an idea* Grrreat! Now all I need is a matter transporting machine..
Methinks people aren't ready for the new goth Nate I got lots of snobby remarks from townies and such people, and the only two people who would have supported me are in Norway and at home ill. It does make me feel depressed, but I'm not going to give up my individuality just because a few snobs can't get to grips with having their own 'opinions'
Hmm, what lessons do I have tommorow? *looks* Oh wow! Another advantage of being in year 10 is that we get 'private study' Now the idea is that we sit quietly in a classroom and revise whatever we think we need to revise but in actual fact we spend the entire time talking and texting boys (I just read, aren't I sad? ) I'm looking forward to tommorow. I get to go on the internet after school
I'd better go and pretend I had a good day..
Tilly - back in mauve Posted Sep 4, 2002
Currently listening to: 'Superman' on the TV...
"I had to remove the top layer of skin and drain all the pus"
Enough! Enough! For God's sake, stop I suddenly came to think of the time Tine stepped in a wooden toothpick and I had to help her yank it out of her swollen, bloody big toe...
Ah! Dear F**k! How much fun haven't I and my family made out of that brand... It was especialy funny the first time I was in London, and we walked past a plastered wall where such a store was just abou to open, and a certain four letters were repeated and repeated and repeated... I'm so sad
Hm, we shall soon have Student Conversations... Do you have that kind of things? Immediately after a new school year has begun, we get half an hour alone with a random teacher to have a kind of "trust talk". It's just a usual conversation to check we haven't gone crazy or Satanic during summer vacation I see my random chosen teacher is Prof. Petter! Good, it's so much better to have a relaxed conversation with a teacher I aren't smarter than... Another girl got the same teacher, and I tried unsuccessfully to explain some of my thoughts:
Girl: Hmph. I wish my Conversation teacher could be a female...
Me: Why?
Girl: That would be so much easier to talk to.
Me: Well, I think most good teachers are rather of a non-specific gender.
Girl: What?!
Me: I mean, they don't often do things that blow their cover as either sex. Their kind of both, and none at the same time.
Girl (backs slowly off)
I've noticed there are some pretty silly systems working at our school. This is what I have so far:
1. If you say something like "See you in an hour!", you will in all cases get the response "What kind?" Reason: If it's a real hour, it lasts a whole hour. If it's a school hour, it lasts half an hour
2. If you see numbers besides your working schedule, it means you gotta do all the tasks.
3. If you see letters beside your working schedule, it means the better you are, the higher up the alphabet you work up.
4. If you see colours beside your working schedule, it means you gotta check the notice of how good you are according to colours, and do your coloured task (I'm currently at yellow )
5. If you see lots of little scribbly lines over your working schedule, it means your teacher thought, "Oh s**t! Sorry, my mistake."
6. If you see nothing at all on your working schedule, it means the copyer's busted. Again.
I'm tired of typing, so I'll stop it now. I still got a pair of billions examples left though. Stupid school
Hm. Maybe I could write a note to my teachers, "I must be excused from school the weeks XX to XX, because she gotta go to her friend in England and look adult-like." But wait, can't you just try to beat up the people trying to keep you out?
"Methinks people aren't ready for the new goth Nate"
Pfh. That is their problem Trust me, I went for years being terrified of what people thought of me, and I came ot the conclusion: Who cares? Why should I? It isn't worth it. Life's short enough as it is. See you in hell, snotties
Well, I gotta go soon. Daniel is coming over, and for once we're gonna let them have their privacy; My mum is taking me to see Minority Report. I may hate it I may love it. And this is the night I might judge Prof. Petter, for clearly, he loved it. Does he have good taste? The truth will be revieled...
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Sep 4, 2002
Currently listening to: The TV in another room.
Hmm, a person who I met via the internet has deemed me too depressing and has booted me off his contacts list Boy does that make me feel depressed.. mind you I haven't been entirely honest with him, I sorta played up my depressing vampire nature. But I think he was really after some girl who wants to have 'fun'
I don't like it, it sorta feels like I'm being dumped. Mind you I didn't like him much anyway. Let's call him 'J' for now.
