This is a Journal entry by Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like
That's it, it's all over...
Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like Started conversation Nov 5, 2003
Forced to retire to bed at 8.30... Old age and dotage has finally caught up with me.
On a more serious note, I note the BeeB considers that a football chant uttered by thousands anf HEARD by millions, live on their own broadcasts is in contravention of the House Rules.
Arse.Nal. to 'em.
That's it, it's all over...
Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences Posted Nov 5, 2003
Really? A moderation attack eh? It's usually me that suffers that problem . How does it feel to be a naughty boy?
That's it, it's all over...
Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like Posted Nov 5, 2003
That's it, it's all over...
Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences Posted Nov 5, 2003
Well I wasn't suggesting it was. Seems a bit of an odd thing to chose though.
2030 eh? I can hear that OAP home calling...
That's it, it's all over...
Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences Posted Nov 5, 2003
That's it, it's all over...
Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like Posted Nov 5, 2003
That's it, it's all over...
Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences Posted Nov 5, 2003
That's it, it's all over...
Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like Posted Nov 5, 2003
That's it, it's all over...
Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences Posted Nov 5, 2003
That's it, it's all over...
I'm not really here Posted Nov 5, 2003
Look, I'm going to unsubscribe from BS's journals if they all end up political discussions.
Before I do though, what's this about moderating stuff? Where? I hate it when I miss all the good stuff!
That's it, it's all over...
Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like Posted Nov 5, 2003
Well it's in your journal... My little comment about football chants aimed at Mrs and Mrs Beckham didn't go down to well it seems.
This isn't turning political anyway. It's a puint and laugh session at pillocks. It just so happens that he was a politician.
That's it, it's all over...
Haylle (Nyssabird) ? mg to recovery Posted Nov 6, 2003
Don't worry Blues. I think a sleep-inducing virus is going around . Feels like half the population has mono.
That's it, it's all over...
Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like Posted Nov 6, 2003
Mmm, I hope you are not taking the mickey there, after I stood up fo you so nicely in the other thread.
That's it, it's all over...
I'm not really here Posted Nov 6, 2003
Someone's moderated in my journal? Can you point to it, as I missed it totally!
That's it, it's all over...
Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences Posted Nov 6, 2003
Sorry Mina, it just so happened that the first example I could think of of someone who lost a libel case on the grounds that it was fair comment was a politician, well, ex-politician actually.
That's it, it's all over...
I'm not really here Posted Nov 6, 2003
And it was moderated? Not that I mind it was in my journal, I just like to see these things.
If something was fair comment and wasn't libel, why was it removed when you said it?
Sorry to nag on about this, but it's what I do for a living. Just cos I don't do it on h2g2 anymore, doesn't mean I'm not dead nosy about these things.
Oh arse, look at the time! What's that boy doing! I have to go to work, try not to fill up pages and pages of backlog for me to read before I get into work and get five minutes to come back and read again.
That's it, it's all over...
Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences Posted Nov 6, 2003
No dear, not me- that was my comment about Rupert Allason, which is still there, in post 7 of this journal.
What was moderated was post 56 in your journal entry "subject: Journal entry", within which the honourable member for Essex made a passing reference to a certain football chant, within which the chanters enquire of Mr. Beckham if he ever takes Mrs. Beckham to see the Gunners....
That's it, it's all over...
Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like Posted Nov 6, 2003
That's it, it's all over...
Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences Posted Nov 6, 2003
That's it, it's all over...
Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like Posted Nov 6, 2003
A masterpiece of avoidance ond obfuscation. I won't make the obvious comment because Mina wil accuse me of talking politics and run away again...
Key: Complain about this post
That's it, it's all over...
- 1: Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like (Nov 5, 2003)
- 2: Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences (Nov 5, 2003)
- 3: Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like (Nov 5, 2003)
- 4: Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences (Nov 5, 2003)
- 5: Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences (Nov 5, 2003)
- 6: Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like (Nov 5, 2003)
- 7: Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences (Nov 5, 2003)
- 8: Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like (Nov 5, 2003)
- 9: Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences (Nov 5, 2003)
- 10: I'm not really here (Nov 5, 2003)
- 11: Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like (Nov 5, 2003)
- 12: Haylle (Nyssabird) ? mg to recovery (Nov 6, 2003)
- 13: Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like (Nov 6, 2003)
- 14: I'm not really here (Nov 6, 2003)
- 15: Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences (Nov 6, 2003)
- 16: I'm not really here (Nov 6, 2003)
- 17: Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences (Nov 6, 2003)
- 18: Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like (Nov 6, 2003)
- 19: Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences (Nov 6, 2003)
- 20: Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like (Nov 6, 2003)
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