This is the Message Centre for Tilly - back in mauve
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
Tilly - back in mauve Posted Sep 17, 2002
Currently listening to: The HHGTTG radio series "We're all going to die!"
Ho, I'm so relieved; Tomorrow we're going to deliver a gigantic mathematic task, and I've been struggling with it the whole week. I just finished it Thank God!
Oh, in English we're going to study Shakerspeare's 'Romeo and Juliet' Personally, I think it's the most overrated play ever ('King Lear's better
), but at least I will see Prof. Petter acting a few scenes like Romeo (I pray...) And of course we're going to watch that horrible movie version with Leonardo Dicaprio which I've seen hundreds of times and I hate
How many times do I have to say it? I hate Leo!
At least we're going to compare it with a black/white version of the play afterwards...
And I will be gone Thurday and Friday regrettably My class is arranging a video-wake... Yes sir, we'll be at school for 24 hours while watching one movie after the other. We all decided and arranged it today, and we bribed Prof. Petter for his vote that he would be allowed to bring a movie on his own. Right now I'm trying to remember if I had any movies my class would be interesting in seeing at 4AM in the morning.
Sorry, but I gotta go now; I'm nearly finished with the teddy bear (wow! Only two days ) and my mother is taking me hunting for glass eyes
P.S.: I've scanned a picture of me in Heaven :
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Sep 17, 2002
Currently listening to: Me playing my new free ring tune! Black Adder!!! Yes yes yes! I am so happy! My very first ring tune and it's perfect! The best one I've ever heard, good luck is coming my way!
Gah, don't even get me started on Romeo and Julliet! It's the most annoying and stupid of his plays, if we're going to be honest here, I don't even like much of Shakespeares work I don't think much of him and his writing. It doesn't intrest me..
If you're going to look at some adaptions of Shakespeares works, (yes I know it isn't Romeo and Julliet) but if you're looking at it in general may I suggest to you a Japanese adaption of Macbeth by the famous director Akira Kurosawa. It's brilliant, the best adaption of a Shakespearian novel I've ever seen.
A video-wake? Why does your school allow you to do all these interesting things and we just have ice cream in the canteen?! We don't do anything, the only interesting thing we have are Spanish exchanges every so often My school is so boring, we only have two good teachers and the rest are nasty.
*yawn* Home alone, I really should get out but I can't. I do have homework to do but I'm too tired I feel really odd today.. I don't seem to make sense to anyone but myself. *shrugs* So what's new..
I'd better go to bed now, seeing as I'm home alone I have to rely on my better judgement and maturity to go to bed at a reasonable time. *evil grin* So expect to hear from me at 5 in the morning
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
Tilly - back in mauve Posted Sep 18, 2002
QUOTE Of THE WEEK as chosen by Prof. Petter:
"Have more than thou showest, speak lest than thou knowest."
- W. Shakespeare
Currently listening to: 'Coronation Street on the TV
A funny thing happened today actually; We had just recieved our homework plan (we recieve it every other Wednesday) and had just looked through it when Prof. Petter comes in, shrugs appologing and says "I'm very sorry, but it seems like we only managed to print your homework plan upside-down..." Some just took his word for it and said something like "Aw, that's too bad. But don't worry, we'll manage it." while other exlaimed "What?!" and started leafing through it. Then followed Prof Petter staring very hard at us and then laughing, "I can't believe you didn't get it. It's a joke. What difference does it make if they we're printed upside-down?" Hopefully one day I will get a normal teacher It's very typical of him, though, he loves showing us that we sometimes aren't capable of thinking for ourselves
Uh oh I just got one of those "You have performed an illegal operation". Hopefully if I ignore it, it will leave me alone...
Today we decided what videos we're going to watch on Thursday night. We had decided to vote for it, but in the end we picked those Prof. Petter thought was good (Oh yes, he's the one who will take care of us the whole night. You might say I'm going to "spend a night" with him "Nudge, nudge, know what I mean?") So we've/he's decided for 'Midnight Express', 'Misery', some other horror and 'Life of Brian' (that was my porposal
) We'll decide the rest tomorrow
*Ahem* We don't even have a real cantine And if we had, we sure wouldn't have ice cream in it. Cosider yourself lucky
Well, we have one of the country's biggest teacher-shortenings. Soon they'll probably be willing to offer ME a job
We also have two good teacher's and the rest is non-existant, old prunes or previous kindergarden uncles and aunts (I hate them. They still talk with baby-words and thinks I'm not clever enough even to toss a ball across the room
I'm tired, it's been a long, awful day at school I'm also gradually getting a headache, and the rock is behaving like a grumpy 4 year-old child. I'll think I'll take a bath
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Sep 18, 2002
Currently listening to: Me making clicky noises with my hand. Funny that, I never knew I could do it until today
I'm in a good and bad mood today, I've never done that before. Is it actually possible? Well it must be for me to be able to sit here and tell you about it. Does that make sense Anyway, I'm in a good mood because:
I can make my hand do clicky noisy things
I have Drama tommorow
I'm confused (You know what they say: Ignorance is bliss)
I can do a pressup (I tried and I managed to do one!)