The first thing he ever e-mailed me was: hi i heard that u were single and i was wondering if u still were dont be allarmed by my msn username my hotmail address is [removed to protect the identity of James Shilingis, ooops!] hope we can be friends or maby even more
He wasn't what I wanted in a boyfriend.. I mean he hadn't even read 'Interview With the Vampire'!! He wasn't even a proper goth.. called himself a satanist! Ha! I think I'd better let it go now Although may I just add that when I'm famous I'll write a short story on how that incident affected the rest of my life and then when I take an overdose at the age of 24 I'll make sure my loyal fans all know who to blame and J will wish he'd never blocked me
I think I will also ruin some other peoples lives.. yeah, those two boys who called me fat and that girl Sarah who made me cry on the school bus when I was in year 8
Student Conversations? We were supposed to have somthing similar but our teacher gave up and let us do what we wanted. We had to sit with the teacher through registration and he'd talk to us about whatever... but he gave up after 2 people. Our teacher hated it and we hated it so when our head of year asked us if we had done it we all went 'Yes, and we learnt so much about each other too..' and she was very happy that her plan worked, and we were happy that we didn't have to spend break with our teacher and he was happy that he didn't have to spend break with us..
Well after 3 years I have finally found out my school e-mail adress! If you get reeaaallly bored and have nothing to do please e-mail me at school so I have somthing to do in lessons My e-mail is: [email protected]
All I have to do is find out how to access it. My password doesn't work and quite honestly I'm finding it hard to stay awake at school. So if when you're 48 and you find an e-mail from me saying somthing like: Hallo, hows stuff?
It means It took me that long to figure out how to use the bloody thing
I haven't seen the Minority Report but someone I know said it was good. I've arranged to see Red Dragon with a friend and we are hoping and praying that we get in *crosses fingers*
After being told that I'm too depressing I feel really depressed. I think I should go and have a lie down and maybe eat my own weight in junk food.. It's things like that which make you feel somewhat inadequate. I found a lovely poem to sum up my emotions and feelings, it is entitled: Education for Leisure
May I quote you the first paragraph? Well tough, I'm going to do it anyway.. *coughs importantly*
Today I am going to kill somthing. Anything.
I have had enough of being ignored and today
I am going to play God. It is an ordinary day,
a sort of grey with boredom stirring in the streets.
I think that poem should be my... calling card if you will. I must get that typed out in full, and maybe I should send it to a few people *evil twisted look* It hurts to discover someone doesn't like you, even if you didn't like them much either. And even when you have loads of people hating you it still hurts. It's worse when boys hate you, you can't help but feel rejected even if you weren't attracted to them.
I don't want to give J the satisfaction of thinking he's made me the nervous wreck before you, it's just one thing in a long line of incidents.. I've also recently been blanked by another friend, coincidentally, another boy. I think I should just steer clear of all men and boys. We just don't get on. Is it written somewhere, on every Mens toilet wall or somthing, that they must like me to begin with and then hate my guts within the year?! It's like a conspiracy! Would you please ask your brother if this is so? Or ask Marius or even Prof Petter! Is it a certificate that they hand out to all new born boys:
"Congartulations Ma'am, it's a bouncing baby boy. Here's his birth certificate and here's a copy of your hating Nate policy.." or am I right when I say they write it on the walls in the mens room?
They hate me and I hate them, what's the point in even trying? I've given up flirting, I know one nice polite intelligent male and I have no chance with him! You can't imagine how upsetting that is
I must be boring you beyond belief. Exscuse me while I go put my head in the oven. You may not hear from me for a while
Tilly - back in mauve Posted Sep 5, 2002
Currently listening to: Myself humming "Why do birds suddenly appear" for some odd reason
Aw, poor you. Have some and, er, there really should be a smiley. So, a guy you didn't like much anyway "dumped" you and now you're feeling depressed? Let's see, if we switch that D with a R, P with L, E with I, S with E, S with V... And there you have what you ought to feel!
(So I got some extra time on my hands, so what?) And this is a great excuse to listen to Bonnie Tyler's 'Nothing but a heart ache'. "It's a heart ache... Nothing but a heart ache..."
I never delete contacts on my list unless
A: I don't like them
B: They never talk to me (which seems to be the reason each and every time! The same with Neopets... I get lots of Neofriend requests, but no one ever talks to me! Do people just love commiting? )
Yeas, I've just come back from my "date" with Prof. Petter (meaning Student Conversation) There was a form we were to go through together, and on the question "Is this student easily distracted and at times disrespectful?" He chuckled. I dare to take that as a good sign ... And then we discussed some about my reading habits (try to fill out the question, "Exactly how many pages do you read each week?"
), my social preferences and England. We were finished 15 minutes ahead of schedule. I didn't ask him to show me his tattoo, by the way
I never got to see Minority Report, you know Appearantly, they've made this really weird new rule that if you want to go inside the cinema, you've got to have tickets
That's right, Francois forgot to buy tickets... We spent a couple of hours in a very sleazy cafe - I was a bit shocked to dicover that, in the ladies room, the toilet seemed to have been ripped out (and was standing unconnected in the middle of the room) and there was this little problem with a missing wall
... That's right, there wasn't a back wall!
