Journal Entries

To Quote John Lydon...

'Anger is an an Energy'.

Congratulations to my new bosses, who have actually forced me to get off my backside and actually apply for some new jobs.smiley - oksmiley - cheers

smiley - shark

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Latest reply: Nov 10, 2003

Sticky sticky sticky

We all know that our beloved h2g2 has a sticky quality. We all keep coming back to it, right? smiley - winkeye

Well, I was shocked to discover another place that has it too.

is a really nice, (smallish) blues group that I was invited to join, and what a lovely and friendly little place it is. And it was dow for 48 hours or so recently, and the first thing that happened when it went back up was thread started saying how awful it had been and how lives had been shattered by it not being there.

Does this sound familiar? smiley - laugh

smiley - shark

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Latest reply: Nov 9, 2003

Medical Stuff, and a few thoughts on life.

Well the good news is that my father appears pretty fit and well and that prompt treatment has actually got his parkinsons under control pretty well. His ticker appears to be of little concern to the medicos which is a good thing. The bad news is that mother appears much less well than she would have one believe. She is finding walking very difficult and is obviously in a lot of pain which she spends most of the time hiding because she doesn't want to worry him.

The middling news is that Pater seems set to be in hospital for a little while. Next wednesday the occupational therapist will visit the house to make an assessment of the place and whether or not my father can return there. I have an unhappy feeling that they may not like what they find - it's an old house and is not equipped with all mod cons, and neither can it be. It may be that the my parents will have to think of moving before he s allowed home on a full time basis. (This is not necessarily a bad thing. They are very isolated at the moment and i, for one, would be much happier if they were in a more central location with better amenities.)

In any event, he has more time in hospital. It seems almost certain that he will be transferred to another hopsital for in patient care and some therapy work for his Parkinsons. Again, not necessarily a bad thing.

It is disturbing though that myself and my brother and sister appear to be entering that stage of life where we become effective parents to outr increasingly aged and doddering parents, who have many difficult decisions ahead of them, I think, and it seems increasingly likely that they will be relying on us for help and guidance. I just hope that the three of us are as good at it as they were for us.

As Philip Larkin once wrote;

'What do they think has happened, the old fools/.../Why aren't they screaming?/.../We shall find out.'

smiley - shark

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Latest reply: Nov 8, 2003

Not wanted on voyage

Well, it's official then. 15 years of hard work and loyalty count for damn all in my workplace. And bear in mind at 15 years I am by far the senior man in plot, as it were.

Let me explain.

It's pretty much an open secret that our office has been struggling badly recently. In order to make some changes we have a new unit head and number 2. Their first move has been to move my line manager and best mate, Al, sideways (with his connivance. He'd had enough of being the jam in the sandwich). Therefore there is now a promotion going. Except...

They clearly aren't going to fill the post. At a meeting yesterday we were informed that what will be happening in the first instance is 'a re-allocation of management functions'. Which is to say they are devolving a number of the responsibilities that were Al's onto people at my level.

Or rather, onto one person at my level who has some 9 or 10 years less experience in the job than me. Which immediately gives him the insiide track if the promotion spot becomes available.

It appears that I have been put out in the sidings. It shouldn't come as a surprise as the new head of unit did this to me once before, insisting that I was removed from his team before he would take it over.

Doesn't stop me from being angry about it though.

smiley - shark

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Latest reply: Nov 6, 2003

That's it, it's all over...

Forced to retire to bed at 8.30...smiley - wah Old age and dotage has finally caught up with me.

On a more serious note, I note the BeeB considers that a football chant uttered by thousands anf HEARD by millions, live on their own broadcasts is in contravention of the House Rules. smiley - rofl

Arse.Nal. to 'em.

smiley - shark

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Latest reply: Nov 5, 2003

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