I'm going to my friends house on Friday
I spent most of my ICT lesson playing on my teachers flight simulator and only did a bit of work
I'm in a bad mood because: I have lots of homework to do
I have cramps and my stomach feels tight
I had arguments with several friends today
I miss my Mum because she's in France
I hate my Science teacher and we have her tommorow
I don't feel right today
I have to fill in a form about my ethenicity and I seem to be unsure of it
I need a new watch (You've seen the state my old one is in)
and last but not least, I smell of wet dog..
Wow! You get to watch 'The Life of Brian' AND spend time with your favourite teacher?! I have never envied you so much in my life We'd never get to do anything like that at my school, we're hard pressed to watch one film let alone a whole day's worth!
Why on earth would you want a normal teacher?! Normal teachers are so boring it makes you cry, normal teachers are what I have for every single lesson! Trust me, you DON'T want a normal teacher. I do have one cool teacher, yes, Mr Heap *gives him a round of applause* The best teacher I've ever had, mind you I have had a few good English teachers in my time so I think they deserve applause too. But if I were no start applauding every teacher I've ever liked we may be here a while..
I've suddenly taken to wearing sunglasses everywhere I go. I swear I'm not trying to be It's just that I realised I have creepy eyes. I don't like people looking at them, I don't like the colour or shape. It really creeps people out. I've become quite paraniod about them now, I don't think they look human. So I wear these mirror like shades, they're rectangular and are completely black so people can't see. Plus my eye sockets are really hollow (I look dead for gods sake) so it helps cover them up.
I look like a ghost, what with my white face and all..
Hee hee! It's great having no sense of style! I've been told I'm a freak! Yey! Haha! A girl at my school said it. She actually came up to me and said "F**k, you're such a freak.." I was really pleased, I've never really been called a freak before, she was hoping for me to cry and run off but I just smiled and said "Yeah, I s'pose I am"
It's a shame being an individual though. Some people are so deperate to fit in they'll try to copy individuals in the vain hope it will make them an individual, even though they defeat the entire point of it. It makes me laugh! I came to school with my bag and within the week at least two people had ditched their old ones and bought the same one as me! I was wetting myself laughing!
I even had my sense of individuality insulted! They told me I'm not unique enough! I mean, how stupid can you get? I'd much rather walk about in my funny trousers and AW t-shirts than Sum-41 hoodies and baggy torn jeans. The whole greebo thing is an attempt to sell individuality. Do you get what I'm saying? These people are so desperate to be 'unique' that they are loosing their identity in the process. That's why I was so reluctant to be labled a greebo, I don't want to live up to their stereotyping, I don't want to loose my self worth, I want to be me, I don't want to be one of them, I want to be myself, I don't want to be what others want me to be.. *sigh* When will people understand?
I don't mind being labeled a goth as the term is so openended. It's easy to stereotype a goth but harder to define one, It's all about the state of mind, and as you well know, there's little doubt I don't have goth mentality I find beauty in different things, it isn't the way I dress, or what music I listen to, it's just my state of mind. And people at my school don't seem to understand that.
Sorry about that. I was having my little rant, I do that every so often Feel free to complain about Micheal Ball critics and your rock, after all, you sat through my little rant I am polite enough to return the favour..
I have to write a newspaper article on how Racism is bad and must be stopped. Oh this is really starting to annoy me, I know this is going to make me sound like a racist but I have found this to be true with some people. A person I know, will use any opportunity to use her race to her advantage. We were having an argument, like teenage girls are likely to do, and she told the teacher it was racially motivated! I couldn't believe it (I was offended because I'm the most tolerant person I know! I have lots of friends who are of a different race, and I was insulted) She told our form tutor that I was being picking on her because she was from another ethnic background! I've had millions of fights with other friends and not once has race been a motivation for an argument Even though it happened a long time ago, she still uses it as an exscuse whenever I'm annoyed at her for somthing!
In year 7, shortly after I moved to my school, I was harassed every time I came into the classroom. No good reason except that I was bigger than everyone else so they assumed I was a bully. I had it chanted at me when I came in the room, they'd shout at me and tell people not to talk to me in case I beat them up. It made me really depressed and I took it really badly. I did some very desperate things and I don't want to talk about it, I never want anyone to know how badly that affected me.
Calling me a bully without even knowing me, isn't that the same as making fun of the colour of someones skin? You're making an assumption about the person in question without even getting to know them. It is the same, I was being picked on for somthing that I couldn't help because it was in my genetic makeup. I'm from a nationality of people which are bigger than most.
I think I'll bring that up in my next PSHCE class.. the girl who called me a bully is in that class with me come to think of it Now now, I won't name names.. you can trust me not to tell the world that Maggie was a bitch to me in year 7.. oops!
Sorry, I seem to have a lot to say today! I had so much to get of my chest and nobody to tell it to, so sorry about lumbering you with my problems and stupid trivial thoughts.
Well I guess this is goodbye for now, as you're going to be away tommorow (is that right?) and I'll be gone from Friday to Sunday I've got to go now, speak to you soon! Tell me how your evening with Prof Petter goes..