I could have walked right into the neighbouring clothes store...
I better be going now, my mum expects me to clean the dishes (I got to go home right after the Student Conversation, so I got a couple of hours to kill) In the mean time, "keep your pecker up!" as a friend of mine would say. Don't look so bleak about it
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Sep 5, 2002
Currently listening to: the gentle popping and bubbling of carbon dioxide in my lemonade, as I throw it across the room the swirl of dots within the bottle remind me of a typhoon swirling. And that pea a tiny sea creature caught up in it's midst.. [translation: I threw a bottle of lemonade into which I had put a pea across the room.] (To be honest I don't really know why )
As not even you, are able to decode my rather odd moods I think I'd better do it for you. I am feeling really quite froody now, I decided that James was a nasty jug eared t**t. And as I never liked him anyway I see very little point in dwelling on what a stupid prusumptuous cretin so obviously cannot comprehend *smiles proudly* I also got my vocabulary back..
Yesterday I was feeling pretty low but today I'm feeling pretty damn fine *swagger* Ooh! So happy I did a little cowboy swagger! I do wish ah was a cowboy, there's somthing about it that appeals to me.. is it the romance of the setting sun scenario? Or is it the fact that I'd get to have a gun
I love that song.. "It's a heart ache... Nothing but a heart ache.. Hits you when it's too late...Hits you when you're down.."
*sniff* Exscuse me while I go and wipe a tear from my eye
"Is this student easily distracted and at times disrespectful?" Crikey! Can you imagine me having such a 'date' with Prof Petter? Me with my scary hormone induced behaviour! It would be hillarious
ProfP- Hello Natalie, please sit down.
Me- Thankyou
ProfP- So how have you been?
Me- What do you care?! Everyone hates me, boys don't like me and I'm on the verge of listening to Black Sabbath! But apart from that I'm fine...
ProfP- Uhm, yes. So what did you do over the summer?
Me- Well firstly I got kicked off some boy's contact list for being to depressing, I mean?! I hate him so much *has a screaming fit*!!
ProfP- There.. there. So have you read much over the summer?
Me- Queen Of The Damned, Les Miserables & Crime and Punishment.
ProfP- Uhm! I think we'd better call it a day..
"if we switch that D with a R, P with L, E with I, S with E, S with V..." Can I just say it took me an hour to figure out what you meant by that. I'm not even sure I've got it right. Is it: relieved? Hmm, I hope so or I think I'll start going to our schools spelling club.
""keep your pecker up!" as a friend of mine would say. Don't look so bleak about it"
Did I tell you that I'd become a goth? It's what I do.. I can't do anything else! That's why I'm a goth.. you so silly
Buying tickets before you see the movie? What is this world coming too And there was a wall missing in the toilet? And there was a toilet missing in the toilet? What is happening to the world?! *grabs her head in her hands*
I need to lie down..
Tilly - back in mauve Posted Sep 5, 2002
Currently listening to: "As If" on the telly again. Seems like Tine and mum loves to hate it... Besides, there's nothing to watch on Thursdays anyway! Perhaps because that's when the planet is scheduled for demoliton, and the TV channels didn't want to make any commitments...
And that reminds me, it seems like more and more people asks me to explain to them the logic of the Douglas Adams universe... - Merely to laugh their heads off! It's meant to be funny, I know, but it seems like their laughing of me. They probably think it's the belief of some weird cult I've joined... First drop out of Confirmation, and now this...
"Queen Of The Damned, Les Miserables & Crime and Punishment."
Les Miserables? It it true? Isn't Marius Pontmercy simply scrumptious?
You see why they decided a certain someone to play the musical part... And Jehan is pretty cute too, only he never gets any mention.
Well, congratulations! It was "relieved" It took me an hour to make that too - I felt a kind of rush of adrenaline when midway through I realized they contained exactly the same amount of leters!
Boy, I need to get out more...
Hm - I've got a job. Kinda. This Saturday I'll be standing on the local mall and facepaint small children with my mother... I get paid too! Originally, it was my mother who got the job from a newspaper (the words about she's been powdering Conradi's cheeks), and so I might as well tag along and make myself helpful. I've done such things before, and most kids want to be Pikachu
... I'll hopefully do a couple of vampires
Hah! I tricked it! The computer! It shut down, that little b*****d, but I was smart enough to copy it over to Word and save it second before the screen went black! Hah! Take that!
Em, there was a point made about getting out more?
Okay then, so keep your pecker down Look bleak upon it. There doesn't have to be a light in the end of the tunnel
Gee, I could go on all day...
