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Talking rubbish and rubbish knees...
Posted Nov 3, 2003
Well that another halween over and done with. As predicted to the nice young man in Cyberdog, going down the local on Halloween was a severe dissapointment. There was a time when it was a reall giggle, but now there were just a sad colection of underage withces who had bought some pointy hats and wore short skirts. Still, myself and Spikey broke the Trivial Pursuit machine.
And as predicted both by and to the nice young an in Cyberdog, Halloween at the TG more thn made up for the rubbishness of local pubs. Bacck at Mass (where it really does belong. Considering i'd not been to Mass for the best part of two years it felt strangely like coming home), and full of lunatics and perverts, what a great night out...though I really should have looked after my knees better when I was young. 5 1/2 hours of more or less non stop dancing really does take it out of the old joints these days. The dissapearance of the Cabaret Lounge in all but name is a bit weird, but the electro-clash stuff being played in there was a better bet than the old days of cr8ppy rock'n'roll and the inevitable 'Starship Trooper'. Excellent sets from Allen TG and George E, though i could of down without Dex's rather shabby drum'n'bass...Ho hum.
And as for Mouse's stage show, well, I've never seen a TG crowd move so quickly...
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Latest reply: Nov 3, 2003
Careful now...
Posted Oct 28, 2003
...down with this type of thing.
The good burghers of my sleepy shire town have got themselves all excited because a company called Bright Light Leisure Ltd want to open a shop just down the road from me. Now, when I saw the notice and saw the word Licence in the smal print I had assumed this was to be yet another yuppie bar in the town, but no, raher excitingly it's actually an application to open an Adult Superstore, or as the local rag puts it, my hometown is caught in a frenzy of 'Sex Shop Outrage.'
The local residents have themselves up in arms, deciding that the streets will be filled with dirty-mac wearing perverts and peadophiles instantly in a part of the town where several schools wander up and down the road in marauding gangs of out of control hormones. One, incredibly enough is the local convent school, whose pupils will apparently be particularly affected. (I once had the dubious privilege of going out with a member of said establishment. I doubt and Adult Superstore could have taught her much...)
But I really must share with you the the thoughts from the local rags editorial which has this to say;
'...these emporia peddle videos, magazines and equipment not usually found in the most discerning households." I can only assume this is because more discerning households use a more upmarket supplier...
The nasty minded tone of the whole thing is summed up by the report on the companies Cambridge outlet, which two fearles reporters felt it necessary to investigate simply to prove their moral outrage;
'The videos were also divided into sections wih specialist areas for gays and lesbians...there is a display of kinky underwear and outfits including naughty schoolgirls and French maids. Again, homosexuals have an ares to themselves.' Damn right, we don't want the homosexuals mixing with the rest of the smut...
I was somewhat dissapointed to learn, however;
'The only browser was not your stereotypical dirty mac type. He was young and smart...It was modern and contemporary looking. There was music on and I didn't feel uncomfortable' I find it disheartening that the traditional porn shop, with its underlit interior and shuffling men coughing embarrasedly at each other over their copies of Big Bobs Monthly is being replaced by the sort of shopping experience that might be pleasant and friendly. But I suppose progress comes to us all eventually...
I look forward to this excellent enterprise opening just so I can cross the inevitable street protests in order to buy something in order to annoy the blue rinse brigade who, will, obviously assume I am a rapist, or worse yet a lesbian. I shall, of course, be careful to wear a suit and be careful not look too gay, in case they stone me to death.
Even in the shires, the 21st century will not be denied, it seems.
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Latest reply: Oct 28, 2003
Volume 1
Posted Oct 27, 2003
Well, Tarantino's 4th is a bit of a stormer. Kill Bill gets the definite and
from me. Amongst the many highlights;
Sonny Chiba as the bar owner.
Gordon Liu (we can only hope that in Volume 2 Gordon will get to strut his stuff and show us some of that fantastic form as seen in such classics as 'Drunken Shaolin Monk' and '36 Chambers of Shaolin') as the bar owners stroppy mate.
The big stupid grin I got from the Shaw Brothers music at the beginning.
The wonderful homage to Japanese yakuza classic 'Lady Snowblood'.(We can only hope that Volume 2 will give us a similar homage to the babycart of Death' series, as her kid is still alive...)
Uma Thurman in Bruce's yellow and black jumpsuit...Uma Thurman in general, actually...
The beautifully judged and executed anime sequence.
'Those of you that are still alive can leave with your lives. But leave your limbs. They belong to me now.'
Roll on Volume 2.
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Latest reply: Oct 27, 2003
Posted Oct 23, 2003
it appears that it increasingly, people mistake kindness for weakness.
Perhaps it's time to stop being Mr Nice Guy and call their bluff?
As ever, readers opinions are greatly valued.
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Latest reply: Oct 23, 2003
Normal Service is Resumed
Posted Oct 15, 2003
'Sunny Day
Sweepin' the clouds away
On my way to where the air is sweet'
Well, Sarfend, anyway.
Tired of being miserable and feeling sorry for myself. Because, as a very wise man once said;
'And all the world is football-shaped
It’s just for me to kick in space
And I can see, hear, smell, touch, taste
And I’ve got one, two, three, four, five
Senses working overtime.'
Thank you Andy Partridge. And Sargeant-at-arms John Keel too.
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Latest reply: Oct 15, 2003
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