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
Tilly - back in mauve Posted Sep 18, 2002
Currently listening to: Something on the news about Keiko. God, I'm starting to hate that whale (Listen to me! I'm starting to get annoyed about whales? What did ever whales do to me?
Clicky noises? Hm, lucky you, I can't make any noises with my hands, except clapping, very muffled snaps or pressing the keys of a piano And I can't even whistle! God, what good am I on this earth?
Sorry, I'm in a silly mood today Or at least right now. I'm rehearsing getting giddy for tomorrow night *Giggles* Oh! Shoelaces..!
Your eyes? Creepy? Why, don't be silly - I didn't notice anything weird about your eyes. And I who thought you would be delighted if you looked a bit more dead-like At least you aren't blind as a bat whitout your glasses... And you haven't got so enlarged pupils your mother thinks you're high on something
Oh! A rant! Please let me join It's just like my hat. I was laughed at for weeks because I was a girl with relatively short-cut hair and hat... And when I turn around and stand up for it, suddenly everybody's starting to wear them.
"You're all individuals!"
"We're all individuals!"
"I'm not..."
Sorry if I quoted that wrong, it's been so long since I last saw it I remember the time I was to scared to stand up for myself; The worst year of my life. Everywhere I went I got laughed at, threatened and teased. I was terrified of leaving the house. If anyone of my tormentors merely glanced at me, I felt like wetting myself
No one could do anything about it, because I never got assaulted physically...
As my sister experienced the same thing (it was a really horrible school and every rumour about it is true) she has now hatched the perfect plan; Since she is now at a different school than her tormentors, and they're all russ this year, she has planned to cover it up as a "Russ-war" and get all her friends to laugh viciously at them while she does something horrible and embarassing to them. She's thinking about turning a whole bucket of red paint over them, since all they care about is their hair
There. Now I'm finished to.
Well, I gotta go and do some packing now. I'll hopefully leave you a note before I leave tomorrow
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Sep 19, 2002
Currently listening to: myself swearing at the computer! Well, it's not the computers fault I can't write I have to write a 3 page essay by tommorow, I already had it written but my teacher didn't like it. I worked so hard on it and he told me yesterday that he didn't like the story! UNBELIEVABLE! He said that the standard of my writing was excellent, he just didn't like the story! I AM SO MAD! He only told me a few days ago.. unbelievable
Isn't it funny how I talked about racism to you yesterday and the very next day I was subjected to a racist attack.. yup, I was called white trash and told I was a white minger. Hmm, it's hardly like I'm an enthic minority is it now
It all started at lunch time when some girls came into our form room and started to run about our room making a mess. One of the girls ran out and slammed the door. I was in a bad mood and I was at breaking point, so I screamed after her "Will you STOP slamming the door!" Everybody gasped, and I sat there looking confused. But nobody would tell me what was the matter.
5 minutes later the girl came back in and said "What the hell did you say to me?!" Everyone went quiet, everyone was looking at me. I didn't know what to do so I said
I had clearly said somthing wrong because there was a sharp intake of breath and the girls face twisted up in rage. "Wot you say?"
"I said, would you PLEASE stop slamming the doors! It's hardly an unreasonable demand."
"I'll slam your doors if I f*****g want too!" She screamed and slammed our door.
After that, she yelled at me and called me highly offensive things. I sat and ignored her (I actually read the Hitch Hiker's Guide ) This really pissed her off, she got my friend Jamila to get me outside. I resfused on the principal that I'm too sophisticated mentally and physically to start scrapping like a commoner. Oooh did she yell! She called me a 'modern wanker' and at the same time managed to incorporate 'white trash' in there too. I went to the door (by now a crowd had gathered) and leant in the door frame, my face a picture of cool, and said "Mon ami, I am in no position to fight with you. But if it ever came to a choice of weapon, I'd have to choose grammar.." and walked back inside, closing the door quietly in her face. She then called me an odd word which nobody had heard of before, I got a friend to ask her what it meant, and it is apparantly a very rude word for a white person
This girl has a reputation, she has never come off worse in a fight, or so the legend goes. I had encountered her before but I outwitted her yet again, she's not the sharpest pencil in the box. People were annoyed that I didn't beat the crap out of her but I couldn't. I had reasons not to. A..
girl beating up a younger, smaller coloured (well, half cast) girl. How would it look to a teacher!? I would be shipped off to some 'special' class, where I'm the only student besides some nut case with a flick knife, and I'd get taught anger managment and social studies. Our teachers are so closed minded that they would do that. They also seem to have the idea that bullies are 'often sad and lonely people' when we all know that the populars are the biggest bullies.
Gah! I need a coffee I'm so tired and emotionally drained. I just want to curl up in a corner with a blanket, a book, my favourite CD on and a mug of somthing warm and filling. Ahh that would be bliss, but sadly I have too much homework to even consider that
Keiko? Isn't that Free Willy? Yes I saw that on the news too, or I think I did. Hah hah! You got that nasty whale! I heard about it weeks ago though, you are an easily excitable bunch of people aren't you ?