But I shouldn't. I'm going to finish before my rock decides to shut down again
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Sep 6, 2002
Currently listening to: some jazzy little number on the radio. Wahey, this is quite toe tapping good... *gets up and dances* Sorry bout that, it's Latin jazz and it just makes me want to go crazy! Woah! I've been dancing for an hour! I'm so sorry.. I started this an hour ago! Crikey I am sorry
I did some major kissing up to my English teacher (I'm a toadie, I admit ) Apparantly he is quite knowledgable on Psycology, we talked about death, despair, feeling inadequate, and we got onto the subject of Anne Rice. Oddly enough he had never read any of her books
So I told him he should and handed him my copy of QOTD. He glanced at the blurb and told me it sounded like the sort of book that would give him nightmares (
) And he asked that when I was finished with it maybe he could borrow a copy. Wow! I got a teacher to read my taste in books for a change. So I said yes and I offered to lend him IWTV to start him off at the beginning. I really do like him, sure he's old but he's a really nice chap
I think this could be the start of a beautiful friendship...
Ahh, today is my day. The best TV programming of the week. I already have my viewing planned down to the last second. I really should get out more, I think I need a life I'm going to stay up late, maybe that would cheer me up. It has a strange habit of making me feel pretty happy, I don't know why it just does
Ah, about Les Miserables *prepares for a beating* You see.. I sorta, stopped reading it.. I only got past the first page.. uhm, I'm really sorry. I promise to read it as soon as I've finished a few more of my MANY Anne Rice novels. I'm even prepared to brave the evil librarian for you. I think you may hate me now, I'm sorry
"(the words about she's been powdering Conradi's cheeks)"
Ahem, I know it's just like me to think of everything in a dirty fashion but... It's just like today, me and a friend of mine were talking and I brought up the subject of how often I loose things under my bed. And she piped up with a big grin "I don't loose things under my bed..." and I butted in and said "Yeah, you loose it on your bed!" think about it..
It was funnier at the time. And later on my friend said "Oh I don't know. I leave myself wide open for these things.."
And later on she stuck her tongue out at me and I told her to put it somewhere else and she said "Oh my tongue's been many places.."
And the funny thing is, she doesn't realise what she said sounded dirty.. she thinks that we're laughing at her because she's got somthing stuck to her back or summat. *contented sigh* that was funny.. I guess you had to be there really
Ugh I hated Pokemon when it was popular over here Pikachu and that guy, Ash? Were the worst.. my friend loved it so much but it made me feel sick. I thought the whole concept was warped and twisted, you make these these lovable 'pets' fight each other. And you pit them against each other and make them fight and hurt for what reason? So that you can have a badge...
To me the whole thing was sick and stupid. Just a sad fad.. woah, I'm taking this too seriously
I'd better go now. My dinners ready and waiting
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
Tilly - back in mauve Posted Sep 6, 2002
Currently listening to: Myself singing 'Poisoning Pigeons in the Park' God, I love that song! "We'll murder them all amid laughter and merriment/Except for the few we take home to experiment..." Pure art!
Today I managed to make a major fool out of myself. Several times The first one was a minor one, mind you. It said we were to read pages 125 to 130, and I read it, did the tasks which followed, and later complained to a teacher that it was a bit silly reading the last part of one chapter, and half of another... she checked it out, and I realized I was to read 225 to 230!! God, I'm an idiot
I did 10 tasks I wasn't supposed to do...
The second bit, was when I was about to go home from school and I couldn't find my trademark hat anywhere! I asked the teachers, the Office, the groundkeeper, the cleaning lady... I raised hell and everybody was searching for it. In the end I went home, feeling very depressed and blue, and when I got home I moaned about it for my sister and went to my room to sulk - and found it on my desk!
I hadn't brought it to school at all! *Knocks on head* Is this thing on? Can I adjust it?
Well, except for that, it's been a good day We were talking about the worst (or best, however you think) horror and thrillers movies we've seen, and when Prof. Petter told us that he had snuck into the local cinema when he was 13 to watch 'The Shining' (and ran terrified home), we all were a bit baffled by
A) How old that movie and Jack is
B) How old Prof. Petter is
Well, age doesn't have anything to say have always been my guiding words
And we're going to make a short video, really big league stuff I'll be working with Sheila and some of her friends, and my sister have just given me the movie-rights to a play she wrote a couple of years ago, called "Inspector Bakke" - we'll look a bit more into it and see if that's what we're looking to produce
What? You didn't read past the first pages?!
