This is a Journal entry by Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Sticky sticky sticky

Post 1

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

We all know that our beloved h2g2 has a sticky quality. We all keep coming back to it, right? smiley - winkeye

Well, I was shocked to discover another place that has it too.

is a really nice, (smallish) blues group that I was invited to join, and what a lovely and friendly little place it is. And it was dow for 48 hours or so recently, and the first thing that happened when it went back up was thread started saying how awful it had been and how lives had been shattered by it not being there.

Does this sound familiar? smiley - laugh

smiley - shark

Sticky sticky sticky

Post 2

I'm not really here

smiley - rofl I've yet to find another site like that. I keep looking though!

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