Shame you're not going to see Prof Petter in his pyjamas. Now that would have been a photo worth taking I'd better stop before the delicious combination of your teacher, an all night film fest and a darkened room, start to make nasty images in my head. Uh oh! Too late
I think revenge is a dish best served cold. When I'm a famous, attractive, rich, young woman ( I set my sights high) I'll make sure that all the boys from my old school know it's me. Ahh, the girls too, that would be great! I'm drifting off a subject I never even started
I'd better go. I'm procrastinating, trying to avoid doing my English I really should stop avoiding work, It's not a good investment in the future. I haven't done my Maths or Drama homework either
Uh oh... hope you had a good time at your film fest
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
Tilly - back in mauve Posted Sep 19, 2002
Well, I gotta be really really fast now - I'm leaving for the wake in a mater of minutes, and I'll be home early tomorrow morning, but I'll probably go straight to bed
I'll talk more then! Toodles!
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
Tilly - back in mauve Posted Sep 20, 2002
Currently listening to: Some bad American sitcom on the telly and my loud yawns.
What? That is so brave how you handled that situation! I wouldn't even dare to talk back, I always sit still and take all the crap with a serious look on my face
... Well, I'm truly and totally impressed
I particulary liked the "Mon ami" part
Served her right, the little bitch. I think you are a ideal person to be reckoned with. Will you teach me how you talk back?
Well, now that I'm back you won't ever be able to leave here until you've heard what happened... Stop putting your fingers in your ears and chanting!
Well, the first thing that happened was that a silent alarm within the school was set off, and the police came. Prof. Petter had appearantly forgotten his ID and he and the policemen was gone so long I started to worry Well, first we all watched 'Life of Brian' - there was a remarkable number of people that hadn't seen it before, but they all loved it. After that we ate a really horrible pizza. It was all covered in mushrooms
Then we saw 'Seven' which really is a 18+ movie, so we promised not to tell our parents
Then we saw 'Legally Blonde', and by now people were starting to fall asleep - I, of course, was kicked off the matrass Siri had so kindly offered me, since she wanted to make out with one of the guys Since the movie won my award for Worst Move Ever, I tried desperately to sleep through it, but the floor was simply too cold. Then I watched 'The Believer' with Prof. Petter, since everybody else had fallen asleep... And then, unexpectedly, it was morning and we went home. I've never experienced a wake that went past this fast. It was really fun
I tried to sleep, I really did! I tried everything; At first I was curled up in a corner of Siri's matress, then I tried to sleep on the floor (too cold), a desk (too small and hard) and between to broken plastic chairs (too hard, too small, I cut my finger and I kept falling off each time I dozed off) That was the third night in my mature life where I didn't sleep for a second. I'm not sure why Prof. Petter couldn't sleep though - after all, he had nicked the sofa...
As I stood outside and waited for my dad to pick me up, Prof Petter stopped by me and asked if I wanted a lift. Right there and then I felt a little sad that my father had already arranged everything
Okay, I have a tiny little confession to make I decided upon this night: I may fancy the Professor oh just a little I might have a little crush on him... It's not like I'm going to sit gazing into his eyes at class or sigh at his every word
It's one of those very private, very discreet fancies. I pay better attention at his classes, I smile to him a little bit more... And I try to keep myself from looking at his ass too much
It's probably all just a fase I'm going through, to keep myself interested in school.
Ah, I'm thirsting! No chokolate milk, no juice, no lemonade, the milk is warm and the water's tasteless
I need some liquid with a nice taste, dammit! Tine and I are going to the store immediately after she step out of the shower.
Well. I'm going to change now. Toodles! If I don't get to talk to you, have fun!
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Sep 22, 2002
Currently listening to: Some evil sounding peice of pop music on the radio I'm sick of pop music, that's all my friend listens to but I can't blame her for being 'normal'
Well well well, so you finally admit to fancying Prof Petter, eh? I knew it, the way your eyes glazed over when you talk about him, the way you talk about him It was sooo obvious, you were just in denial (which, mind you, isn't a river in Egypt
I'm happy to hear you had a good time, 'Legally Blonde' is a terrible film by the way, but it does have it's moments. I'd still much rather watch Hannibal of The Silence
"I'm not sure why Prof. Petter couldn't sleep though - after all, he had nicked the sofa..."
If I were Prof Petter, I wouldn't be able to sleep in a room full of students! You never know what they might think to do to you while you sleep! I'd be a very paraniod teacher, none of my students would like me so I'd have good reason to stay awake in their presence
Woo! That was so much fun! I had a great time! We watched loads of films (Vicky hired my two favourites as a special treat) We saw 'Interview With The Vampire', I watched it for Tom Cruise and Vicky watched it for Brad Pitt. Then we hired 'Gladiator', one my favourite films of all time, I watched it for Joaquin Pheonix *drools* and Vicky watched it for the horses We also watched 'American Beauty' which is one of my new favourite films, I highly reccomend it! And we also saw 'East is East' for the one millionth time.