Why you little...! Only kidding of course
I admit it starts out a bit slow, butit really picks up after the first few chapters. And if you got a copy with the original illustrations, it's well worth keeping - Monsieur Pontmercy really got a hot ass
Well, those double-meaning words can really get a bit tiresome afterwards. I can chuckle at the occasional double-edged line, but with a class full of guys htinking like 6-year olds... Imagine when we were having about the small family of certain rodents...
I'm kinda looking forward to tomorrow - it's a bit like painting, only the material you're painting on is a squirmy, unpatient little monster. The first thing I'm gonna do tomorrow at the mall is to put some makeup on myself, to attract some attention... I'm thinking along the lines of either a porcelaine clown or an eternally damned soul... I'll try not to terrify the little kids
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Sep 6, 2002
Currently listening to: Bo Selecta! On Tv. Yeah I know it's late, I know I shouldn't be on the computer, I know I shouldn't be watching Bo Selecta! at the same time. It's either that or sit in my room and wait for morning..
Eternally damned soul! Be an eternally damned soul! Don't bother with the happy funny clown, be an eternally damned soul! Yey! Scare the little brats! Don't tiptoe around it! Scare em! Yeah! *evil grin* I never did like little kids, nasty little things. With their drool, poop, crying, snot
Ok you get the idea...
Ooooh dear. Silly Tilly, you really should wake up *offers a * I was so sleepy today I nearly passed out in Biology, I don't think my new teacher was best pleased
He asked me a few questions and I didn't really know the answer and I looked a bit0 dopey. I looked blank at every question he asked me. He's probably wondering why I'm in the top set now
"A) How old that movie and Jack is"
Woah, woah, woah! Hang on a minute.. Jack is not old. He's just.. mature. *sniff* I'm quite offended now. I think I shall go and sulk, I do love him. I think he looked his best in 'One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest'.. have you seen it? If you haven't you really should, it's possibly the greatest and most famous film of all time (even though nobody I know has seen it )
"Monsieur Pontmercy really got a hot ass" Tilde! My goodness! It's not like you to be so sexually suggestive, that's my job! Hmmpfh, I can't believe you! Do you hear me talking about Anthony Hopkins ass? No, I don't think so
I don't believe it, I am embarassed! But back to Les Miserables, I think I'll stick with it. I promise to keep going (Ok, start) with it! It's on my to do list along with: (This is my actual list)
1.Get LM from the library
2.Marry Anthony Hopkins
3.Get a drink
4.Buy a pair of black trousers
5.Learn to speak Italian and Greek
6.Do my homework (I think I have my priorities mixed up )
Prof Petter ran home scared after seeing The Shining? Crikey! Some people are easily scared, I used to be. What happened? Did you tell Prof Petter about my 'attraction' to Hannibal Lecter? Have you even told him about me? I must say you've had a mention to my Drama teacher. But the less said about that the better
Free with ES magazine there's a book of Oscar Wilde quotations! I don't think my Mum bought it even though I specificly asked and made a big deal about her getting for me.. and seeing as it's 11.20 in the evening I don't think I'm going to drag her out of bed and make her go and buy it right now. Well... nah, I'd better not
Gah, I've got my paper round tommorow I hate it so much! Plus my Mum's taken on another two paper rounds for her to do, but what annoys me is that I'm expected to help out with those as well. I think I may ask to quit it, seeing as I'm in yr10 now I'm going to be swamped with homework and exams. I don't think it's fair to expect me to do a paper round as well as having to worry about school.. I really can't cope! It's too much
I have to get up early and walk for over an hour! God I hate it!!
I really need a drink and some sleep. Ahh, that's the ticket! I'll be off to sleep in no time, a slice of cake will seal the deal *slumps forward and falls asleep* Zzzzzzz
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- 201: Tilly - back in mauve (Sep 1, 2002)
- 202: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Sep 1, 2002)
- 203: Tilly - back in mauve (Sep 1, 2002)
- 204: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Sep 1, 2002)
- 205: Tilly - back in mauve (Sep 1, 2002)
- 206: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Sep 1, 2002)
- 207: Tilly - back in mauve (Sep 2, 2002)
- 208: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Sep 2, 2002)
- 209: Tilly - back in mauve (Sep 2, 2002)
- 210: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Sep 2, 2002)
- 211: Tilly - back in mauve (Sep 2, 2002)
- 212: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Sep 3, 2002)
- 213: Tilly - back in mauve (Sep 4, 2002)
- 214: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Sep 4, 2002)
- 215: Tilly - back in mauve (Sep 5, 2002)
- 216: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Sep 5, 2002)
- 217: Tilly - back in mauve (Sep 5, 2002)
- 218: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Sep 6, 2002)
- 219: Tilly - back in mauve (Sep 6, 2002)
- 220: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Sep 6, 2002)
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