Then on Saturday we went to the cinema and saw 'Signs' Oh my gosh! That was so scary! It was a really good film, funny but scary! I've only told a few people this but I hate aliens! I can stand blood, guts and ghosts etc but I HATE ALIENS! Vicky was hyperventilating and I was speechless, my fingers digging into the arm rests. It's a great film though, I reccomend it.
I bought two books, one on Dali and the other on Michealangelo. I also bought my very own, first ever, pack of tarot cards Yey! I'm really happy now! They were really cheap too, less than five pounds. I also bought.. please don't laugh
two pairs of plastic vampire fangs. I also got a Monty Python poster 'Ministry of Silly Walks' and some black bracelets. Plus my parents bought me back from France the thing I have wanted since I was 8
Yes! I have my very own swiss army knife! I've been told to act responsibly and not to stab, maim, disembowl people *sigh* What's the point in having one then? My Dad has been a sport over the whole 'goth scene' as he put it. He even made sure my swiss army knife was black
Brr, it's too cold I'm going to go to bed now, yes I am aware of the time. I haven't had much sleep, plus I need an early start to get some more homework done before I get on the bus.
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
Tilly - back in mauve Posted Sep 22, 2002
Currently listening to: Myself humming on Spritney Bears' latest hit, "Bumpi-bjørnana" I'm quite sure you haven't heard of any of it, so let me just say; Swedish tehno version of the theme song from "Gummy Bears". I normally hate techno, but I loved watching Gummy Bears when I was a little girl
Let me see, I still haven't seen Gladiator, I've seen American Beauty (even though they say it straight out on the beginning, I still get shocked in the end )... East is East, let me see... Is that a comedy about a Manchester Pakistani family? Then I may have seen it translated...
Signs? Is that the movie about the corn circles? My sister and I was just discussing how bad timing that movie had, now that it has been documented that it's just kids with planks and too much time on their hands that create them. I still jumped when I saw the ad for it though, so I will probably check it out
I've been at Drownin' Ducks' monthly rehearsel all day. I managed to make a complete fool out of myself in front of all of my friends though. I borrowed my sister's mobile to send a reminder to my mum, it read as follows: "Could you get started on patching my jeans? They are on the bathroom and the hole is located at the bottom. Thank you " and afterwards I learned to know I had sent it to one of her friends!
The answer Tine got was only "I'm pretty sure you've sent this to the wrong person...", thank God
And Tine thanked me for renweing her connection with her friend (named exactly the same as my mum)
Well, I'm going to patch my jeans myself before I take a shower and go to sleep. I have a big test tomorrow in New-Norwegian It's Norway's other official language, and I hate it
It's pointless. While I, with my normal Book-Norwegian would say 'hun' meaning 'she', in New-Norwegian they call it 'ho' for some reason... Why do I have to learn it? I can fully understand it if I should meet someone who used it by some raving off-chance, but why should I learn to use it myself?
... Sorry, rant over.
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Sep 23, 2002
Currently listening to: my printer coughing up a picture by Chardin and another by Velasqez I'm going to be in so much trouble! I'm supposed to be doing my homework but it's so hard I can't bring myself to do it..
You sent a text to the wrong person. I've done that before, but my text was a lot ruder I had a fight with a friend and demanded to know why she was being so stubborn. She text back with a nasty remark about my hair cut. I was so mad I swore at her calling her every bad word I could think of, I then sent it. But to the wrong person, so my friend Ross got a nasty surprise. He asked me if I had PMS
New-Norwegian? Woah, now that complicates things I am terrible at languages, I'm supposed to be learning Ukrainian but I haven't even opened the book yet. I have no talent for languages, I'm terrible at learning things. I'm not very good at anything, now that I think about it. I can't draw, I can't write, I can't play any sports, I can't play an instrument, I can't do Maths, I can't do anything. You can't help but feel a tad depressed..
You haven't seen Gladiator? Oh not you too, very few of my friends have seen it. I can't understand why, it's a great film! It's one of my favourites, I demand that you see it. It was directed by Ridley Scott for goodness sakes! What more can you ask for in a film?!
Not much happened today. Well I'm sure somthing did, I just can't remember! I'm loosing my memory I can't even remember what I had for lunch, that can't be good
When I was watching American Beauty I was told that the next door neighbors son would be my perfect match! I was shocked! But I must admit, I do find Wes Bentley attractive
Well, I'd better go and continue with my Art homework. It's soo hard! I can't do it Sorry this is such a short posting by the way, I've been so busy with homework and schoolwork etc.
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
Tilly - back in mauve Posted Sep 24, 2002
Currently listening to: The rock's droning and my own sneezing
I'm sick. I was sick yesterday, I am sick now It's probably nothing more than a cold, but I hate it nonetheless. I'm warm, I'm cold, I've got stomach cramps, I feel dizzy and my eyes are watering. I stayed home sick from school yesterday and intended to do so today too, but then I got a call, "Hi. I know we we're supposted to be finished with all the shooting to our short film for school, but we've decided to shoot it all over again. We'll meet at your place!" It turns out the female lead decided she didn't want to be seen in such a movie anyway
So we had to reshoot the whole thing with another actress. So I, sick and miserable, had to dress in that warm battered suit, put the Stetson hat back on my damp hair, clean up the whole livingroom, get the cat outside as one is allergic, and start rehearsing the whole manuscript again
And I who had finally made them all agree to how we was making this film, had to start arguing all over again... *Lets out a frustrated shriek* Why can't anyone stop a minute to think, "Hey, maybe we shouldn't do this as the key person is feeling poorly, and maybe stay with what we have worked hours to accomplish?"! But NO! Let's do it all over again!
Okay, my rant is over. I would have gone longer, but as I said I'm not at my best After I'm finished I'm going to snuggle up with my tea and watch some movies. We're planning to do all the cutting today, but I'm planning to refuse to come over. But on the other hand, this movie is my baby; I've nurtured it since it was only a doubtful idea. I'll see what I decide...
Hang on... Surely you can draw! Okay, I admit, I haven't seen any of your work, but with all that feeling you put into it, it must be at least a bit good
Wel, I'm going to snuggle in with the said cup of tea. Sory I couldn't talk any longer, but I'm really feeling miserable.
P.S.: And I'm going to do my best to see 'Gladiator' some time Your word is my command...
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Sep 24, 2002
Currently listening to: "I work so hard for the money, so hard for the money.." I'm feeling rather silly today, so whats new!
You're sick? Ooooh dear Feel better soon! I recommend tea and lots of it, a hug from a gorgeous male also speeds up the process. I'll try and get hold of Micheal but I'm not promising anything
In the meantime listen to your Chitty Chitty Bang Bang CD.
They came round while you were ill? Oh honestly, why must people be so annoying?! I'm lucky that I live far away from most of my friends, and school but I sometimes feel that people try to wind me up on purpose. Like today, for example, I had a really painful ankle (It's weak because I've sprained it so much, and it has been known to swell up and makes walking painful. All my friends know about it) and I had to sit down as soon as possible. So I quickly sat down in a chair, my 'friend' came up behind me and said
"Hey! I was going to sit there!"
Well I'm not a bloody mind reader! She wouldn't talk to me until I stood up, got a chair from nextdoors classroom and moved and sat in the next place up. I mean?! What was the point? She could have at least given me the chair but no, that would be polite, and being polite goes against everything she's been brought up as
In PE we were supposed to make up an aerobics routine (Yes, sad I know) and teach the other groups our routine. Some girls in our class are extremely good at dance and gym so they got into two big groups and proceeded to teach us how to do their routine. It mainly consisted of elaborate and complicated steps, which nobody could follow and managed to give me a headache. I was so annoyed I did my own little routine, the teacher told me off but I said it was either I do my own routine which I could do and keep my blood pumping, or stand around looking like an idiot while my heart rate slowed down. It's stupid really..
I can't draw, I'm terrible at it. The only things I can draw are lines and sheep, and I'm not even that good at either. When I do draw somthing I like people always say "Oh wow, what's that supposed to be? Oh, it's a sheep? Well it's, urr, very good. Take a look at mine.." And it's always a million times better than mine
Hmm, dinner time I'm so hungry I could eat a horse (again)
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
Tilly - back in mauve Posted Sep 24, 2002
Currently listening to: Advertsising on the TV.
Exactly; Why can't people start to show a little consideration? It's not so bloody hard, and you might end up pleasing somebody... Thank God they didn't call me today to start cutting and editing the movie, or I would have screamed some obscenities and slammed on the phone. I guess we're going to do it some other day...
Tomorrow is our yearly Forest-day If I feel like I do today, I'm going to stay home... F**k PE anyway
Actually that's the one class I don't care if I do bad in; I work my ass of in all the other classes, so I don't care if I should end up with a 2 of 6 in PE
All right, so it might pull some of my other grades down, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to take. I walk regulary, have no problems related to health, and amazingly enough, I'm content with my body
No one believes me though ("That body? You're content with THAT body?") But I am. It's practical, robust, not THAT repulsive to look at, things are somewhat in the right places, and I like it. What ould be more healthy than that?
Please ignore all I say today. I'm high on cough-medicine Zip-a-dee-do-daa! Zip-a-dee-day!... *Momentarily blacks out and hits the keyboard face-first* hifshggiuvteiwtvetvun
Sheep? That reminds me of "The Little Prince" by Saint-Exupèry You see, the little Prince wants Sain-Exupèry to draw him a sheep, but at each attempt the prince is not satisfied. In the end he draws a little box wih air-holes and says, "There! The exact sheep you want is in that box!" and the prince is delighted
It's a very nice book, I highly recommend it.
I've taken up a little hobby fueled by my medicine-high; Drawing small additions to the newspaper-pictures A little mustache there, a little speechbubble there, horns and fork... You know, all the cliches.
I'm going to black out some more again now... Toodles!
P.S.: And keep my posted ont hat Michael Ball project Oh! News in he's exhausted by a small cold himself. Good, then we can feel miserable together
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Sep 25, 2002
Currently listening to: "I work so hard for the money, so hard for the money.." I have that stuck in my head! Damn you Homer Simposon!
Oooh! You're high on cough medicine too?! Wow, so I'm not the only one! Now you have discovered why I'm so silly! I can't let my secret get out, you have to swear an oath.
Repeat after me: I Tilde, swear never to reveal that Nate is so insane because she uses Lemsip.
Forest-day? Uh oh, I don't even know what that means but I can tell it's not good. Does it involve running? If it does then you can count me out. I can't run, I'm the slowest in the class, well not quite, but I'm terrible at PE all round.
For our Drama course part of it is to go and see some productions in the west end, musicals and the like. I asked my drama teacher what we were going to see, he said he wasn't sure. I then suggested Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and his response wasn't one I think you want to hear He sort of shouted "NO!" really loudly, blushed and then said he didn't think so. I'm sure he was just intimidated by Micheal Balls great talent.
I've got to go now, homework calls
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
Tilly - back in mauve Posted Sep 25, 2002
Currently listening to: A soccer match on the telly. Why is that on? There only me in the livingroom
*Sigh* "I Tilde, swear never to reveal that -" yaddah, yaddah, yaddah I feel a bit better today though, but I still stayed home from school. Running around in a wet, cold forest certainly wouldn't help my health anyway
Yes. It involves running. A lot. You're left alone in a wood with only a map, a compass, and little paper slip you're gotta to get stamped at the different posts you're meant to run to. Oh yes, and it's timed! You gotta run your legs off to get a good grade. Okay, so I was a girl scout God known how many years ago, but a good result of running...? Not happening
I break down and breathe in sobs after only a couple of seconds of running. And I got a knee that is too bad to run with, but not bad enough to get out of PE...
What?! I would like to have a little chat with your Drama teacher..! How dare she -? Who do she think -? Okay, inform her that she has provoked the WRATH OF TILLY!!
She better start watching out for falling chandeliers and masked, teen-aged maniacs! And why, might I ask? Why wouldn't she like to watch the ass of Michael Ball in some really nice tight tweed pants? WHY?!
... Ho, I thikn it's time for some more cough-medicine
Tally ho...
Well, I better get to bed now if I intend to be well for school tomorrow; We're going to visit a kind of mess for students to see what are future choices are How exciting...
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Sep 26, 2002
Currently listening to: Some depressing durge rock thing on the radio. Incubus methinks.. Oh honestly, I'm such a terrible goth
My Drama teacher is a man, so that would explain why he doesn't want to 'watch the ass of Michael Ball in some really nice tight tweed pants' We had Drama again today, our group weren't ready to perform so I whispered to my friends:
"Psst, look at the ceiling. If we don't make eye contact he won't pick us"
Our teacher looked over at us then started staring at the ceiling too. I was laughing my socks off, and he came over and sat next to me, trying to figure out what we were looking at He then says to me: "What are you looking at, are you trying to avoid looking at me so I don't ask you?" I burst out laughing and said "No, no! That's not it at all!" He looked confused and walked off.. It was funny at the time
You were.. *gulp* a girl scout?! I'm not sure if you know this (If you do I apologise for insulting your intelligence) but over here we have Brownies (for girls) and Scouts (for boys) I tried both
I hated the Brownies because all we ever did was stupid girly stuff like knitting and sewing. I thought the whole thing sexist and decided to go to the boys scouts instead. My friends went there so I decided to join them, there were only a few girls and I didn't know any of them but I didn't mind. It was much more fun, but we still didn't do anything I liked to do, so I gave up on it all together
At school we have cross country *shudders* It was created by satan and is the most horrible thing on the planet. Ugh! The first time I did it at my school, the teacher made me do it in my knickers and a t-shirt. I was sobbing by the time I got round, I've never been able to do it in the three years I've been there. I think I have it tommorow which is why I brought it up
Wish me luck..
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
Tilly - back in mauve Posted Sep 26, 2002
Currently listening to: Some progarmme on the telly about the Swedish royal family
Ah, so your drama teacher is a man, is he? It doesn't matter, I know several guys who still love to watch Michael Ball's ass... And that ceiling thing; I love doing that, only I do it as a prank, especially right before I go into a house, I stop in the door and watch with a really amazed look on my face up in the sky
Oh, the crowds I have gathered...
The worst thing about being sick from school is when you return It's like waking up from a coma several years later; Everything is so different, you really gotta focus to get into it all again, and I'v been gone only three days! Like today, for instance, I walked casually up to a classmate and asked "So, where's Sheila?" - "Oh, she broke her leg yesterday on the Forest day." - "Oh, I see..."
Also, it was very hard on the classtrip today since the classmate who was meant to deliver all the information to me forgot, and I just wandered about without a clue what to do. Eventually, at the univerity we were visting, I found Prof. Petter in an ocean of hundreds of people (thank God he's so tall) and he told me he was lost himself, but that I should hold tight so we could find the others... Well, I didn't let the chance pass, so I clutched his arm and didn't let go Hey, he had some nice muscles hidden under that fleece jacket too.
Well, scouts here aren't really gender sparated, although it's mostly boys there; that's why I quit eventually. Technically, I was a wolf cub, but all I learned was how to pay respect for the scout leaders And it was so religious throughout...
Well, just do your best at the cross-country and everything will hopefully befine. And if it doesn't, just fall to the ground clutching your foot while panting That always does the trick.
Well, gotta go to bed now
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] Posted Sep 27, 2002
I haven't quoted in a while so you're in for a treat I'm quote crazy today:
"If you shoot at mimes, should you use a silencer?"
-Steven Wright
"At my lemonade stand I used to give the first glass away free and charge five dollars for the second glass. The refill contained the antidote."
-Emo Phillips
"I have an existential map. It has 'You are here' written all over it."
-Steven Wright
"Everything is funny as long as it is happening to Somebody Else."
-Will Rogers
Currently listening to: Coldplay. I don't really like them, they just seem to be on *shrugs* I'm way too tired to go and turn it off
Yes we did have Cross Country but I did quite well. All the teachers were very pleased and kept on telling me how well I'd done, and I'm improving every time. It was all really embarassing but I didn't care. I stopped caring a long time ago
Oh honestly, the things you'll do to feel Prof Petters arm up You have to learn to control your lust, I don't go around feeling up my Drama teacher
Uh oh! Nobody is supposed to know that, oooh eck! Please don't tell anyone.. my reputation will be confirmed and that is the worst thing that could ever happen. You see dear, I keep em guessing
I'm indending to do somthing extremely stupid. I am going for gold, I am going to do the most stupid thing anyone has ever attempted. I am.. drum roll please.. going to audition for Harry Potter 3! *insane laughter* Yes, you heard me correctly. I am going to audition for the one thing I truely hate I think on the crazy scale that comes about 10.. Hee heee! I mean, if my friend can get into the Harry Potter film so can I! It's not like Owen can even act...
"I know several guys who still love to watch Michael Ball's ass"
Ooooh! Do tell do tell! I want names and e-mail addresses Now that is funny!
I've got a sore throat I may be coming down with tonsilitis again. I used to get it all the time, my parents even considered having my tonsils out but when they went away for a bit they forgot. Actually, the sore throats were still coming back but I was too scared at the prospect of the operation to tell them
Hoo boy! I'm going to a party tommorow. It's my Mums friends birthday so we're going up to London for her party. I haven't seen her since I was 4 but I don't care, I'm going to London! I love driving at night in London, as I usually go by train or underground it's a rare novelty. My Dad says that this woman has two teenage sons, so I have another reason for going
I need a drink My throat is killing me.. *sniffle* I think I caught it off my English teacher. He had a sore throat too.. hmm, that sounds dodgy doesn't it
[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
Tilly - back in mauve Posted Sep 27, 2002
Currently listening to: My man Kåre Conradi is on the TV There's a music show called "Beat for Beat", it's really only for desperate singers with a desperate craving for the spotlight and a low IQ, so I'm a bit disappointed over him. *Glances over to the TV* Aw, watch him, he's sitting among all these long forgotten singers with a sort of horrified look on his face... You're a theatre actor, Kåre!
D'you hear! You are famous enough to not appear on bad shows with ABBA imitators! But no, he doesn't hear me...
Right after Prof. Petter, I'd say he was the second most atttractive man in Norway! (Wonder what all the fuzz is about? This is the best picture I've found of him yet (although he looks nothing like that):
http://www.dolphinics.nssb/conradi.jpg )
You're WHAT? Harre Potter... Hold me smeone, I'm fainting... That would certainly be the most surprising you could do. Like when Ford Prefect jumps out of the window to "keep the element of surprise on his side"
Go on, jump out of the window...
Oh, I'm glad I've never really had any problems with my tonsils. When I was a little girl I read Roald Dhal's "Boy" where he makes a quite detailed telling of the procedure...
Well, I'm going to watch the rest of Beat for Beat, and then afterwards my favourite show comes on, you know, the Norwegian version of Have I Got News for You
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[No Subject As The Writer Cannot Think Of Anything Witty To Write Here]
- 241: Tilly - back in mauve (Sep 17, 2002)
- 242: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Sep 17, 2002)
- 243: Tilly - back in mauve (Sep 18, 2002)
- 244: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Sep 18, 2002)
- 245: Tilly - back in mauve (Sep 18, 2002)
- 246: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Sep 19, 2002)
- 247: Tilly - back in mauve (Sep 19, 2002)
- 248: Tilly - back in mauve (Sep 20, 2002)
- 249: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Sep 22, 2002)
- 250: Tilly - back in mauve (Sep 22, 2002)
- 251: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Sep 23, 2002)
- 252: Tilly - back in mauve (Sep 24, 2002)
- 253: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Sep 24, 2002)
- 254: Tilly - back in mauve (Sep 24, 2002)
- 255: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Sep 25, 2002)
- 256: Tilly - back in mauve (Sep 25, 2002)
- 257: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Sep 26, 2002)
- 258: Tilly - back in mauve (Sep 26, 2002)
- 259: R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing] (Sep 27, 2002)
- 260: Tilly - back in mauve (Sep 27, 2002)
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